
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, April 1, 2018

Azmin happy to debate Umno Youth, if based on facts

Selangor Menteri Besar Mohamed Azmin Ali said he would welcome a debate on the state's affordable housing issues, if it is based on facts.
Responding to a question on Umno Youth's challenge reported by Berita Harian yesterday, the PKR deputy president said, “I welcome the debate, but it must be based on facts so the rakyat can be illuminated on the issue that is being raised.”
“We welcome this healthy practice (of debates), but the debate must be conducted with knowledge, not emotions,” he was reported by Sinar Harian as telling reporters at the Selangor Book Festival 2018 yesterday.
He said if a debate is to be based on emotions, it would not bring any benefit to the rakyat.
The challenge was raised by Umno Youth's housing bureau chief Nazir Hussin Aktar Hussin, following the state's cancellation of nine SelangorKu housing projects involving some 2,000 units of affordable housing.
Whan asked by the media if he intends to accept the debate challenge, Azmin was reported saying it would depend on the individual making it.
“It's not a question of accepting or now, but I first have to examine who is making the challenge, and the issue that is being raised,” Sinar Harian quoted him as saying.
Getting tough with developers
Last month, Selangor exco in charge of housing Iskandar Abdul Samad explained the revocation of the projects was due to the respective developers having failed to obtain a planning approval within two years.
The PAS exco said this was in contrast to the previous BN government, which allegedly had approved 4,638 low-cost houses in two local municipalities which were never built.
The exco added the nine withdrawn projects formed only a small percentage of the total.
"A total of 179 projects (100,533 units) have received planning approval and 29 projects (20,627 units) are under construction, while 17 projects (3,620) have already been completed and have been occupied since 2014," Iskandar said. -Mkini

1 comment:

    Salam sejahterah bagi kita semua...
    Mohon maaf bilah kedatangan saya mengganggu. Perkenalkan nama saya agus sodikin asal surabaya seorang mantan TKI dulu kerja di pabrik triplek malaysia selama 4 tahun lamanya. Singkat cerita.. Saya sangat berterima kasih kpd pak h.cahyono atas bantuan beliau melalui pemasangan nombor togel 6D nya alhamdulillah saya menang RM,450.000 selama 3X pusingan, saya tidak menyangka kalau saya bisa seperti ini dan ini semua berkat bantuan pak h.cahyono, saya yang dulunya bukan siapa-siapa bahkan saya juga selalu dihina orang alhamdulillah kini sekarang saya sudah punya rumah dan usaha sendiri. Saya tidak tau harus berbuat apa untuk membalas kebaikan beliau karna banyaknya orang yg perna saya pon dari google untuk minta bantuannya tidak ada satu pun yg berhasil malah hutang saya tambah banyak. Beliau juga bisa bantu melalui Uang gaib/Bank gaib tanpa tumbal, Uang balik, Pelet, Pelaris, Nomer togel 3D/4D/6D.. Bagi saudara yg diluar negri maupun dalam negri butuh bantuan beliau jangan takut atau maluh segerah pon pak h.cahyono di nombor +6285 213 737 273 / WhatsApp 085213737273 insya alloh beliau pasti membantu anda seperti saya. Demi alloh inilah kisah nyata sye.. Sekian dan terima kasih atas tumpangannya semoga dengan adanya pesan singkat ini bisa bermanfaat...


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