
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, September 21, 2015

FROM MURDER TO GRAND THEFT: Malays must think - can 'MOST DISGRACEFUL MALAY' Najib fight for their pride

FROM MURDER TO GRAND THEFT: Malays must think - can 'MOST DISGRACEFUL MALAY' Najib fight for their pride
How is it possible for our PM, who has been in politics since 1976 and has been PM since 2009, even say that Malay dignity has been injured? What did he do to promote Malay dignity during his gilded tenure as minister to PM?
When did he become conscious of loss in Malay pride?
Surely not when he entered into a business relationship with Jho Low? Chinese businessmen feted him. He enjoyed their company in more ways than one. He gave a Chinese golfing buddy of over 20 years a huge contract building a LRT system. RM11 over billion.
Chinese businessmen contributed and donated money for UMNO’s political funds. The majority of Class A contractors farmed out their contracts to Chinese businessmen and took away commissions.
In these times, not a squeak about the loss of Malay dignity.
Malay dignity is lost when they are deceived by their own leaders.
Our PM became conscious of Malay pride when he could not answer how RM2.6billion ended in his personal account. He became conscious of Malay pride when he could not explain the movement of RM46 billion investments by 1mdb. He becomes conscious of Malay dignity when he is widely despised by the people of Malaysia. He becomes conscious when he is accused of misconduct in public office, when he is accused of abuse of power, when he is accused of governing arbitrarily.
Who has been responsible for it? Dignity is grounded on individual initiative, personal freedom and responsibility, translated into actions that earn respect. Malays can’t demand respect. They must earn it.
It is no one’s fault if the Malays have lost their dignity. They have allowed themselves to be manipulated by the government in power.
Malay dignity has been injured when Najib conspired with Jho Low in siphoning money from 1MDB to Good Star. Malay dignity has been injured further when Najib through his actions, showed that Malays can easily succumbed to making money the illegal way. Such as purchasing IPPs at inflated price and then getting some donations from these IPPs. That showed the Malays, represented by our PM are not beneath stealing.
Malay self-worth and dignity are further eroded when our PM shamed us by being the subject of police reports all over the world. Our dignity as Malays is injured when our PM has not sued Wall Street Journal until today, shuffling his feet and finding excuses not to challenge WSJ. That shows the Malays, as represented by Najib are cowardly.
The question is, do we want PM Najib to represent us Malays?
The person ultimately responsible for the erosion of Malay self-pride and self-respect and dignity is Najib himself. Now he’s hiding behind the name of race, religion and Malay Kings?
How to defend Najib? He is nowhere near Lee Hsien Loong. And certainly, the thuggish Zahid cannot be compared to Uncle Tharman Shanmugaratnam. Malays are led by incompetent leaders.
This is the problem with UMNO Malays. They walk around with the sense of entitlement. They must have this and that, as of right. Now, as I have always believed, a right is something you earned, worked for and fight for. Then you are entitled to fight for its conservation.
Otherwise, strictly on religious grounds, the whole Malay race is living on usury or riba. The simple definition of usury or riba is, it is unearned income. Hence living on unearned right is usurious!
The problem which is never explained by UMNO is why has the industry of Malays not been rewarded by just returns? The equally simple answer is, because UMNO have only carried out policies that benefited the top 5% of the Malays.
Again I repeat, UMNO have carried out policies that benefited the elite them. Now this elite is fiercely defending Najib.
Then UMNO explained away the unhappiness with the manufactured reason as to why the rest 95% did not get their dues- they have been robbed by others notably the Chinese. They did not explained, the rest of the Malays were robbed and continued to be robbed by the Malay political elite.
The condition wherein the Malays find themselves presently is not the 100% result of market forces. Market forces do result in water finding its own level as expressed in social arrangement and stratification, but these forces are also largely determined by government policies. The politics of the ruling class shaped the market forces as a result, caused the social stratification of the Malays.
The red shirt marchers better start thinking on this issue. Is their lot caused by others or by the policies of Najib’s government?
I was told for example, at the Dignity March of 169, Ibrahim Ali brought up the subject of Malay Reserve Land. How is DAP responsible for the diminution of Malay Reserve land? 2 minutes into his speech, this cerebrally challenged windbag contradicted himself. But by then, the emotionally worked up crowd didn’t give a damn.
The people responsible for the loss of Malay Reserve land are the UMNO governments. They allowed Malay Reserve land to be sold, developed, and alienated without demanding the equivalent value of land to be Malay Reserved.
I am surprised that the top leadership of the present UMNO gave their clandestine support for UMNO’s March for Dignity. It wasn’t Malay dignity they were fighting for. It was Najib’s UMNO and Najib’s own survival.
The stark reality is that UMNO has lost its own dignity because of Najib’s misconduct and abuse of power.
Malay dignity suffers a monstrosity of a loss when the UMNO Malay government they supported let them down. - http://sakmongkol.blogspot.my/

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