
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, March 10, 2016

Shahbudin: People must show support by signing the Declaration

The people should give their commitment and show support for the Declaration to help bring closure to the state of crisis in the country.
KUALA LUMPUR: It’s only by demonstrating that the Citizens’ Declaration was truly in the hearts of the people, that it’s effectiveness and road to success becomes more evident, said a political analyst in his latest blog posting. “Here, it’s important that at least one million people sign the Declaration in the near future. So far, 32,000 people have signed it.”
“There’s no alternative but that many people give their commitment and show support by signing the Declaration to help bring closure to the state of crisis in the country.”
This is the time to show commitment and stoutness of heart, added Shahbudin Husin the analyst. “There are many who genuinely hope for the nation to be brought back from the brink. Najib is dragging its good name through the mud.”
“The paralysis of public institutions must be ended.”
What’s heart-warming, noted the analyst, was that a survey of 6,000 respondents conducted by Malaysiakini shows that 70 per cent of the people support the Declaration. “The people behind the Citizens’ Declaration should consider how it can bring pressure to bear on Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak to step down. A million people signing the Declaration should suffice to get Najib out.”
Already, pointed out the analyst, the pro-Najib media have been getting worked up over the Declaration. “They are trying to divert public attention from it by raising the so-called threat posed by DAP and related issues.”
“It’s unfortunate that no one was brave enough to understand the essence of the Declaration. They do not dare tear it apart.”
If everyone understands the state of crisis in the country, as explained by former Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad, then they would realise that the Declaration need not involve political parties and organisations. “By the people coming together as one, to face the common enemy, they can help save the nation.”
“The Declaration can be likened to the people in the Middle East coming together as one to face Israel which has America behind it.”
Shahbudin was commenting on an analogy on the Middle East, used by Mahathir, to explain his cooperation with opposition parties including DAP in particular on the Declaration. “This should not be too difficult to understand.”
“He cited the enemity between Sunni and Shia and other examples like Fatah vs Hamas, and Iran vs the Arabs while their common enemy was Israel which had America behind it. “The former Prime Minister wants the people to draw lessons from the lack of unity in the Middle East in facing the common enemy.”
Mahathir, he stressed, wants the people to get together and face the common enemy as one, forgetting their differences for the moment. “The Middle East is a good analogy to keep in mind.”
“Najib is the enemy that must be faced. The differing ideologies and political positions of the people, as pointed out by Mahathir, must be forgotten for now. The focus must be on the objective of getting Najib out.”
There’s no doubt, argued Shahbudin, that Najib’s expulsion was the only way to find closure on the state of crisis in the country and bring back democracy. “Mahathir has recognised this as the reality.”
That’s why he pushed for leaders and members of political parties and other bodies coming together, not as organisations, but as individuals in their capacity as citizens on the Declaration to help save the nation, summed up the analyst. “The people, as individuals, must be concerned on the unfortunate fate that has befallen the nation under Najib.”

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