
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, May 28, 2016


Image result for 1MDB and Bank Negara

  • Bank Negara Confirms WSJ Leak
  • Center of Gravity Shifts
  • Tun Dr Mahathir is super calm and super cool
 1. Bank Negara Confirms WSJ Leak

First some news :

"Bank Negara Malaysia governor Muhammad Ibrahim has lodged a police report against the Wall Street Journal (WSJ), revealed Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak.  This is over a letter purportedly from Bank Negara to the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) chairperson Hasan Ariffin, which was under the Official Secrets Act (OSA)."

So it is confirmed. The letter leaked TO THE Wall Street Journal is not fake.  Can the Governor then comment on the contents of the letter - since it has now gone global?

Why does the BNM Governor himself have to make the Police report? The letter was signed by a Deputy. Why not the Deputy make the Police report?

And why does Najib have to "reveal" that BNM has made the Police report? If BNM made the Police report, then let BNM make the announcement.

It looks like BNM acts according to Najib's instructions.

2.  Center of Gravity Shifts 

The 1MDB issue has moved completely out of our hands. It is no more a Malaysian issue. 

Singapore has completed investigations against two or more culprits. 

Singapore will begin the first 1MDB related Court case in about two weeks. This is completely beyond the control of Najib and his partners in grime. This is beyond all our influence.

The Swiss have wrapped up their investigations against BSI Bank and have also shut down the 100+ year old bank. The Swiss will also start prosecuting the 1MDB related cases soon. 

Again both Singapore and Switzerland are beyond the clutches of Najib and his partners in grime. 

The Center of Gravity for this 1MDB scandal has now moved completely offshore. It is going to take up major space in the foreign print media, their Online media etc over the coming days and weeks.

It is no more a case of Dr Mahathir yelling and complaining about Najib and 1MDB, of the local Online media highlighting the issue or of the Facebookers and bloggers talking about the scandal day in and day out.   Yes they (or rather 'we') have done our job.

Now it develops another life of its own - in the Courts in Singapore, Switzerland and elsewhere.  We just have to sit back and chill.  Bring out the popcorn. Lets see how the final chapter unfolds. 

MCMC better develop contingency plans to block all Internet links and connections from the US, Singapore, UK, Australia etc. Otherwise people are going to read real case evidence and Courtroom proofs about the whole 1MDB scandal. 

May I suggest that the MCMC just disconnect the Internet completely - maybe until 2020? Its just a suggestion.

3.  Tun Dr Mahathir is super calm and super cool

Recently attended yet another meeting with Tun Dr Mahathir.  I just want to say that Tun Dr Mahathir was super calm and super cool. During all the 'crisis meetings' I have attended with Tun Dr Mahathir since err .. 2003 I have always watched his facial expressions and body language very closely.  

I have never seen him more calm and collected.  Just that by itself has a soothing and reassuring effect.  Dont worry folks. Everything will be fine.   The end is nigh.

4. The Darkside will strike back.

What are their options ? They can run away. But in today's world, crooks have few or no places  to hide.  Besides they have been so stupid. 

They can bunker down and play nasty. This is already happening. They can create a ruckus. They will be getting increasingly desperate.

So lets keep the peace folks. Lets just go about our business, live peacefully and dont get carried away by any alarmists and provocateurs.  Just ignore their provocations and their trouble mongering.  

Do not give them any excuses to "suspend" anything. 

At all times just obey the law.  Uphold the law and live by the law and we will defeat them. Why? Because they do not uphold the law. 

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