
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, September 21, 2023



Penjaga Gunung Negeri Sarawak


I received the following video about Abang Johari the premier of Sarawak talking about the hydrogen economy in Sarawak. The video is easy to understand and quite short. Do listen to Abang Jo.



Well quite undoubtedly Abang Jo is super happy with himself. 

But I have some points about this whole renewable energy, global warming thingy, including the hydrogen economy of course, which I hope some of you readers, especially those in Sarawak can forward to the honorable Abang Johari the Premier of Sarawak. 

Lets tackle the easy parts first. No one can identify  who who will use all that hydrogen that is being planned and when?

There is so much material available on the hydrogen economy. Here is one:



Here is an excerpt:

  • the demand for hydrogen is less clear
  • difficult to assess major applications decades from now
  • many potential users of green hydrogen currently use very little or no hydrogen
  • need years and hefty budgets to retool power systems to run off hydrogen

So people want to spend billions of dollars (US Dollars) on the hydrogen economy but who will be the takers or users of all the hydrogen that is being planned?

Does Abang Johari have firm customers both in Sarawak and overseas (for example Japan) who are waiting to take up all the hydrogen that he wants to produce? At what price, quantities and what type of long term contracts? Dont get taken for a ride.

Lets talk a little bit about this whole idea of global warming, renewable energy, hydrogen economy and so on. 

Just as there are many who believe in global warming there are also many people, including scientists, who do not believe in it. President Donald Trump did not believe in global warming. Trump (below left) will most likely become US president again. As you can see neither do I (believe in global warming). It is just a huge con-job. Designed to make money for some clever crooks.  


Another fellow who does not believe in global warming is Vivek Ramaswamy a 38 year old Republican (above right), who is also running to be president of the United States. He is a graduate from Harvard University (biology) and has a PhD in Law from Yale University. He is also a billionaire from setting up his pharmaceutical company that produces medicines. He has produced five new drugs which have been approved by the FDA. He is now No. 3 in popularity in the Republican party's race for presidential nominee. 

I dont know if he will become the president of the United States or not (maybe vice president to Trump will be a good strategy) but he speaks openly to millions of people against the "global warming scam". So there are people, including scientists and Harvard University graduates, who dont buy this global warming crap.

Why not Abang Jo get some scientists who do not believe in global warming to explain to him why they believe so? Abang, dont just listen to one side of the story. 

The Oil Age was supposed to come to an end. I thought so too. But over the past few years something unexpected has happened. Oil and gas is being discovered ALL OVER THE WORLD. Israel is now an exporter of gas. Brazil has found huge reserves of oil and gas. Ambalat (sekarang Indonesia punya) is said to have between 100 million to 1.0 billion barrels of oil.
Now Russia is going to explore 80 BILLION BARRELS OF OIL in their part of the Arctic region. 80 BILLION BARRELS !! 
"The Arctic holds an estimated 13% (90 billion barrels) of the world's undiscovered conventional oil resources and 30% of its undiscovered conventional natural gas resources, according to an assessment conducted by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS)."
So you see oil and gas will remain the cheapest and most efficient fuels for a very long time to come.  Toyota and Honda are not investing much in Electric Vehicles because they do not believe in  the future of Electric Vehicles very much.

The big issue around the world is the very high cost of the Hydrogen Economy. First you must make electricity from renewable resources. If you have hydro-electric resources (like Sarawak) then you can produce cheap electricity. Then you take this electricity and use it for electrolysis to produce hydrogen from water. Then you take the hydrogen and use it to run the buses, to make more electricity, for industries, for heating etc. 

So you must :

  • add the cost of building the hydro electric dams
  • then add the cost of producing electricity from the dam
  • then add the cost of setting up the hydrogen manufacturing plant 
  • and also add the cost of the electricity that is used to make the hydrogen. 

All this will add up to become the total cost of creating the Hydrogen Economy. 

  • In many countries now this is not cheap at all. 
  • The Hydrogen Economy is not economically feasible. 
  • The costs are too high.


                             BAKUN DAM AND RESERVOIR - THOUSANDS OF TREES

                                WERE CUT DOWN. GLOBAL WARMING IN SARAWAK?

In Sarawak it may be cheap to produce hydro-electric power. But this cost advantage is maintained only if the cheap hydro-electric power goes directly to power the industries.

But you will lose the cost advantage when the hydro-electric power is passed through one more intermediate stage ie to make hydrogen BEFORE the hydrogen is used by industry.

Ini serupa some masakan Arab lah Bang (which I saw once). 

  • First they burn the lamb on an open fire
  • Then they boil the lamb in water.
  • Then they bake the lamb in an oven. 
  • TIGA KALI MASAK before they eat it. 
  • Use firewood and gas TIGA KALI.
  • Of course the cost will be much higher.

But to produce cheap hydro-power in Sarawak you must build dams, like the Bakun Dam. The dam will create a huge lake or reservoir in the jungle.

  • All the trees and animals  will disappear. 
  • Just like in Bakun. 
  • Global warming will become worse.
So the timber merchants will make billions of Ringgit from cutting all the trees.
The contractors will make billions of Ringgit from building the dam.
The factory contractors will make billions of Ringgit to build the hydrogen factory.

So Abang Johari, the timber merchants,  the building contractors and the factory contractors in Sarawak will surely support your Hydrogen Economy idea. And these people are also your friends.

Abang Jo, the really beautiful Dayak and Iban people in the longhouses in Sarawak will not understand what is going on. They are just very simple people. Many of them are still very poor. 

Exactly like Puteri Santubong and Puteri Sejenjang you Abang Johari are the caretaker of their resources and their wealth. Penjaga Gunung Negeri Sarawak. So please be careful with other peoples' harta pusaka. Harta pusaka negeri Sarawak. 

Artikel ini adalah pandangan penulis dan tidak semestinya mewakili MMKtT.

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