
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, September 2, 2023

The Renewable Energy Scam By The World Economic Forum

 Here is a note for the Okonomi fellow and that Climate Change fellow as well. 

Renewable Energy is a scam thought up by the World Economic Forum (WEF). 

Klaus Schwab is running a scam. 

Dont get scammed by the WEF fellows. 
They ask you to sit, you sit. 
They ask you to stand you stand. 
They ask you to roll over you roll over.


Renewable Energy presently provides LESS THAN 2% of the world's electricity generation capacity. The remaining 98% of electric power is generated by fossil fuels (coal, gas, oil) and some nuclear.

There is a simple reason for this - coal is the cheapest and an efficient source of fuel for power generation. Gas is also abundantly available.

The most important feature of fossil fuels is their reliability. 
You absolutely cannot generate electricity to meet base loads or peak demand using Renewable Energy.

If there is no wind the wind turbines will stop.
If it is cloudy or it rains the solar panels will black out.
That is why 98% of electricity is generated using fossil fuels. 
Less than 2% of electricity is generated using Renewable Energy. 
You are NEVER GOING TO BE ABLE to increase Renewable Energy to 30% or 40%.
Not only not in a hundred years BUT NEVER.
Renewable Energy is just a scam by the World Economic Forum.

To both the Okonomi fellow and the Climate Change fellow, do you know the percentage of Carbon Dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere? What is the percentage of CO2 in the atmosphere? 20%? 8%? 2%? 1%? 0.1%?

The answer is :  0.04% or 421 ppm (parts per million). This is what the Americans say. Even this can be challenged.

This means 999,579 ppm of the atmosphere IS NOT CARBON DIOXIDE.  (SATU JUTA TOLAK 421 = 999,579).

Just for your information 999,579 ppm is a multiple of 2,374 times 421 ppm !!

So the suggestion is that this 421 parts per million of CO2 can raise the temperature of the remaining 999,579 ppm of the atmosphere that IS NOT CO2.

'The current global average concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere is (0.04%) or 421 ppm as of May 2022. This is an increase of 50% since the start of the Industrial Revolution.'

Wow ! The Industrial Revolution began around 1760 or 263 years ago. So the CO2 then was around 280 ppm? Was the world much cooler then? So CO2 has increased 140 ppm in 263 years or an average of 0.53 ppm per year?

They say:   For the last 50 years, global temperature rose at an average rate of about 0.13°C per decade.

That is about 0.65 degrees Celsius in total. Wow that is really hot. Going at this pace  will it increase another 0.65 Celsius in another 50 years? 

So to 'neutralise' this they say we must achieve ZERO Carbon by say 2050. Ok say the whole world achieves Zero Carbon by 2050, can they tell us if the global temperature will drop back? 

No they cannot. They say their computer modelling cannot do that. (It does not calculate temperature drops. Only temperature increases).

They say at Zero Carbon global warming will slow down. Ok fine. Can their computer modelling say slow down by how much? No they cannot. They do not do 'slow down by how much' either.

Here is a picture of the Maldives International Airport which is practically at sea level (Velana International Airport at Hulehule Island). 

In 2018 they built a brand new runway.  The new runway has been built immediately beside the old runway that was built in 1960 - 58 years earlier. You can see both the runways in this picture - the old and the new.  So what does this prove? It shows that despite the passage of 58 years the Maldive Islands are still there. The Maldives have not sunk below the sea. The sea levels around the Maldives have not risen over the past 58 years.

Despite global temperatures increasing 0.13 degrees Celsius every 10 years.  Or did they really?

The views expressed are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect those of MMKtT.

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