
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, September 3, 2023

Instead, he is further Islamising our public schools.

 "Instead, he is further Islamising our public schools"

Folks, the lion has not laughed for a few days. To set the right mood, lets begin this with the laughing lion:

I have adapted the following from Dennis Ignatius' : "Why we ought to be concerned about the Ministry’s latest religious module" -  By Dennis Ignatius, August 31, 2023.

I have replaced 'government' with Pakatan Harapan or just added it here and there to provide more clarity FOR THE PAKATAN HARAPAN SUPPORTERS.   My comments are in blue.

You can read the original here : https://mysinchew.sinchew.com.my/20230831/in-this-merdeka-islam-is-the-clear-winnerone-way-or-another/


Pakatan Harapan decision to introduce Al-Nawawi

the Pakatan Harapan announcement gave the impression that it would be taught to all students in all government schools. 

It was only after interfaith groups protested that the Pakatan Harapan  rushed to do damage control by clarifying that the module was only for Muslims.

Pakatan Harapan government agencies ought to be sensitive to non-Muslim concerns too.

It is one thing .. to encourage the conversion of non-Muslims but quite another for the Pakatan Harapan government of a multiethnic, multifaith nation to promote it as part of the formal curriculum.

OSTB : (Do read my conclusion).

  • there was an expectation that Madani – who had spent years pushing his ‘reformasi’ agenda – would undertake a complete overhaul of the education system.  
  • Instead, he is further Islamising our public schools.  
  • He seems to have learned nothing from the mess that he made of our education system when he was education minister.

OSTB : Didnt the Book say it already :  Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fireMatthew 7:17-23  (KJV)

Maybe Mathew did not make a sufficient impact? Despite all the appearances in Court over the years? And even presided over by a Church going judge? So what is the surprise? There really is no surprise here. 

May I say something else?  "I TOLD YOU SO".  And for 28 years. Many, many of us saw this coming for the past 28 years.

But it’s not just Islamist Pakatan Harapan politicians who are to blame. Non-Malay Pakatan Harapan politicians too are so caught up in their own petty rivalries that they cannot see the eI normous harm that is being inflicted upon our nation by those intent on turning our once secular public schools into religious ones. 

OSTB : May I ask a silly question? So why blame PAS? I am in no way defending or speaking up for the towelheads but it is obvious that this long littany of complaints is a result of the Pakatan Harapan reformasi heroes failing you miserably. It is obvious isnt it - they have completely fooled you. They are just being themselves. Money, power, religion and that other item is their salvation.  You are the fools.

Instead of pushing to improve our education system in a holistic manner and creating an inclusive culture that is respectful of our diversity, they (the Pakatan Harapan) play their political games. No doubt there will be those who will say that non-Muslims should not comment on such matters. But how can we be silent when we are often the target of religious overzealousness?

OSTB : They do not give a hoot. They dont care about you or what you say. Do you seriously expect them to listen to you?

  • Already, dress codes are being imposed upon us by the Pakatan Harapan 
  • Our children in public schools are quietly being persuaded to convert by the Pakatan Harapan
  • We are accused of corrupting the nation and viewed with suspicion and contempt by the Pakatan Harapan

OSTB : 'being imposed, being persuaded, viewed with suspicion' all indicate the present tense. It is happening now. That means Pakatan Haapan. So please dont blame PAS.

Increasingly our way of life as citizens is being challenged by the Pakatan Harapan. To ask us to stay silent and not express our concerns under such circumstances is both unreasonable and disingenuous. Silence is not an option when an environment is being nurtured by the Pakatan Harapan that sees non-Muslims and non-Malays as threats to be contained or converted rather than as fellow citizens to be accommodated and respected.

OSTB : So it is not PAS that is challenging your way of life. It is none other than your dearest reformasi wannabes the Pakatan Harapan. They have really fooled you to the hilt.

the Pakatan Harapan – elected and funded by the citizens of our multiethnic, multifaith nation – must serve all its citizens without bias

OSTB : Well obviously they are not going to. This is being naive to the level of a child.

the Pakatan Harapan is a secular institution and must behave as such

OSTB : Well obviously they are not behaving as such. Otherwise why such a long letter of complaint? So Chinese and Indian supporters of the Pakatan Harapan, with friends like the Pakatan Harapan you do not need enemies like PAS to screw up the country.

So since you support Pakatan Harapan, please pat yourselves on the shoulder - you are helping yourselves get royally screwed.   

Conclusion : To all the Chinese and Indian supporters of Pakatan Harapan who are now realising that you are being royally screwed in the backside, please take note.

Right now the Madani fellow is very unpopular with the Malay voters. Hence they got kicked out badly in the recent elections in SIX States. It is likely that the Pakatan Harapan will also lose the Jeram and Pulai By Elections due on the 9th Semtember 2023. The majority of the voters there are Malays.

However there is that possibility that as time passes, all this 'Islamisation' will begin to rub off on the average Malay voter. What if in due time the Malay vote swings back to the Pakatan Harapan - as it did once before? Do not dismiss the possibility.  Irrationality  (aka religion) does have its pull during the full moon.

When that happens the non-Malay support (err...that means YOU) will be less relevant for the Pakatan Harapan. Then maybe Namewee's 'Sudah potong kah?' video might become relevant.

The views expressed are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect those of MMKtT.

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