
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, February 1, 2016

Ali Tinju lodges report over ‘Najib clown face’ sketch

Pro-BN NGO leader Mohd Ali Baharom today lodged a police report over a sketch of Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak in clown face, by artist Fahmi Reza.
Mohd Ali, who was accompanied by his friends from the group Gerakan Merah, lodged the report at the Dang Wangi district police station today.
“His actions are an insult to the prime minister, cause public outrage and could influence the rakyat to hate the prime minister,” he said in the police report.
Mohd Ali said the sketch was uploaded online and is going viral on the internet after it was shared by Lembah Pantai MP Nurul Izzah Anwar on her instagram account n_izzah yesterday.
He also urged the Malaysian Commission of Multimedia and Communications (MCMC) and police to arrest those responsible for the sketch to stop it from being circulated.
“Arrest him so he cannot make further insults on social media,” he said in his police report.
The report was uploaded on Facebook by Umno man Syed Rosli Jamalullail, who said the sketch is “insolent”.
“Gerakan Merah strenuously rejects this uncivilised culture of insulting the country’s number one leader,” Syed Rosli said.
Fahmi Reza
1 hr
Berita terkini: Geng Gerakan Merah baru saja buat laporan polis terhadap gambar poster‪#‎KitaSemuaPenghasut‬ yang aku kongsi semalam yang mereka anggap "menghina pemimpin no 1 negara", dan mereka meminta supaya pihak polis mengambil tindakan segera terhadap aku (walaupun mereka salah eja nama aku).
Menunggu masa sebelum aku dipanggil oleh pihak berkuasa.
Nampaknya korang kena bersiap sedia untuk bersolidariti jika aku ditangkap di bawah mana-mana akta yang mereka suka.
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Fahmi yesterday received a Twitter warning from police, informing him he is now under watch and should use his social media accounts responsibly.
Commenting on the police report today, the graphic artist said he is not afraid.
“I’m just waiting to be called in by the authorities. It looks like you will have to get ready to be in solidarity with me, if I get arrested under whatever Act they like,” Fahmi (photo) said.
He first uploaded the sketch online, as part of an anti-Sedition Act campaign.
The sketch includes the words: “In a country filled with corruption, we are all seditious.” -Mkini

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