
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Shahrizat, if you break US laws, you’ll have to pay for it

Image result for najib and sharizat at umno wanita

YOURSAY | ‘As a lawyer, you should know better that an illegal act can give rise to both civil and criminal liability.’
Tholu: Umno Wanita chief Shahrizat Abdul Jalil, are you issuing a veil threat that if the people do not support PM Najib Razak and BN, there will be a civil war? I see it as a seditious statement capable of stoking tensions and unrest among the people.
One by one, Umno leaders are coming out and issuing ridiculous and stupid statements that they think will fool us. Please realise that actually you are the ones seen by the people as the foolish ones.
Why are you all senselessly repeating that the indictment by US Department of Justice (DOJ) is a civil matter and not a criminal case?
Remember that if eventually the court in US grants its attorney-general's prayers to forfeit the four individual’s properties it would also mean that they have committed criminal acts punishable under the law. The civil suit by DOJ stems from criminal offences.
The US AG could be planning to deal one charge at a time. As a lawyer, you should know better that an illegal act can give rise to both civil and criminal liability. So please stop saying it is only a civil case and there is no charge of criminal acts.
Odin Tajué: I can’t help but snigger, with scorn, at the phrase ‘democratically elected’. Like the over worn cliché ‘leaving no stone unturned’, it has been so over used that it has become worse than a hackneyed phrase - nay, so damaged as to be irreparable.
If that isn’t enough, the inanity that those supposed to be well-educated, or should be sufficiently intelligent to have been trained in specialised fields and obviously have succeeded, have exhibited as they rushed forward to defend the non-existent honour of their lord and master makes me gnash my teeth and pull out my hair.
I ask, how is it that these people have become so shameless as to have the gall to utter nothing short of tommyrot that reflects sheer imbecility?
One does not need to be a lawyer and never mind a genius to tell that the particular action of the DOJ does in no way constitute meddling in Malaysian affairs.
The Justice Department and those agencies working together with it are merely taking action against wrongdoing perpetrated in their country. It so happens that the perpetrators are Malaysians.
These American authorities have also recently taken action against no fewer than five people of other nationalities who have used the US as a fixed deposit account containing ill-gotten money.
Patriot1: Indeed, it's not about meddling. It's about a Malaysian government-owned company that has broken US money laundering laws and the US is seizing assets which will be returned to Malaysian taxpayers after the cases are resolved.
I just can't understand how a person with the mentality of a hippo can be an Umno leader.
Anonymous 1890491455255851: This woman is simply deplorable. But then again, she would support Najib as she too has been much associated with alleged corruption. To liken this situation to taking the path of Iraq and Syria is just irresponsible and totally misleading.
Stop trying to fool the rural folk with this kind of irresponsible remarks. You, Najib and the whole Umno gang have been ‘raping’ this country, abusing the laws, suppressing our rights, threatening people who speak up against this disgusting injustices, amongst others.
To what end? To remain in power so you can continue to bask in luxury instead of the social and economic responsibility that comes with holding public office.
Anonymous 2362021442199789: It is absolutely disgusting and disheartening to listen to all these sycophants giving all kinds of excuses and warped sense of compassion for those named in the DOJ filings along with the mysterious Malaysian Official 1.
Don't they feel any responsibility for the aggrieved party, namely Malaysia that has just been plundered?
And these are our elected representatives who has pledged to do their utmost to serve! Instead, they are serving alleged thieves and traitors.
Oscar Kilo: Shahrizat, no one is trying to topple the government just for the sake of toppling the government.
In this case, we have a very good reason for wanting the current PM and his supporters to step down because when government officials commit crimes, surely they must be punished.
Annonymous: The corrupt bigots will always be blaming and accusing the whole world; the West, Christians, Chinese, Jews, Buddhist, Hindus for the sins in the Muslim countries.
But the fact is that the greatest threat, especially to the Muslim world, is not the West, Christian, Jews or Chinese who are in fact feeding and helping them, but rather corruption and incompetence in administration in the Muslim countries themselves.
Read this article which is written by a Muslim intellect.
Victor Johan: Shahrizat, why don't you Umno leaders and ministers get together and raise money from ardent party members to support Najib in the civil court case initiated by the DOJ?
Can you make sure and ensure the citizens that the government does not any more use the money from our national coffers to pay for the legal suit for the unnamed MO1 and the four named accused?
Concerned Citizen: I’m waiting for Umno Youth chief Khairy Jamaluddin to make a statement on this matter.

Oh wait, he has to deal with the alleged corruption in the Football Association of Malaysia (FAM) first.- Mkini

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