
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Wednesday, April 6, 2022

(In English) Pencetus Pemikiran Ganas, Tunjuk Kuasa. Tiada "Rahmatan Lil Alameen" (Mercy for the World)

 I received the following together with an audio file (which I could not upload here)

First the note or message that I received:

Obviously this is referring to school kids somewhere in a school.

The audio clip that came with this explained so well why this note or message is so wrong. Sadly I am not able to upload that audio clip.

Just because you want to fast, why should other people be forced to "menghormati" your fasting?

The better way to achieve hormat is to strictly uphold your own fasting when other people may not be fasting. 

How can you force other people who may not be fasting to menghormati your own fasting?

And why do you need other people to menghormati what you are doing?

The attitude in the message above is tunjuk kuasa. In this country it is also connected to the "ketuanan" mob. Basically what it means is "we can force you to behave anyway we want". "You" here implying non-Muslims especially. 

There is no "rahmatan lil alameen" here. Rahmatan lil alameen means "mercy towards mankind". There is no 'mercy towards mankind". Period.

There is absolutely no such thing as Keluarga Malaysia either. It is another political gimmick by Brader Ma'el which so far is meaningless.

When I was in school the school canteen functioned just as well during the bulan puasa. But of course only the non Muslim kids will go and eat in the canteen during recess and lunch. And of course the number of kids eating will be much less because more than half the school was Muslim anyway. So the canteen operators would know how much food to sell during the bulan puasa. 

There was no such thing as just because the Muslims were fasting therefore no food would be served in the canteen to menghornati the bulan puasa or whatever. 

As I have said before there is a huge difference between Islam and religion. Especially the Islam that is in the Quran is just totally different. Simply because almost ALL the things we hear from the religious types CANNOT BE FOUND IN THE QURAN. 

Secondly the religion has its own issues. Religion is subject to sectarianism and its interpretations.  

Thirdly, even despite the sectarianism and its interpretations the implementation of sectarian religion may vary from place to place, from time to time etc. 

So in the 60s and 70s when I grew up there was no need to force others (non Muslims) to menghormati bulan puasa. 

I have never met anyone (Muslim or non Muslim) who did not menghormati bulan puasa - simply because I just dont know what exactly that means.

Believe me I do read the Quran and I have yet to see any verse in the Quran which says anything about 'menghormati' bulan puasa. Especially asking non Muslims to menghormati bulan puasa. There is no such thing.

The Quran is indeed a rahmatan lil alameen or mercy for mankind. That is why I am able to say these things. 

My fear is that these types of aberrant attitudes or tunjuk kuasa attitudes is a result of a warped sense of religious superiority which will ultimately give birth to violent behaviour towards others - especially non Muslims.

This is how the satan starts to sow hatreds among the people. 

I am happy that a Muslim made that audio tape (which I am not able to upload here) from which I have derived some of my thoughts here. Meaning there are decent people among Malays and Muslims who speak against aberrant behaviours (like in that message above). 

But we need more Malays and Muslims to speak up. Those Muslims who have a better grasp of rahmatan lil alameen (mercy for mankind) should speak up against the "no mercy for mankind" people. 

Do not let the 'no mercy' people hijack the discourse.

The views expressed are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect those of MMKtT.

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