
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Will red shirts now burn Obama effigy at US embassy?

YOURSAY ‘Now, who is damaging the dignity of the Malays?’
Kim Quek: I just wonder what PM Najib Abdul Razak’s spin-doctor ministers such as Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, Abdul Rahman Dahlan and Salleh Said Keruak would say now - another Jewish conspiracy (perhaps in league with former opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim?) to topple the dear leader and the Umno government?
What about the red shirts led by National Silat Federation (Pesaka) chief Ali Rustam and Sungai Besar Umno division chief Jamal ‘Ikan Bakar’ Md Yunos - contemplating a ‘Maruah Melayu’ rally at the United States embassy, or better still, at Washington DC, to tell the world that they are willing to die to defend their leader and their government (as claimed by Najib)?
Shouldn’t Najib and Umno’s diehard supporters ask: What’s wrong with countries around the world rising one after another to castigate grand corruption in Malaysia, when our own authorities and leadership can find no such grand corruption?
Just how many more countries must join the ranks to hunt for our allegedly corrupt leader before these Umno supporters would wake up from their slumber?
Obs: Now, who is damaging the dignity of the Malays? Answer: A premier investigated for corruption and money laundering by many foreign countries.
JD Lovrenciear: This is a disgrace to all Malaysians and the nation by any account.
Even if the investigations prove otherwise (which is a remote possibility), the fact is, for the first time in our nation's history, the premier of our beloved country is being investigated the world over.
RM2.6Billion Duit Haram: Despite paying hefty fees to a team of advisers, no one among them had foreseen that questionable investments in US are not 100 percent safe from investigation. This might be Najib's Waterloo.
As the Malay proverb says, "Pandai, Pandai tupai melompat, terjatuh juga (The squirrel is clever at jumping but it can fall as well)". It looks like this is now applicable to him.
And what has Ali Rustam got to say now? Hope it not a conspiracy between the Chinese and the Jews to topple Najib?
This time around, the investigation is in Najib's golfing buddy's country. But, sadly US President Barack Obama has no power to influence the investigation.
On hindsight, Najib's advisers should have asked his stepson to invest in Zimbabwe.
Discovery: How can Najib and his bunch of ministers still pretend that all is well? Where is their integrity?
They have become a huge liability to Malaysians and shame us all. How unfair it is for 30 million people to suffer because of the actions of one man.
Abasir: Enough is enough. No more Malay students will be sent to the US on Mara scholarships. No more shopping trips by a certain short and fat woman either.
And to prove that ‘ketuanan’ is supreme, we will dispose all of the US$150 million worth of condominiums and bring the New York City property market down.
That should teach them not to mess with our supreme leader and his billions.
Mushiro: Now that the federal grand jury in the US is investigating Najib, we will see what he and our IGP (inspector-general of police) will do.
Are they going to say that the report by the New York Times (NYT) is false or former PM Dr Mahathir Mohamad's people have somehow influenced NYT?
But at least Najib can be sure that he will get a fair investigation in the US, something which does not happen in Malaysia.
Gaji Buta: How to walk around claiming to be an upright Malaysian with this kind of scandals? It’s very embarrassing indeed.
On the other hand, the Umno Malays may be more concerned about their 'dignity', which is understandable because if Najib sinks, that will be a black day in Malay history and will be remembered forever as a monumental cock-up by the person who is their chief, especially when snookered by outside forces.
So the solution to save face may be for them to remove him by themselves. At least that way they can claim that they identified a problem, resolved it and take credit for doing so. A win-win situation.
Bobster: The foreign authorities must first confiscate and freeze the assets in New York, London and Singapore. These are allegedly paid by Malaysian taxpayers and need to be returned to the country.
Yours and My Malaysia: Bloody Americans. Who do they think they are to meddle with Malaysia? We will not sign the TPPA (Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement) anymore.
By the way, Jamal, if you are organising a rally in the US, please count me in.
Oops, I forgot to mention, only if the trip, accommodation and shopping expenses are all paid for, plus clothing.
Rick: This is perhaps the first time Malaysia's first family is getting famous without the need to spend any money.
Not Convinced: Najib will be in New York this weekend for the United Nations General Assembly - it looks like he flying into a storm. -Mkini

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