
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, May 31, 2015

When Atuks And Orang Kaya Become Afraid Of Going To Hell For All Their Sins

Image result for sekolah menengah ugama

I received the following comment from a reader about my much earlier post : "Negative factors affecting sekolah kebangsaan".

From Azman 

I have been forwarded clips of views sent on the above subject.
A similar situation is happening too,  amongst some retired circles. Golfing community, alumni groups, sports groups, travelling, food and current affairs discussion groups online have more often than not spent more time forwarding cut and  paste articles and video clips.
My guess is they hardly appreciate what they sent. More often these messages are what were termed as chain letters in the era before internet. The penalty for not forwarding the chain letters to an X no of recipients then was the threat of doom and  bad luck.
Nowadays the recipients are made to feel guilty as a non caring muslim, if these cut and paste items failed to be forwarded.
My hunch is most retirees are influenced to participate and join the born again or rejuvenated muslims as they feel its redemption time. They feel they are on the few final laps before being "called in".
With this approach the kids in this case will be further wrapped  and trapped in the "ostat" education syllabus syndrome. At school they are fed with extra religious fodder. They go back their 'atuks' will praise and encourage them more. Their immediate parents find themselves caught in between.
Now how do we malays win then??

My comments:

Thank you Azman.  There was once a banker who was outwardly a very religious sort of person. Wife pakai niqab (this was in the late 1980s), the guy was in the Tabligh etc. At that time there was no "Islamic" banking.

But his banking was very "Jewish" in the way he dealt with  clients. Insane interest margins, penalties for breaching banking covenants etc were quite normal.

I think the brother did feel guilty about being so "Jewish".  To make up for the "sins" he sent his sons to sekolah agama. Maybe in the hope that if his children became hafiz or became ostat, their doa will one day lighten the burden of the father's "banking sins".

The burden of the father's guilt is transferred to the children, permanently.

In Bukit Damansara, Taman Tun, Taman TAR and other affluent Malay areas, you will find a lot of wealthier Malays "sponsoring" celebrity ostats to come to their houses and conduct ceramahs, tafseer Quran, tahlil and other religious events.

They hope that by sponsoring these ostat wal retards and these useless religious events, they will be able to tebus dosa or redeem themselves from their sins - usually the sins of stealing from the people's money. Stealing plenty of money.

Especially if they were gomen people,  makan rasuah people, sapu projek dan kontrak people etc.  (Well Tan Sris, Datos etc you know exactly what you did last summer. And the summer before.)

So because of the amount of 'sinful' behaviour that is going on in the country and the amount of guilt that is borne by these sinful people, and their attempts at "tebus dosa" (redeem their sins) it has spawned an entire new industry : the "ostat wal retard" religious talks, the tafseer classes at home etc.   

Let me tell you a secret : Sorry morons, you are too late.  You can rasuah people with money. But you cannot rasuah away your sins by inviting the retards into your houses, reciting some prayers,  conducting some religious discussion etc and then have all your sins redeemed.

And please do not spoil your childrens future by sending them away to sekolah agama in the hope that their future prayers will redeem your sins either.  How dumb can you get.

Reading the comment by Azman above, that is what is happening.  Azman says,  

"With this approach the kids in this case will be further wrapped  and trapped in the "ostat" education syllabus syndrome. At school they are fed with extra religious fodder. They go back their 'atuks' will praise and encourage them more. Their immediate parents find themselves caught in between. Now how do we malays win then??"

Azman, as a first step do not listen to the retards. Do not invite them into your homes. Tell your friends as well.

The second step is please read the Quran and understand it by yourself. Whether in Arabic, translation etc is fine. That is how I began. The Quran has its own power.

Familiarise yourself with what the Quran says.  You can go to http://quranbrowser.com and read 10 different English translations of the Quran.

Avoid the Malay translations - they are highly suspect. 

The Indonesian translation by Departemen Agama Republik Indonesia is good. 

Avoid the Muhammad Muhsin Khan translation. It will make you 'sesat'.

Do not put your life in the hands of people who cannot provide evidence for what they say. 

Do not put your life in the hands of people who prey on your guilty conscience to invite them into your home and makan free.

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