
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, March 27, 2015

Worry about Najib, not Othman Wok – Sir Wenger

Image result for NajibImage result for Tuan Haji Othman Wok

Nasty pro-Najib bloggers has decided to run down Tuan Haji Othman Wok, one of the last remaining first generation leaders of Singapore. In their eagerness to show off their “race, language and religion” credentials, they have accused Mr Othman of selling out the Malay race whilst at the same time, they are silent when Jho Low takes USD 700million (RM2, 567 million) of Malay wealth to fund his partying ways.
Mr Othman is touching 90.  Immature bloggers ignorant of history and who have bad breath because “kalau dia buka mulut, masih DAP hidu bau susu” should not condemn him because he decided to partner with Mr Lee Kuan Yew within the PAP cabinet.
Singapore has a different model than Malaysia. In Malaysia, the defenders of the race shout and scream about “agama, bangsa and tanah air” but are afraid to speak out when chubby Jho Low “rembats” USD 700 million to pay for all the crystal he splashes around.  In Singapore, the government is serious in doing its job, has developed world class education facilities and ensures that Singaporeans regardless of race could afford to buy their own by providing adequate public housing.
The question that these people should ask is whether or not Mr Othman’s decision to partner with Mr Lee was beneficial for the Malay community in Singapore. And the answer is a resounding yes. Mr Othman’s participation alongside other first generation Singapore leaders has paved the way for the society to move from the racial mindset into a unified country.
Mr Lee Kuan Yew had once said that Singapore is an open country, people are free to move in and free to move out, and there is no other way which will work. Singaporean Malays who stayed in Singapore did so because they chose to do so. For them, having a Malay representative in the Cabinet was important to present a picture of unity within the wider Singaporean community.
They decided to strike it out in that little country and are integrated into the wider Singapore society that consists of many races and nationalities. Mr Othman decided that Mr Lee was going to bring the country places and so he decided to join him. History has proven that Mr Othman made the right call.
One thing these pro-Najib bloggers should learn is “muhasabah” or self-introspection. Don’t be quick to condemn people who have no record of any dishonesty when under Najib, the country is reeling from so many crises.
Don’t talk about Malay rights when under Najib, when chubby Jho Low can rembat USD700 million and chubby Goldman Sachs bankers can rembat billions of ringgit in commissions.
Don’t talk about being bold and not under peoples thumb when under Najib, when all we hear is silence. Government position on Hudud, silence. Who was on 9MNAA in US inspecting a new airplane purchase, silence.  What happened to the RM3.8 billion which was borrowed from KWAP, that is the pencen orang kerajaan, silence. Semua silence.   
Just keep on praising Najib and earning your pay check. Nobody will be begrudge you of livelihood.

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