
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, September 7, 2023


 At first here is Murray Hunter with his latest views. I have truncated and adapted the article for brevity. My comments at the end.

Getting to know the gomen (Click the title).
By their deeds you will know them
Murray Hunter
Sep 7, 2023.

The gomen has been in power for more than nine months now. As a commentator trying to tell the people the reflections I am seeing, these have met push back with a number of standard criticisms.

The most common one has been that this is better than the alternative. This argument was recently used when replying to a question by a student on the issue of student race quotas

(OSTB : This is also known as the "Pas is coming!" option. But  Pas was already part of the Federal gomen under Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin. There were Pas Cabinet Ministers. So Pas is coming!  is another boogeyman lie. Pas was already here.)

Others say, give him a chance, while still more say that the gomen is not a ‘reformasi’ gomen, and is a ‘unity’ gomen, sharing power with other political parties. And so, the one liners go on.

However, under these veils of hope, there is great disappointment shared by a large number of Pakatan Harapan supporters. The results of the recent state elections were blamed on the ‘brainwashing’ of the young within the education system, not the performance of the  gomen, which incidentally is not a gomen the Rakyat voted for.

(OSTB : That is right. The rakyat DID NOT VOTE for this gomen. This gomen is a result of some horse trading with only the satan knows what type of deals were hatched behind closed doors.)

What we have is a gomen in power that is not much different from any other gomen before.

In Malaysia, gomens can change, but the policies remain the same.

  • new Home Minister said SOSMA wouldn’t be reviewed
  • Quotas on education would remain 
  • most business monopolies would remain
  • budget preferences to Bumiputeras would remain
  • Politicians continued to be appointed to GLC boards, and so on.

many realize the ‘spirit of reformasi’ totally absent within gomen

We have to see what the gomen has done over the last nine months

most needed reforms are in education system
we have only seen Al-Nawawi module. PAS never thought of this.

obvious gomen's economic policies same 
national Industrial Master Plan 2030 (NIMP) same 

Malaysia still has GLCs 
This is socialist economics
distribute wealth towards the corporations
Monopolies being maintained
APs that favour those who possess them

gomen created strongest censorship in this century
Online news portals being blocked arbitrarily
without due processes.

Corruption is still rampant GLCs
crony companies able to landgrabs 
integrity of legal system under question 
public prosecutor withdrew corruption case 

JAKIM’s responsibilities include media censorship 
new role in national economic planning.

wasn’t PAS part of the federal government between 2020-2022?

PN  didn’t confiscate Swatches.  
PN didn’t utilize legal system as a political tool. 
PN didn’t use censorship to silence its critics
gomen is like a restaurant where you can order whatever you like
but everyone will receive the same dish.

Originally published in My Sin Chew 6th September 2023

My Comments :

Saya ada cadangan baru. Cadangan OutSyed The Box. 

Why not kita ganti saja sistem penghakiman dengan sistem lain? Kita juga hapuskan sistem pendakwaraya. 

Hari ini kes RM2.8 juta Bung Mokhtar dan bini sudah dibuang di Mahkamah. No more case. Bung dan bini selamat. Tahniah.

Kelmarin kes kepala watak No. 2 juga dibuang dalam Mahkamah. 

Berita terkini pula mengatakan gemuk bini padu minta kes dia pun dibuang oleh Mahkamah. 

Hakim dalam kes watak No. 2 marah bahawa wang rakyat bazir, banyak masa dibazirkan selama 77 hari kes berjalan, 115 saksi telah pun dipanggil (tentu sekali melibatkan bayaran perjalanan, penginapan hotel, makan minum berpuluh ribu Ringgit). Semuanya dibazirkan. All wasted.

Hakim dan pendakwaraya dibayar gaji dengan mengguna duit rakyat berpuluh ribu Ringgit sebulan. Semuanya telah hangus jadi bazir. 

Berpuluh ribu Ringgit lagi gaji bulanan pegawai mahkamah, anggota Polis yang bertugas di Mahkamah dan lokap, Court interpreter dsbnya semua dibazirkan. Kes pula telah dibuang. Apabila kes dibuang segalanya telah dibazirkan. Nothing was achieved.

Jadi saya cadangkan kita tukar saja sistem penghakiman dan sistem pendakwaraya di Malaysia. We change the judicial system and the public prosecutor system too.

Kita ganti saja dengan sistem keadilan sap sap sui (maksudnya 'mudah' atau very easy).

Kita ganti saja dengan sistem boh liau (sistem boring) yang tidak perlukan bayaran gaji mahal untuk hakim, pendakwaraya, peguam dsbnya.

Saya cadangkan kita beralih kepada sistem keadilan yang berasaskan kautim atau 'boleh settle'. Ejaan Bahasa Melayu : boleh setel.

Jadi apabila berlaku kes jenayah, terutama sekali high profile cases yang melibatkan watak-watak pemegang amanah rakyat yang mencuri atau sakau duit rakyat yang mereka diberi amanah untuk menjaganya maka kita selesaikan kes-kes seperti itu dengan cara kautim. Kita setel sajalah. 

Oleh kerana istilah-istilah kautim, sap sap sui dan boh liau ini diambil daripada bahasa Cina saya cadangkan kaum Cina  (terutama sekali DAP) yang menjadi penyokong kuat kautim mengambil peranan besar untuk menjayakan sistem keadilan baru jenis kautim ini. The DAP Chinese can play a big role in this new kautim system of justice.

Kita boleh melantik satu Jawatankuasa Kautim terdiri daripada orang Cina saja yang boleh kaji setiap kes dan tentukan jika ada imminent threat atau keadaan yang mengancam. Jawatankuasa ini bukan peguam atau pakar undang-undang. Tak payah. Just anyone will do.

Jika ada keadaan yang mengancam (imminent threat), contohnya, Pas is coming! ataupun "Who else is there?' maka Jawatankuasa Kautim ini boleh beri cadangan untuk kautim atau settle  (ejaan Bahasa Melayu : setel)  kes-kes tersebut.

Kita tidak perlu lagi Mahkamah, perkhidmatan kehakiman dengan gaji berbelas ribu atau berpuluh ribu Ringgit bagi Hakim.  Kita tidak perlu lagi Pendakwaraya dengan gaji berbelas atau berpuluh ribu  dsbnya. Kita juga akan jimat bayar api dan air bangunan Mahkamah, kita akan jimat kos membina bangunan Mahkamah berpuluh juta dan beratus juta ringgit. 

Kita boleh kautim atau settle (ejaan Bahasa Melayu : setel) kes-kes tersebut melalui WhatsApp group saja.

Dan kita boleh umumkan keputusan kautim itu menerusi Twitter, Instagram, Facebook dsbnya. Simple. We keep it simple.  

Ini cadangan saya saja. At the suggestion level only. Melihat kepada begitu banyak kes-kes yang dibuang atau ditarik balik dalam Mahkamah saya rasa ini bukan cadangan kuda liar sangat. 

Patut diberi pertimbangan. Sekian.

The views expressed are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect those of MMKtT.

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