
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Malays, Chinese, Indians, others are all blessings from the Almighty


As Malaysia Day beckons, I reflect with sadness that the Malaysia of today is a far cry from the Malaya I first entered at the age of five, and the one that won independence 66 years ago.

It is also not the Malaysia envisaged when the federation was first formed in 1963.

In the early years of Malaysia, we were all taken up by the concept of “muhibbah”, described as a life lived in harmony with other Malaysians irrespective of race.

But “muhibbah” is in fact a word of Indian origin with an even deeper meaning. In Urdu it means “loving”.

For much of the 20th century, Malaysians lived their lives in mutual love and harmony, but now in my 68th year, regrettably, much of that life is a distant memory to me.

That is the result of the constant constitutional falsehoods spouted by deceitful and failed politicians who have used race and religion to distort a harmonious society painstakingly built by our founding fathers and led by the “real” Umno.

The destruction of the real Umno was also the foundation for the pursuit of Malay rights. It also infused in a new generation of Malay leaders a fascination for corrupt practices that were never part of the Malay culture.

These unscrupulous politicians are now branding me and my fellow Malaysians of Indian and Chinese origin as “pendatang” (immigrants), notwithstanding that we had made our home here, pledged our loyalty and dedication to the country and its Malay Rulers, and made substantial contributions in terms of knowledge, work and taxes.

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I was astounded to find in a recent media report, that one leading politician has gone to the extent of now calling non-Malay political parties “parti pendatang” (immigrant parties).

In recent times, we have read on multiple occasions that enforcement agencies have been investigating such matters, but rarely have they taken immediate and appropriate action against politicians for flouting the Constitution and the Rukun Negara and for endangering the security of the nation.

They are also becoming a public nuisance to society and chasing away foreign investors.

It is common sense that foreign investment is necessary in the modern era of mutually dependant free trade as it will increase the country’s economic wealth, which will ultimately benefit both the Malays and non-Malays alike.

In fact, by pushing the Malay agenda past its constitutional limits, these unprincipled politicians are hijacking the role of Malay Rulers who are the real constitutional guardians of the Malay race and Islam.

They are also brazenly trampling over the constitutional rights, freedoms and safeguards given to all other Malaysians to live in peace and prosperity.

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Disappointingly, the human rights commission has failed to respond to such abuses by these unscrupulous politicians.

To my mind, such misconduct on the part of these unscrupulous politicians amounts to treason. Although other jurists may disagree, I take the view that the Oath of Office of Rulers read with other provisions of the Federal Constitution permit a charge of treason to be maintained against these miscreant politicians.

In any case, at the very least, either the penal laws or a court injunction can be enforced to arrest such unscrupulous conduct which threatens the peace and harmony of the nation.

Malaya is in a unique location, and the Almighty has been extraordinarily generous by entrusting into the custody of the Malay Rulers one of the most important sea routes for travel between the east and the west as well as a land with an abundance of wealth.

That wealth, however, cannot be fully realised by the Malays without the support of the non-Malays.

Indeed, no one community can claim the credit for making Malaysia what it is today. The country has got to where it is through the contributions of Malaysians of all races.

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Sadly, by trying to push aside the non-Malays, the unscrupulous politicians of this era are leading the country into an abyss.

The time has come for them to stop such un-Islamic practices against the non-Malays. Malaysia belongs to all of us who have made our homes here, irrespective of race, colour or creed. - FMT

The views expressed are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect those of MMKtT.

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