
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Mahathir’s History of Mythical Numbers!

(The Malaysian Observer) – It appears that Tun Mahathir has once again had a problem with math.
We all remember his (Tun Mahathir’s) math skills when he first tried to convince Malaysians that there was money that vanished into thin air from the 1Malaysia Development Berhad coffers.
First he said one amount then lowered that figure only to significantly increase it after that.  However, after all was said and done, it turned out that Mahathir was wrong on each occasion.
Then there was his claim to have a million signatories for his petition.  Yet, when the time came to prove the validity of the signatures, one could almost hear a pin drop.
Now, once again Tun Mahathir has made a numerical claim that many find unbelievable.
During a recent press conference at Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (PPBM) Tun Mahathir claimed that at Pakatan Harapan events, the Malay crowd could range somewhere between 12,000 and 15,000. (Here)
Those numbers are highly questionable as TV 3 is said to only have the Malay Turnout at around 200 (if that).
Tun Mahathir is trying to delude himself and Malaysians into believing that Malays are coming out in droves in support of PPBM and Pakatan Harapan.
Could it be that Tun Mahathir attended the same creative math seminar that has landed Lim Guan Eng in deep water?
How did Tun Mahathir count?
Did count double for every Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (PPBM) member; one (1) for the PPBM and one (1) for UMMNO?
Or were those who he claimed are UMNO members really PPBM members pretending to be UMNO members to give the impression that UMNO members are doing like DAP and PPBM members and jumping Pakatan Harapan’s sinking ship.
Then again, perhaps when Tun Mahathir looked out into the crowds he saw people wearing T-shirts with UMNO written on them as that would make a lot of sense when attending a Pakatan Harapan rally
As the figures that Tun Mahathir has mentioned are equally unbelievable and unverifiable; there is a strong indication that Tun Mahathir is using the same convoluted math method that was utilized to come up with his mythical one million signatures.
In mentioning large numbers (12,000 and 15,000) and loosely tying it to Malays, Tun Mahathir is trying to give Malays the impression that they are missing out.  He wants Malays to feel that, if so many other Malays are showing up to (of all places) Lim Kit Siang’s Pakatan Harapan rallies then they should too.
The plain truth is Tun Mahathir could not pull significant Malay numbers for Lim Kit Siang’s Pakatan opposition before Pribumi joined Pakatan Harapan and the same is true now that merger is consummated.  His only hope now is to fabricate large numbers in an effort to trick Malays into supporting his cause.
In retrospect, with Mahathir’s history of numerical errors should BMF really be a surprise!

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