
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Feeling awkward when Rosmah sheds tears

An aide to Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak’s wife, Rosmah Mansor, posted on Facebook, claiming that he could see tears welling in Rosmah’s eyes when she was asked about her estranged daughter, Azrene Soraya Abdul Aziz.
Emotion of a mother speaks louder than words! I marvel at how Rosmah responded to Azrene’s posting on Facebook, when Azrene penned her thoughts about her brother, Riza Aziz, whom she claimed is now “reaping what he sowed for selling his soul to the devil.”
I find it extremely awkward, especially when Rosmah starts to shed tears. Maybe, awkward is not the correct word to use, but it is just the feeling that I have when I read the aide’s posting on Facebook.
I have always thought Rosmah has been an extremely caring mother to Riza and a younger daughter who got married recently, judging from the amount of wealth that has been lavished on them.
I wonder about Rosmah’s feelings now that Riza’s properties are subject to forfeiture by the US Department of Justice (DOJ). Would she cry or would her face still hold the trademark smile that she has been carrying?
This is after all only the first step taken by the DOJ to recover the properties that were purchased using money stolen from the Malaysian people, before it disappears. There is more to come.
(By the way, the inspector-general of police Khalid Abu Bakar, who recently said that the police would not meddle in the civil suit filed by the DOJ, needs to understand that Kleptocracy Asset Recovery Initiative (KARI) allows the DOJ to first seize the properties without going through the tedious process of criminal proceeding. Criminal suit will come next because, according to US attorney-general Loretta Lynch, the funds were “stolen” from the Malaysian people and investigation is on-going.)
Woman of fame
Rosmah, as I know it, has a lot of fans and she loves to be praised. I am sure she would have felt flattered when a couple of years ago Teresa Kok produced a Chinese New Year satire, and even ‘Mrs Jagjeet’ adored her so much that she emulated every of her antics.
She was so famous that she probably has enough fans to surround her that should have made her children proud of her great achievements. After all, we are talking of someone who has contributed her life and soul to the success of Permata to win her an award that justified her usage of the government jet.
Therefore, when Azreen’s Facebook posting was first forwarded to me on WhatsApp, it came to me as a big surprise. I immediately dismissed it as a hoax. How can the daughter be estranged from such a great mother after all!
But, it turned out to be true that Azrene had indeed expressed her own disappointment with the family. The story has also appeared in an Australia daily. And, now the mother is shedding tears over her estranged daughter. How ironic!
It must be Azrene who deserves to be rebuked, since she is the one who has abandoned her family during this time of crisis. No?
When I did a little more search about Rosmah, I noticed that even Dr Siti Hasmah Mohamad Ali, wife of Dr Mahathir Mohamad or the late Endon Mahmood (wife of Abdullah Ahmad Badawi) could not match her extravagance of a RM1,272 (RM72 being the Goods & Services Taxes) hairdo.
As I searched further, there were several earth shattering video clips that came on the Search engine, which now raises more questions.
Why did someone even bother to put together a series of five documentary video clips, giving us a background to Rosmah’s life before she became Najib’s second wife? It is also here that I find Azrene’s story being told and at this juncture, over 203,000 people have watched the part 5 video clip.
This is very troubling especially when someone claiming to be Rosmah’s own brother was backstabbing her. We have never seen such thing happening to either the late Endon or even Dr Siti Hasmah. They were women of great honour and most Malaysians have great respect for them, being wives of former prime ministers.
But then, we have to ask yet another question. Is it only Azrene who has abandoned the family? The series of video clips that were posted on YouTube in 2009 does not contain only one person’s complaints, but it features a number of people in her family and her village.
If going by PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang’s requirement for four witnesses, there are certainly more than four persons in the series of videos.
Analysing it further, it appears to me that even Najib’s family is abandoning the couple, or is it not? Since the story of the scandal was first carried by Wall Street Journal, which of his brothers (or sisters, or mother) have spoken up in defence of Najib?
It leads me to ask yet another question, which I hope the couple will answer to the rakyat: What has transpired, to the point that the couple has deserved the ostracisms from their own family members?
It is only Hadi from PAS who has defended Najib, but has any of Najib’s own brothers come to his defence recently when the DOJ openly alleged misappropriation of 1MDB funds worth billions of dollars, being stolen from the Malaysian people by several public officials, in particular, the Malaysian Official No 1?

My heart therefore goes out for Rosmah, since her own daughter has abandoned her. A mother has been abandoned, a sister has been backstabbed and a niece has been badmouthed so much by her own family members.
Maybe, it is time that we encourage Rosmah to be emulate Dr Siti Hasmah or Endon, or maybe, Rahah Noah, the wife of Abdul Razak Hussein and mother of Najib.

STEPHEN NG is an ordinary citizen with an avid interest in following political developments in the country since 2008.  Mkini

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