
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, March 5, 2015

The ides of March have come....aye Caesar, but have not gone.

Image result for najib Malay unity talk

When the PM presented himself at the recent gathering of Malays possessed of greatness, dignity and blessed – who were in most parts, transported to the venue, given money and perhaps uniforms and attire, he must be aware of what was written in the New York Times expose;

Neither any money spent on travel, nor any jewellery purchases, nor the alleged contents of any safes are unusual for a person of the prime minister’s position, responsibilities and legacy family assets.

Najib does not deny all those allegations but cockily justified those things mentioned as a result of being who he is, and due to his inheritance. Inherit from who?

Stripped of all its spinmaster’s mumbo jumbo, the response from the PMO simply said-yes the PM takes and accumulates money! He is no Tom Dick or Harry- but the PM, leader of the best democracy in the world, the country and with the best and mostest.

Perhaps the largest amount of money Tun Razak had when he passed away was the Magsasay Award- RM30,000 at that time I think. Tengku Razaleigh mentioned to me once, that the balance in Tun Razak’s account was, if I am not mistaken, RM4000 plus. He had no house except the one in Pekan and that was given to him by the late Tengku Ibrahim Tuanku Sultan Abu Bakar. Tengku Razaleigh then initiated moves for the government to grant Razak’s widow Toh Puan Rahah the bungalow at the present location.

Najib must be pulling his hair at the bald stupidity of his PR Team headed by one Paul Stadlen. The response to what’s written by NYT was given not by local bloggers or the more or less perennial detractors of the PM- but came from his PR people.

The PR team- the spin masters clique is said to  be headed by the stylin', profilin', limousine riding, jet flying, kiss-stealing, butt slappin’, bunny-girl carousin’, wheelin' n' dealin' son of a gun ….Paul Stadlen. This man headed Najib’s National Communications Team.

The Razak Siblings should be focusing their resources and power to suing this son of a gun. He must have directed the stupid response which now opens more can of worms for the PM.

This is the man who is undoing the legacy of his father. His profligacy stands in direct contrast to the frugality of the father. He is on a mission of breaking up the legacy, not inheriting and fortifying them. Najib will soon prove that he is the prodigal son.

Consider the case of Felda. Felda which was supposed to help out the landless is slowly becoming what was initially feared by the settlers- an enslaving conglomerate. Well, the 112, 635 settlers are now practically working for FGV which is more interested in buying out hotels, constructing tall buildings, providing a springboard of leisurely pursuits for the directors and high and mighty officers at FGV.  

He has to think of PKFZ, 1MDB etc. He has to explain what the response meant by the prime ministers position andresponsibilities that should not surprise anyone about the money in the safe. Traveling and jet setting and purchase of jewellery. It’s their bloody money!

Does by the term PM’s position suggest that because and by virtue of the position he holds, the PM can do whatever he wishes with the money belonging to the people? Further does it suggest by the term responsibilities- because he has responsibilities, he therefore has the unchallengeable right to dip into the country’s kitty?  

The most important worry that Najib has to bear are the irrepressible attacks from the man who can walk on water- Dr Mahathir. Najib can summon the UMNO brethren to talk to them on this 8th of March- but you can be certain after the meeting, they will meet up Dr Mahathir. And Dr Mahathir will insist on kicking out Najib.

He has openly said it. A simpleton can understand the message. If everyone is saying you are no good, then you should leave. A leader looks behind to see whether he has following. Najib has none but dismisses it like the feudal aristocrat he is. The problem with Najib , says Dr Mahathir- when he looks behind, he is surrounded by a phalanx of sycophantic lap-dogging suppliants, he is blissfully ignorant that beyond the mass of hangers on- no one is following him. Ignorance is indeed bliss to Najib.

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