
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Tuesday, March 8, 2016

UMNO's Confused Reaction Over Citizen's Declrataion

  Ahli UMNO Pekan Yang Lulus Darjah Lima Sokong Najib

The Citizen's Declaration asking for the ouster of Najib as Prime Minister is gaining traction.

I was forced to read the New Sunday Times' comments on this matter. I really could not do it.  So I just copy pasted their headlines from yesterday. Here they are :
  • Against democratic norms. What good will it do for former prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, and whoever supports him, to dethrone Najib as prime minister?
  • Umno members "angry, disappointed" with Tun M, Muhyiddin 
  • Rasah Umno wants action against Umno members who took part in Citizens' Declaration 
  • Strange bedfellows dreaming different dreams DESPERATE MOVE: Dr M continues his campaign against Najib with declaration and motley collection of enemies turned allies 
  • Tun M becoming increasingly irrational in his bid to topple BN govt
  • Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad's move to sign the 37-point Citizens' Declaration has been met with criticism by Johor Barisan. Nasional. 
  • Tun M's collaboration with opposition will strengthen Najib's position. Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad’s move in forging a collaborative alliance with UMNO’s sworn enemies to topple Najib will not work. 
  • Dr M, allies and former foes sign declaration against. Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad's campaign to oust Najib has kicked up a notch as longtime political enemies, opposition leaders and civil society groups today rallied to his cause. 
  • Zahid slams 'Citizens Declaration' bid as going against legal ethics JASIN: Those who signed the "Citizens' Declaration" in a bid to oust Najib must respect the country’s laws and democratic system.
My comments :  Ok first of all - what good will it do to dethrone Najib?  The same good it would do when Najib helped to dethrone Abdullah Badawi. Sudah lupa ke? Najib was instrumental in overthrowing Abdullah Badawi. So when Najib was party to throwing out Badawi, didnt Najib "respect the country’s laws and democratic systems" ? What is good for the goose must be good for the gander. What is good for the hippo must be good for the cissy as well.

And Abdullah Badawi did not steal as much money.  Plus Badawi was not so stupid to put billions of Ringgit in his personal bank account. 

As Haron Jin and Mat Maslan IQ 3.85 said you have to be exceptionally stupid to put so much stolen money into your own personal bank account. 

Still Badawi got thrown out. All of us, including Najib, Zahid, UMNO Pekan, UMNO Johor etc still believe that was a very good thing to do. We kicked Badawi out the door. The same principle applies here.

As for sleeping with enemies, well Tun Dr Mahathir has left UMNO. He is not an UMNO member anymore. That is why he could rightly declare that this was a Citizen's Declaration.

Can Najib and the "lulusan darjah lima" UMNO members, 'lulusan PMR' Menteri Besars etc  explain then why UMNO is sleeping with PAS?  

UMNO ini sekarang sondol bersondol, liwat berliwat bersama PAS ini pasai apa pula? 

So UMNO tidur dengan PAS ok ke?  Banyak cantik.

If it is undemocratic to oust Najib, then was it very democractic to fire Muhyiddin as Deputy PM just because he criticised najib?

Was it very democratic to fire Ghani Patail as AG two days after he had drafted some charges against  the pirate? 

We did topple the PAS Menteri Besar of Perak. Sudah lupa ke?  Was that democratic or not?

Ahmad Said was kicked out as MB of Terengganu. And the latest is Mukriz has been ousted as Menteri Besar of Kedah. So are all these democratic or no? 

Takkan bila kena orang lain it is very democratic tapi bila kena batang hidung sendiri then it becomes undemocratic pula ?? 

Here is some advise to the UMNO Ministers, UMNO pengampus etc. Kalau nak defend boss its ok. Tapi you dont have to be stupid as well while you are defending him.  Or is this a conspiracy to make Najib look even worse.

For example after accepting RM1 million from Najib, Shahrir Samad now tells Muhyiddin to continue supporting UMNO. Muhyiddin has never stopped supporting UMNO. He just does not support Najib. The two are not the same.  Najib is not UMNO. Shahrir forgets that it was Najib and gang who prevented Muhyiddin from talking to the UMNO Assembly. Is that also considered democratic?

Now Muhyiddin has been suspended as party deputy president. Is this also a democratic thing to do? The deputy president was elected by the party members. Not by Najib and gang.

Ministers and the UMNO wings (Pemuda, Wanita, Puteri) are not ashamed  to support a leader who is now seen even by other countries and outside observers as being corrupt, openly admitting that he had accepted donations from foreigners. 

Rais Yatim said he did not want to embarass Tun Dr Mahathir. This is a joke. It is Rais who should feel embarassed because it is he who declared that he was burning his bridges with UMNO. Then he "pateri balik" his bridges to UMNO and refused to retire from UMNO until he was dropped as a candidate.
So shallow.  

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