
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, September 19, 2015

Lepas temu Mat Salleh di Eastin, Kharuddin sudah ada jet peribadi tunggu di Subang

Gambar di atas adalah Khairuddin dengan seorang orang putih di hotel Eastin PJ petang semalam.

Tenggahari tadi, Khairuddin ada membuat kenyataan mengatakan Imigresen sudah halangnya dari keluar negara.

Begitu juga peguamnya Matthias Chang...Baca The Star SINI

Nampaknya sebaik kena tahan dia terus jumpa orang asing. Dan petang dia ditahan polis bawah SOSMA. Petikan dari Malaysia Today:

Khairuddin, who was all gung-ho and full of bravado before this, appeared a bit flustered with the latest development. He thought that with a powerful person behind him he would be untouchable and the police would not dare do anything. He even declared that he is not scared and does not fear any retaliation.

Now, with the ban on him leaving the country and the directive to report to Bukit Aman on Monday, he suddenly realised that he may actually be a small fish in a big pond after all. How, in the first place, he thought he could leave the country when he is a bankrupt is quite amusing. Maybe he thought his powerful friends could get him an exemption, which apparently they could not after all.

That was when Khairuddin decided it might be better if he quickly sneaked out of the country rather than take the risk of reporting to Bukit Aman on Monday. Suspicions were triggered when a certain VVIP’s private jet was fully fuelled and went on standby at the Subang Airport. The fact that this VVIP was also Khairuddin’s master made the possibility of flight even more certain.

At 7.00pm tonight, the police went knocking on Khairuddin’s front door and he tried to escape through the backdoor. But the police were waiting at the backdoor as well and quickly apprehended him.

Khairuddin said he is telling the truth and does not fear anything because what he is saying is the truth. But his attempt to sneak out through the backdoor and escape to Subang where a private jet was waiting for him gives the impression of the reverse.

Oh, and do not forget, you read it here first, on Malaysia Today, the Blog with the longest tentacles that reach into the very depths of the corridors of power.


Khairuddin Abu Hassan and his recent marriage to his second wife, with VVIP Dr Mahathir in attendance (below)


Sepenuh di SINI


Konspirasi tengah mula nak terbarai hungga terpaksa main prlbagai drama

Khairuddin adalah orang yang membiayai buku 50 dalil terhadap sepupunya Anwar Ibrahim,

Unspinners difahamkan dari komen-komen FB bahawa kumpulan jatuhkan kerajaan yang disertai Khairuddin ada bertemu dengan pemimpin-pemimpin PKR seperti Johari Abdul, Saifuddin Nasution, Rafizi dan Azmin Ali.

Entah ye atau tidak FB ni ... hehehe

Usaha Khairuddin dan Matthias untuk buat laporan polis di merata tempat dah kelihatan seperti drama serupa seperti drama  Altantunya dan drama Anina.

Anina ini dibayar dengan banyak untuk mainkan watak untuk lakunan awam. Siapa tukang bayarnya, Sheikh? 

Nampaknya semua drama ini yang diwarkan WSJ dan akhbar asing datangnya dari sumber yang sama. Kesemua ini bersekongkol dengan DAP, Clare Rewcastle, Xavier Justo, The Edge dll. disokong oleh aparacik asing melalui NED dan Soros.

Jangan hairan ada pihak berkuasa yang sama bersekongkol yang mana Gani Patail memang disuspek pemula konspirasi.

Tak payah nak komen pasal siasatan yang tertangguh.

Komen akan dibuang sebab kami nyatakan siasatan akan dijalankan dan proses perlu diteruskan TAPI tanpa ada niat jahat dan konspirasi hingga ada pihak bersama Gani Patail yang bertanggungjawab kalah Pulau Batu Putih kepada Singapura.

Jika betul dia ambil rasuah untuk kalah kes itu, dia memang pengkhianat. Perkataannya jika, maka tak payah nak cari loyar untuk saman. 

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