
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Saturday, May 2, 2015


So even if you can show me documents to prove that Najib did not pay a single sen for his daughter’s wedding reception and that the entire cost was paid by the groom’s family I will tell you to go fook yourself because I am convinced that that is not true and my belief is not based on facts but on what I like to believe.
Raja Petra Kamarudin
It seems Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak did not pay for his daughter’s lavish wedding reception after all. At least this is what Najib’s special officer, Rizal Mansor, said. Rizal said the groom’s family, who had requested the reception, had paid the entire cost.
I don’t know why the Prime Minister or someone from his office wasted everybody’s time by clarifying this matter. I think Najib should just shut the fook up. I mean, do you think whatever the Prime Minister says those opposed to him are going to believe it?
Already, after just a few minutes of the release of that statement, so many are posting comments in the Internet saying they do not believe this story.
Okay, I know, maybe so many people are screaming and demanding that Najib reply and explain the many issues. But do you honestly think we really want your reply?
Of course, if you keep quiet we will whack you for keeping quiet. But if you respond we will not accept what you say anyway and will insist you are lying. So, Najib, better you just shut the fook up.
Let me put it this way. Christians believe that the Bible is the word of God and Muslims believe that the Qur’an is the word of God. And Christians believe if you follow Jesus you go to heaven while Muslims believe if you follow Muhammad you go to heaven.
Now, one belief has to be true while the other has to be a fooking lie. Both cannot be true. Or maybe both are fooking lies and only Jews will get to go to heaven — eat your heart out you silly Christians and Muslims. Hidup Yahudi!
I mean do you think Christians think they are wrong while Muslims are right? Do you think Muslims think they are wrong while Christians are right?
Once I believe in something the truth no longer matters. The truth is not important so do not confuse me with facts. What has facts got to do with what I believe?
If I think Najib is wrong then Najib is wrong. Nothing you can say will make me change my mind and think he is right. My opinion of Najib has nothing to do with facts or evidence but is based on what I think of him.
I mean two months ago we were told 1MDB has lost RM42 billion. I don’t like Najib so I believed that.
Then last month we were told 1MDB lost RM27 billion and I believed that also because, yes, you guessed it, I don’t like Najib.
Now they tell me 1MDB lost RM14 billion. Well, guess what, I also believe that as well.
Okay, maybe in one or two weeks’ time they might say 1MDB lost RM7 billion instead. And I will believe that as well. I will believe anything negative about Najib because I do not like him and I believe anything negative about him.
If you suddenly come out with the auditor’s or PAC report that confirms 1MDB actually did not lose any money but in fact made a profit, do you think I am going to believe that? I am convinced 1MDB has lost billions — first RM42 billion, then RM27 billion, and now RM14 billion — so any report that does not confirm this loss is not acceptable.
So even if you can show me documents to prove that Najib did not pay a single sen for his daughter’s wedding reception and that the entire cost was paid by the groom’s family I will tell you to go fook yourself because I am convinced that that is not true and my belief is not based on facts but on what I like to believe.

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