
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, March 7, 2016

Najib Razak is the best example of what a big mistake is all about

Yesterday, Najib Razak had shamelessly and without any moral conscience,quipped that Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin and Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad made a very big mistake in combining forces with the people from the Opposition and citizens in general, with the objective to oust him.
Obviously besieged from all angles, Najib had to give out a statement of self-preservation in order to save himself from being thrown out of the office.
And of course, he is in denial or rather purposely being oblivious as to why he needs to resign the first place.
What the headline of a good media should be
If the media have integrity and responsibility towards the people, this should have been the headline
And predictably, there were only feeble remonstrations against the Citizens’ Declaration by his sycophants. They could only dismiss, demonise, ridicule, putdown, pooh pooh and play down, remarkably without touching at all on the 30-odd points Tun Mahathir underscored on 1MDB, GST, economy, abuse of power etc that Najib failed to address since the scandals exploded.
The noises they created really are mind-boggling. Is UMNO truly beyond salvation?
If the have the intteligence and the conscience of a good muslim
If they have the intelligence and the conscience of a good Muslim. But they have none.
There were many instances where Najib purposely and deftly maneuvered several actions that can be construed as abusing his position to curtail criticism and escape prosecution.
He lied to everyone when the news about RM2.6 billion exploded in July 2016. He was caught on video saying he never received any money in his personal bank accounts and had thanked a PAS leader for not believing the exposé by Wall Street Journal.
It was later discovered that there were indeed billions of money deposited in his accounts, after WSJ showed documented proof of the banking transactions. His whole propaganda machinery then had to think about something else, saying the money was a ‘donation’ to be used in 2013 general election.
And come UMNO general assembly in December 2015 after Najib had sacked his critics and forbid them to address UMNO members, Najib again had lied to everyone.
Who could forget this?
Who could forget this?
They haven’t thought about the fact that USD620 million was transferred out from his personal bank accounts right after the 2013 general election, although this was already an open secret at that time.
By January 2016, the specifically chosen Attorney General named Apandi Ali made the announcement that Najib is innocent and that USD620 million was ‘returned’ to the ‘donor’.
So who lied?
Raja Nong Chik? Najib Razak? Apandi Ali?
Who was lied to? The whole of Malaysia.
But we have the sycophants in UMNO saying nonsense and protecting their President at all cost. The conspiracy to de-criminalise Najib Razak oozes a stench that can be smelled all across the world.
Everywhere else, the crime committed by Najib Razak will be tried in the courts and will be found guilty. Few days ago, a PKR leader was sentenced to two-years jail for receiving RM50,000 ‘political donation’ in his accounts.
And Anwar Ibrahim was sentenced to 6-years jail back in 1999 for abuse of power, whereby directed the police to stop the investigation into his alleged sodomy case.
A Deputy Prime Minister was jailed 6 years for just hampering police investigation. Imagine what kind of jail term Najib Razak could get for abusing his power and arbitrarily using the law to strengthen his position.
If Anwar Ibrahim could see that what Najib Razak did is wrong, surely Najib must also face the same consequences as he once did. The fact that Anwar could agree and share the same sentiment with Tun Dr. Mahathir about Najib’s leadership behaviour proves to be a sure sign that Najib’s position is already untenable.
We remember what Najib did last summer
We remember what Najib did last summer
There were many other instances of the mistakes Najib had made. But sadly, he could not see all of it. His sycophants will ensure his downfall. Nobody in his circles are giving him the right advice. The amount of stupidity that is churned everyday just to prop up this Prime Minister is comical to say the least.
Najib should just look in the mirror and see what ‘a very big mistake’ really is.
If he still have the decency of a human being in knowing how to be shameful and modest enough to be accountable for every wrongdoing he committed, he and his cabinet needs to resign now so that the Agong can choose the next leader which could command the majority of MPs. -jebatmustdie

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