
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Where are the debates on policies, ask think tanks


IDEAS and CME cite the latest round of EPF withdrawals as a policy decision that was made without adequate engagement with stakeholders.

PETALING JAYA: Two think tanks have voiced concern over the lack of debate on issues pertaining to the economy and policies that have long-term consequences.

In a joint statement, the Institute for Democracy and Economic Affairs (IDEAS) and the Center for Market Education (CME) said while there were “positive and vibrant” discussions on politics, policy decisions that affected the people in the short and long terms were being made without discussions between the government and the opposition.

IDEAS chief executive officer Tricia Yeoh and her CME counterpart, Carmelo Ferlito, cited policy decisions like the latest round of EPF withdrawals that had seen some RM40 billion being withdrawn from the retirement fund.

They also cited the “shoddy management” of MySejahtera, the ceiling price for chickens which could affect supply, the ceiling price for Covid-19 self-test kits and the revised RM1,500 minimum wage.

“All of the above policies require meaningful public debate and rigorous engagement with the relevant stakeholders.

“We urge the return of policy debates that we believe are crucial to key economic decision-making processes in the immediate future.”

Yeoh and Ferlito said their call for greater policy debate was not aimed at taking a position on specific issues, but to highlight the importance of adequate engagement.

“IDEAS and CME invite all the political parties to increase their level of engagement in economic policy decisions so that better choices for the welfare of the rakyat can be taken and the economic growth process can be placed on solid foundations.” - FMT

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