
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, September 20, 2015

‘Red shirt’ rally shows need to pass unity bills, say council members

The ‘red shirt’ rally on Wednesday was marked by racially charged statements, which undermined the constitution, says an opposition lawmaker who sits on the National Unity Consultative Council. – The Malaysian Insider pic, September 20, 2015.The ‘red shirt’ rally on Wednesday was marked by racially charged statements, which undermined the constitution, says an opposition lawmaker who sits on the National Unity Consultative Council. – The Malaysian Insider pic, September 20, 2015.
Amid warnings that ethnic strife will only spell disaster for Malaysia, following the “Himpunan Rakyat Bersatu” or “red shirt” rally on Wednesday, which saw thousands of Malays taking to the streets to defend their honour, two members of the National Unity Consultative Council (NUCC) said the street demonstration underscored the importance for Putrajaya to introduce unity legislation to address growing racial tension.
Datuk Mujahid Yusof Rawa, who heads the NUCC working committee on law and policy which drafted the unity bills, said the racial tones and Malay supremacy theme of the rally were dangerous and wrong as they undermined the core of the constitution.
“The effect on national unity is obvious because the rally is ushering the country towards hatred and animosity and trying to force others to accept the supremacy of another race,” the Parit Buntar MP told The Malaysian Insider.
The rally, both Mujahid and fellow NUCC member Datin Paduka Marina Mahathir said, was a desperate attempt by leaders from Umno and Malay right-wing groups to make a name for themselves.
“We know these are just some desperate politicians trying to make a name for themselves,” Marina said.
Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak, however, has defended the rally as a manifestation of Malays defending their dignity.
He told the National Silat Federation Assembly on Friday that the Malays would rise up when their pride was scarred and their leaders humiliated.
He said even though several illegal rallies had been held to challenge the dignity of the Malays, they were patient.
“Slapped once, we did not do anything. The second time... nothing... the third time... nothing... but the fourth time had crossed the limit. Malays also have rights,” he said, referring to the Bersih 4 rally on August 29 and 30, when thousands of yellow-clad Malaysians gathered near Dataran Merdeka last month to demand Najib’s resignation and electoral reforms.
The “red shirt” rally was organised to counter the Bersih 4 protest, which organisers said had insulted the integrity of the Malay race. 
It saw racially charged remarks and placards, with tense moments when participants were upset over questions posed by some journalists. Riot police were also forced to use water cannon to stop rowdy protesters from entering Petaling Street.
Yesterday, former Thai foreign minister Kasit Piromya said playing the racial card in street demonstrations would only lead the country down the path of war-torn countries, such as Syria and Iraq.
“Don’t turn the rallies into an ethnic question. That would be dangerous. We’ve seen this in Iraq, in Syria,” he said speaking at a conference on liberalism in Kuala Lumpur.
Mujahid said the void of unity legislation would give racism a free ticket and showed the government was not concerned about tackling racial tension. 
“The proposed bill will look into whether there was any intent to racial and religious hatred before any judgment is passed and whether such intent would bring harm and stir up the public,” he said. 
The National Harmony Act was to have replaced the Sedition Act, which Najib had promised to repeal. 
Datin Paduka Marina Mahathir says she does not think the unity bills will ever become laws under the Najib-led administration. – The Malaysian Insider file pic, September 20, 2015.Datin Paduka Marina Mahathir says she does not think the unity bills will ever become laws under the Najib-led administration. – The Malaysian Insider file pic, September 20, 2015.But under pressure from conservative Malay groups, Najib reneged on the promise, and early this year, Putrajaya pushed through amendments to the Sedition Act to strengthen it. The act decriminalises criticism of the administration of justice and the government, but makes promoting hatred between different religions a crime.
Marina, however, said she did not think the unity bills would ever become law under the Najib-led administration, although they would protect those who made racially charged statements and speeches at the “red shirt” rally.
“I think the unity bills are very good but I don’t have much hope in them ever becoming law, at least not while this government is still in power. 
“If people weren’t so blinded by propaganda, they might see that the unity bills actually protect everyone, even some of the guys at the ‘red shirt’ rally. It basically protects hot air but not actual intention to harm others,” the activist added.
The three bills are the Racial and Religious Hate Crimes Bill, National Harmony and Reconciliation Bill and National Harmony and Reconciliation Commission Bill. 
Marina also said the rally organisers had failed to ensure that the gathering would not incite hate towards other races and provoke violence, urging the authorities to act against the culprits.
“I support the right of anyone to express (his or her) views and to assemble to do it, provided it is peaceful and does not incite violence and hate towards other communities. I think it largely failed in the latter and they actually attacked policemen and injured them.
“They said only two people caused trouble but at Bersih, they made all the organisers come in and be questioned. They even want to question my father. So I think they should haul in the organisers for this red rally, too. Just to be fair.”
Marina’s father Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad had turned up at the Bersih 4 rally to call for Najib’s resignation over a myriad of controversies.
Police said they would investigate the former prime minister over his speech and participation in the rally but have yet to questioned him.

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