
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, September 20, 2015

The mother of all questions: Do the Chinese want to grab political power?

Lim Guan Eng’s Twitter handle is @cmlimguaneng. His Facebook ishttps://www.facebook.com/cmlimguaneng.
Both his social media accounts are prefixed with “cm” – chief minister.
Najib Razak’s Twitter is @NajibRazak. Unlike Guan Eng’s self-reverential egomania, it is not @pmnajibrazak. His Facebook ishttps://www.facebook.com/najibrazak. It is not prefixed ‘pm’ either.
Compare the behaviour of CM and PM.
Does Papa Dapster look like he is relishing his position as Chief Minister and the trappings of power? Did his predecessor Gerakan’s Koh Tsu Koon ever inflate the power of his position like Guan Eng is doing?
Najib has just visited Tuan Guru Haron Din at the IJN hospital. The PAS Tok Gurus feel comfortable with him. They, on the other hand, think that Guan Eng and the DAP are takbur.
Guan Eng taikor
Okay, now let’s compare the genesis of the two parties.
Umno’s first president Onn Jaafar (below) was the Home Minister during the time of British rule. He looks a distinguished gentleman and is our country’s greatest statesman.
Dato’ Onn quit his Johor Menteri Besar post in order to devote his time and energy to Umno, the party he founded.
Dato' Onn, pemimpin Melayu paling berwibawa
These days it is the other way around. Ambitious men and women join Umno (and the evangelical DAP) in order to get the posts like MP, MB and Speaker.
Some of them are nobodies – or daughters and sons-in-law – who enter politics in order to attain high positions and be somebody. Nurul Izzah, for example, has never held a proper job prior to politics. From her coronation as Puteri Reformasi, she was parachuted to become PKR vice president at a time when her mother was party president.
Dato’ Onn Jaafar was already a somebody who quit his big job as Johor Menteri Besar in order to build up a fledging political party that had very little money. In their salad days, Umno was bankrolled by MCA.

A story about Dato Onn’ during the war years of the Japanese occupation,

Dato Onn’s heroic ride on his basikal buruk in Batu Pahat

This handsome fella – see photo below – is Dato’ Abdullah Jaafar (Dato’ Onn’s older brother). He became Menteri Besar of Johor in 1923.
Abdullah Jaafar
Their father Dato’ Jaafar Muhammad was Johor’s very first Menteri Besar was who held office from 1886 to 1919.
Dato’ Onn himself was the seventh Johor Menteri Besar (1947 – 1950).
Onn Jaafar grew up with royalty. He was seven years old in the photograph below, pictured with the Johor princes and their mothers – the consorts of the Sultan of Johor. The Englishwoman was their governess.
Onn’s mother was the pretty lady yang ada iras Aung San Suu Kyi – you can easily spot which one I mean.
Keturunan bangsawan: Dato’ Onn semasa berusia 7 tahun bersama ayah (bersongkok) & ibunya (yang cantik mirip Aung San Suu Kyi). Di depan ialah isteri-isteri Sultan Ibrahim & putera-putera mereka. Wanita Inggeris ialah guru bahasa kepada putera-putera tersebut
The Razak family is closely related to the Jaafar family. Najib and Hishamuddin Hussein are first cousins. They’re both sons of Malaysian prime ministers.
Najib’s classy mom Tun Rahah Noah – pix below – is the daughter of Mohammad Noah Omar who was the first Speaker of the Dewan Rakyat.
Tun Razak was a Datuk Orang Kaya Indera Shahbandar, one of the four hereditary noble houses close to the Sultan of Pahang.
You can trace their pedigree and the nature of Umno’s inherited political power.
Tun Rahah Noah wanita moden tahun 1960-an
Now what about DAP? Lim Kit Siang’s father was a Chinese immigrant who worked in a farm castrating pigs and poultry.
Hannah Yeoh’s maternal grandfather was an immigrant who came to Malaya and drove a bus while her grandmother sold char kuey teow along Old Klang Road. There must be some subconscious motivation that drives Hannah to keep labelling her political opponents as “low class”.
Some of Umno’s ruling dynasties have had power fed to them with silver spoons. DAP fights tooth and nail in the gutter in order to acquire power … and Pradas.
BELOW: Wearing tudung was a ‘custom’ among early Chinese immigrants and this is why Hannah Yeoh wears it when visiting mosques – or so some Lim Family bloggers claim
Recently in the aftermath of the Kajang Move, the DAP tried to rob PAS of the post of Selangor Deputy Speaker. They had a vote among the Aduns which PAS won because the PAS candidate got his own party votes plus the votes of the YBs from PKR.
The DAP candidate Ng Suee Lim – below, flanked by Tony Pua and Hannah – failed to snag Selangor Deputy Speaker because he only got the DAP votes.
Ng Suee Lim
Isn’t the DAP greedy in attempting to rob PAS of the Selangor Deputy Speaker post?
Worse still, after losing the Adun popular vote to PAS for the job, DAP refused to concede graciously.
Instead DAP Selangor demanded that Azmin Ali create a totally new Deputy Speaker (II) post, just so that their man could pocket the salary and enjoy the perks courtesy of taxpayers – whom they claim are mainly Chinese.

Is Hannah Yeoh power crazy?

In earlier times, @hannahyeoh’s Twitter profile read (screenshot above):
“Lives for God. Wife of Ram & Mother of Shay Adora. State Assemblyman for Subang Jaya.”
In order of precedence, she self-identified as Lamb of God, then a wife and mother, followed by her job description.
However when she was appointed Puan Speaker, her Twitter profile was quickly updated to read:
“Speaker of the Selangor State Legislative Assembly. ADUN for Subang Jaya since 2008. Lives for God. Ram’s wife. Mommy to Shay Adora & Kayleigh Imani.”
With the status elevation, Hannah’s new order of precedence becomes Speaker, Adun then only God-fearing Christian woman, wife and mother.
Do any of the other state Speakers or even the Speakers of Parliament ever aggrandize their positions like Hannah Yoeh does? Can you see what kind of people are leading the DAP?
Now try to imagine what they’re willing to do to keep the power they already hold as well as to obtain the greater power that they hunger for.
Phantom voters revealed in DUN Subang Jaya by Bersih 3.0. Polling & counting agents desperately needed to battle this! http://malaysiakini.com/news/194099 
Above is Hannah Yeoh’s accusation that there are phantom voters in Subang Jaya. Giler babi!
YB Jerusubang won her constituency with a majority of 28,069 votes in the last election and 13,851 votes in the election before that.
Why in the world would BN waste (just saying for the sake of argument) ‘phantom voters’ on her Subang Jaya DUN seat that’s rabidly DAP and where the personality cult idol has an unassailable lead?
If BN really had phantom voters to spare, better to send them to Bukit Katil, Batu Pahat, Bentong, Labis or Cameron Highlands where the winning majority was wafer thin for the BN incumbents or where the Umno big names were toppled.
She has continuously been making accusations of ‘phantom voters’ – here andhere.

Personality type – very toxic

BELOW: Hannah is reminded by Kelana Jaya MCA Youth chief Lee You Hin not to simply accuse, and likewise MCA exco Ti Lian Ker similarly reminded Hannah not to make false allegations
The evangelista’s tools of the trade are Tipu, Bohong, Putar-Belit and Fitnah. But tragically for Malaysia, the DAP is winning the battle of perception. They relentless paint the BN as wicked.
See Hannah’s tweet below. But does she really care about the Rohingya? When was the last time she even remembered them in her Twitter timeline? These DAP evangelista politicians are the most opportunistic and manipulative sneaky bastards.
@hannahyeoh : Suspect, the culprit who took down DAP banners could be nobody else than, right.

@churoland @hannahyeoh Malaysia is a Democratic country, lodged in police report & let the police investigate! Do not simply accused!
Soalan cepu emas: What is the DAP leader’s one ‘special’ trait that stands out the most?
They are Born Again Christians.
Papa Dapster Lim Guan Eng is a Born Again Christian. Mama Dapster Hannah Yeoh is a Born Again Christian. Evangelistas … even MCA dah sedar dah – see Datuk Ti’s tweet below.
Hannah evangelista Ti Lian Ker
Now think seriously about the poser contained in the title of this post: Do the Chinese want to grab political power?
MCA shared power with Umno under the aegis of the BN. The Chinese party did not try to usurp Umno’s power.
The opposition today is led by the DAP. There’s no doubt about the DAP’s dominance and control of the oppo pact.
Compare the behaviour of MCA politicians and DAP politicians. The most essential difference between them is that the former belong to the traditional Chinese religions while the latter are evangelistas.
BELOW: Just a small reminder as (I know, I know) I’ve been repeating this poster ad nauseum
Hannah Yeoh Ugly Pendatang
There’s no racism or anti-Chinese sentiment involved here.
Malaysians who dislike the DAP do not harbour a grudge against the world’s 1.2 billion Han Chinese; it is only DAP they fear and particularly the party’s evangelical politicians and how these unbridled hypocrites operate.
(As I’ve been mentioning, Beijing and the state governments in the China provinces are freaked out by their own creepy Chinese converts.)
Pada hemat anda, adakah himpunan Bersih 4.0 berbaur perkauman?
 Click to see the results of the poll I uploaded yesterday morning. You still have five more days to vote, if you haven’t already.
One of the ways the DAP is shaping public perception is through the most brazen impersonation.
Begitu rimas sekali rasanya when cyberspace is flooded with the RBA operatives masquerading as Malays and Muslims (check out their Facebook identity – accounts newly created, no or few friends, no social history/networks, fake profiles photos where the imposter ‘Malays’ are Latino- and Arab-looking dudes).
Hate disguised as Love poster

They’re dajjal – deceivers

DAP stock in trade are vicious Lies and malicious Deception – all sugarcoated with words of Love-Love-Love and saccharine expressions of Peace & Harmony.
We know how Umno acquired power. It was a smooth transition from the British and handed over to the keluarga-keluarga bangsawan.
Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse
Our race and religious tensions today are owed to DAP – the ‘ubah’ party where their evangelista leadership have abandoned the religion they were born in, and where these shape-shifters can craftily change everything else (such as wearing tudung and songkok) if expedient for them to attract the votes.

If the DAP succeed in coming to power, it will be through Tipu, Bohong, Putar-belit and Fitnah. Think of how these kind of venomous toothed-and-poisonous claw people will kenakan you if ever you get into their crosshairs. -helenang

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