
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, September 25, 2015

THE MAN NO ONE DARES TO TOUCH: 'Chinese hate' spewer Jamal now in charge as Najib conveniently 'vanishes'?

THE MAN NO ONE DARES TO TOUCH: 'Chinese hate' spewer Jamal now in charge as Najib conveniently 'vanishes'?
‘The whole nation is being threatened and held to ransom by one man.’
SRMan: "If the authorities don't act by Friday (tomorrow), I am 99 percent certain on Saturday, there would be a rally and a riot may happen," said Sungai Besar Umno division chief Jamal Md Yunos.
This man is talking like a bandit who threatens to raid and torch a village if it does not comply with his demands. He is challenging the law and yet still walking around free.
As if the free-fall of the ringgit and the poor performance of the stock market are not enough, this thug is adding fuel to fire in further harming our country.
And what are the men in blue doing?
Citizen No.26: AG (attorney-general) and IGP (inspector-general of police), why is this man who threatened violence and bloodshed not arrested for sedition?
Why is he free to continue uttering his racist and seditious words? Is he above the law of this country, so much so that you cannot arrest and charge him?
Slumdog: It appears it is acceptable for Jamal to issue threats, provoke and instigate violence, intimidate, sow racial hatred, and guess what, nothing happens to him.
Yet only a few days ago, DPM Ahmad Zahid Hamidi said that “all quarters should set aside their ideological and political differences to make sure radicalism, extremism and militarism do not set root in the country.”
Old Timer: It seems the whole nation is being threatened and held to ransom by one individual named Jamal who is of no social, political, educational and financial status.
And sadly, our national leaders, PM, DPM, home minister, AG, IGP, etc, had not uttered a word in response. One wonders who is really in charge of Malaysia.
Thinking Citizen_1403620863: If you can arrest former Umno leader Khairuddin Abu Hassan for “jeopardising the country's democracy”, what are you waiting for?
The IGP must be sleeping on the job. The PDRM (Royal Malaysian Police) is supposed to protect everyone and not just Umno Malays.
RM2.6billion Duit Haram: It is a good idea that if Malays and other races can trade in the same area, but as it is, Petaling Street has a long history of Chinese doing business there.
And their trading lots are handed down through generations. By now, all empty spaces are taken up. Now, tell me, how are they going to accommodate new traders, much as they want to? Come on, be reasonable.
Jamal, instead of trying to do the almost impossible, why not you go and find another street nearby and get the Malays to trade there, modelled after Petaling Street.
Add glamour to the street by naming it, for example Najib Street, where they can sell faked goods or DVDs like those done in Petaling Street.
Like it or not, faked goods attract tourists. It happens everywhere in the world. Do not turn it into a racial issue.
Anonymous 560221439180274): This is utter rubbish. No one in Petaling Street sells anything that is original, so how can this guy threaten to demonstrate or riot if the situation is not corrected?
Many, including foreigners, are drawn to Petaling Street because of affordable imitation products they get to buy. Such street trading exists in almost most Asian countries. Jamal’s reasoning is ridiculous, the red shirts are just itching to cause trouble.
Is it wrong for anyone to hire foreigners to man the stalls at Petaling Jaya? What of the numerous hypermarkets and industries that hire foreign workers?
Why just focus on Petaling Street or Low Yat Plaza? Why are they not questioning the government encouraging industries to hire foreign workers?
CQ Muar: IGP Khalid Abu Bakar and all those PDRM men in blue. If no immediate arrest is made against Jamal and his hooligans, it will be a direct insult to the entire police force in this country.
Jamal is acting and behaving like he is a Mafia godfather, throwing his weight and authority as though he is the 'untouchable'.
Jamal is defying the law with an open challenge. Never have I come across a rotten character like this ill-bred Malay hailing from Umno.
The entire police force must be held accountable and responsible should a riot really erupt. As a matter of fact, Jamal's open threat must not be taken lightly; he must be hauled up without hesitation.
Do justice to the public - act according to what's expected of you as law enforcers.
Labis Guy: Mr Prime Minister, this man must be send away. With him around, there won't be racial harmony.
I guess his intention to pit races against one another is to be in your good books and a ticket to be appointed and given a position in the administration.
Do something before it is too late. Never let this senseless man to ruin what our forefathers have built.
Iiiizzzziiii: Hello Pesaka, someone is challenging the police’s authority in enforcing the law.
Falling to do so would give them the opportunity to take the law into their hands to have another rally with the aim to create a riot. Are you going to defend the dignity of the country? - M'kini

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