
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, September 21, 2015

Bangkok Blasts : Malaysia Transit Area For Terrorists Again

Image result for Bangkok blast

Again and again, Malaysia is appearing in the bad news section of the world news. 

Its bad enough that the Super Moron is locking up people who are trying to expose his criminal conduct. Almost every newspaper in the world is carrying this story. 

Now it appears that the terrorists who bombed that temple in Bangkok also used Malaysia as a transit and possible staging point. Here is the news:

1. The first one is from Reuters : http://mobile.reuters.com/article/idUSKCN0RE08720150914

  • Mon Sep 14, 2015 
  • Thailand says key bomb suspect in Turkey, three held in Malaysia
  • key suspect in bombing in B'kok tracked to Turkey
  • Malaysia made three arrests related to attack
  • Aug. 17 bombing at the Erawan Hindu shrine, killed 20 people
  • leader in bombing fled to Bangladesh using Chinese passport on eve of blast 
  • two weeks later transited New Delhi and Abu Dhabi to Istanbul
  • arrest warrant issued for Abu Dustar Abdulrahman, alias Izan via Interpol
  • evidence from Bangladesh that Izan went to Abu Dhabi and then to Turkey
  • Turkish embassy had been notified
  • Malaysian and Thai polic
  • In KL police said two M'sians and Pakistani arrested
  • Thai police unaware of arrests
  •  M'sia believed they helped those involved in plot to escape
  • suspected bomber could have been in M'sia
  • Yusufu Mieraili, implicated Izan, admitted delivering backpack to yellow-shirt
  • Thai visas issued in KL to Abu Dustar Abdulrahman and Yusufu Mieraili
  • applied using Chinese passports, Uighur Muslims, seek passage to Turkey
  • Thailand repatriating 109 Uighurs to China
2. Here is the second news item from Free Malaysia Today :

  • M’sian police nabbed 2 behind Erawan bombing
  • B'KOK: M'sian police sent Thais photos of two men 
  • played role in deadly Erawan Shrine blast
  • Thai will analyse photos of two 
  • “blue-shirt” kicked device into Chao Phraya River 
  • exploded under Sathorn Pier
  • M'sian police searched apartments and rooms hiding two bombers 
  • at request of Thai police
  • Pakistani and two M'sians undergoing interrogation by M'sian police 
  • gang gave shelter to yellow and blue-shirt 2km from Moo Noh police station
  • two taken by boat across Golok River near Soi Rong Leuy
  • two M'sian men A-pi and Padeh, waiting to receive them
  • M'sian man identified as Serlin took the two to KL
  • SB tipped off after 'Abdul' threatened Thai Embassy in KL 
  • admitted meeting bomber and handing him explosives 
  • Aug 17, 20 killed bomb exploded near the Erawan shrine

My comments : It appears that the two suspected bombers Abu Dustar Abdurahman and Yusuf Mierali obtained visas from the Thai Embasy here in KL to enter Thailand.

After the bombing they crossed the Golok River and were taken by someone to Kuala Lumpur.  Two Malaysians and a Pakistani involved in the logistics have been arrested. I assume the bombers ahev disappeared. 

Another bomber escaped from Bangkok to Bangladesh and then to Turkey via New Delhi and Dubai. 

Once again terrorists use Malaysia as a terrorist transit point and even a staging area. 

Malaysia has a really bad reputation in the world for being a transit point or staging point for so many terrorists.

The 9-11 terrorists also passed through Malaysia.  The JI terrorists also had their networks in Malaysia.

All this started (and has never been pulled back) with that Liwat Monkey now sitting jail in Sg Buloh. 

During his time all sorts of 'islamic' (nauzubillah) terrorists  were almost welcomed in Malaysia.

Indonesian terror leader Abu Bakar Bashir was given a PR here in Malaysia by the Liwat Monkey. 

Here is an extract from the "Report by the 9-11 Commission"

(Spring 2000): Candidate Hijacker Obtains Pilot’s Licence in Malaysia
Zaini Zakaria, a Jemaah Islamiyah (JI) and al-Qaeda operative who has been assigned to a 9/11-style operation, is instructed to take flight training by al-Qaeda commander Mohammed Atef and travels to Malaysia to obtain a pilot’s license. 

He meets fellow JI operative Faiz abu Baker Bafana in Kuala Lumpur and visits the Royal Selangor Flying Club at a nearby Malaysian Air Force base. 

Zaini had earlier traveled to Afghanistan with JI leader Hambali, Bafana, and another operative called Zamzulri in 1999 to receive military training, and had met Khalid Shaikh Mohammed in Karachi, Pakistan. 

Zaini obtains a pilot’s license and makes inquiries in Australia about learning to fly jets, but eventually drops out of the plot in 2001.   The school may have been recommended by Yazid Sufaat. 

An important al-Qaeda summit was held at Sufaat’s Kuala Lumpur condominium in January 2000 (see January 5-8, 2000). Sufaat will later claim that some of the summit attendees (including two future 9/11 hijackers) asked him about flying schools in Malaysia, and he recommended the one in the region where the Royal Selangor Flying Club is. Zacarias Moussaoui will later visit the same flying school while staying with Sufaat (see Early September 2000). 

The CIA stopped the surveillance of Sufaat’s condominium some point in 2000 (see Between February and September 2000); it is not known if this happened before or after Zakaria was in Malaysia.

Well that was the Al Qaeda, jemaah Islamiyah 9-11 gig that occured circa late 1990s in Malaysia.  During the Liwat Monkey's time. 

(I honestly believe I may have run across some of these terror suspects. In the 90s  I used to attend plenty, plenty "Islamic forums" etc organised by the Liwat Monkey's goons, where I used to meet all sorts of weirdos - strange Afghans, Algerians, Chechens, Arabs all living here and moving around free and easy. Many of them claimed to be "students".)

This is now 2015 - sudah masuk 21st century. Liwat is in jail. Why do all these terrorists still find Malaysia such an easy place to enter and where they get help to carry out their terrorist acts? 

I have a question - why dont all these terrorists use Singapore as their transit place?

Or Jakarta in Indonesia? 
Or Manila in the Philippines? 
Or Dhaka in Bangladesh? 
Or Pakistan?

Why do they all insist on coming to Malaysia?

The terrorists favorite countries used to be or still are Somalia, Yemen, Sudan,  Afghanistan etc.

Somalia is lawless. Money gets you protection.
Same with Yemen and Sudan (Osama lived in Sudan for a few years).
Afghanistan has always been a terrorist sh*thole.

But why do these terrorists keep coming to Malaysia?  

We are not Somalia, Yemen, Sudan or Afghanistan.

I think it is for the same reason the ketuanan idiots got so easily conned  by the Aabar,  Gaabar  camelherders.  

The  ketuanan  idiots who are in charge here are just plain stupid. 

This is what attracts these terrorists.

If you are Arab or dress like an Arab the foolish locals are ready to kiss your butt.

If you are not an Arab, just use the 'islamic brotherhood' crap, throw in the assalaam, wassalaam, habibi etc.  and the locals just go ape.  

The terrorists can rent apartments here, they can rent rooms, they have people to receive them at Golok, they have networks to transport them around the country, they can plot their terrorist attacks from here. 

The 9-11 plotters even attended flight school here. 

Semua boleh.  

Can being stupid be made a crime? I wish..

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