
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, September 10, 2023

LGO as Malaysians face CNATC and PNATL after that DNAA


I wrote last week that if Umno’s members feel that “their positions and power (or whatever that’s left of them) are more important than the rakyat whom they are supposed to serve, then let them be buried at the next general election, for truly having brought such a fate upon themselves”.

On a totally unrelated topic, this week the current Umno president had a bunch of charges involving corruption and other sleazy practices dropped by the government’s prosecutor!

Yes, I wondered, too, what this powerful incantation, DNAA, stands for.

I tried Doesn’t Need Any Apanama, but this didn’t come from Dr Mahathir Mohamad, nor required him to be involved, so that can’t be it.

Turns out it stands for Discharge Not Amounting to an Acquittal, a legal action that usually precedes the final one called NFA or No Frigging Action, which would clear up the matter for good.

So Umno, which I had so unkindly called a “bangkai bernyawa”, or a living corpse, goes on to live another day, to spread mirth and merriment – not to mention the putrid, stinking smell of carrion, amid todays’ doom and gloom, to remind everybody that whatever comes and goes in Putrajaya, it is still Malaysia Boleh!

Will Zahid now take on a CNATS action for Claims Not Amounting To a Suit against the government for hauling him up in court in the first place and causing him SNATH (Shame Not Amounting to Humiliation)? Would he fight for CNATD (Compensation Not Amounting To Damages), and retire on his CNATC (Credits Not Amounting To Cash)?

I doubt it. He had indicated how grateful he is that he’s been DNAA’d, and will probably want this matter to die down so he can go back to being Umno’s “PNATL” or President Not Amounting To a Leader, and inadvertently to prove what some people have been unkindly saying — “FRFTHB”, or Fish Rots From The Head Bro.

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To be fair to Zahid, the rot in Umno began way before him. There’s a long and distinguished history of recent leaders of Umno using the party as a personal bank account, or, in one case, as a personal joint bank account with his spouse.

The likelihood of PAS going to town with this as an example of the PH government’s hypocrisy is slim, as PAS had clearly declared CNATH (Corruption Not Amounting To Hudud) and hence would not roll out the controversial syariah criminal law against such DNAA-able offences.

So, in the scheme of things in Malaysia, this isn’t a big deal, nor something unique that will plunge the country into a major crisis of conscience and shame, given that we don’t have much of the first and certainly none of the second.

Would the other cases against Zahid and other prominent Umno personalities go DLF (Drop Like Flies)?

You can’t say for sure as we mere mortals aren’t privy to the deliberations that led to such a move. We can only speculate, at least until somebody important comes out and says the rakyat shouldn’t speculate, which could happen any moment now.

Meanwhile, LGO (Life Goes On). Malaysia continues to face CNATC (Challenges Not Amounting To a Catastrophe), with the only reason we haven’t become an FN – Failed Nation – is that some of our neighbours are also equally hopeless.

Every day we face PNATC (Problems Not Amounting To a Crisis), dealing with political leaders from all sides of the spectrum who are LNATM (Leaders Not Amounting To Much), while we face the prospect of SNATD (Stress Not Amounting To Depression) while dealing with SOSOSAOA – Same Old Same Old errr..Substance (?) All Over Again.

Such is Life. All in all, a term coined a long time ago describes it best: SNAFU (Situation Normal, All…err..Fouled Up!). - FMT

The views expressed are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect those of MMKtT.

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