By Syed Akbar Ali
Well its taken up some bandwidth already and many people are informed about this case. The only people still pretending NOT TO KNOW anything about this are the Prime Minister and the Minister in question. Allegations have been flying that a sitting (or maybe now sh*tting) Minister raped his Indonesian maid a few monsoons ago. To my knowledge the story first broke in the pro Government Blogs and now has taken root in the extreme right wing pro UMNO Blogs. You can count me in here too.
I will just list the links here :
i. Please investigate this report thoroughly at BigDog's Blog
ii .Alleged maid rape Part 3 - RPK has a name at Rocky's Bru
There are other links, if you are interested you can find them at the above Blogs.
Then there is he case of Chrome Dome who is being sued for libel by Akramshah Sanusi, the son of Tan Sri Sanusi Junid. You can read Akram Shah’s Blog entry "Blogger Menyaman Bekas Menteri Pak Lah" here.
Akram certainly does not mince his words. Chrome Dome has already embarrassed himself and the Government a few times. That is why he is no more in the Cabinet. But it looks like some are really born to be spuds, even in retirement. He is now also chairman of SPAD (in Malay its pronounced ‘spud’ – which also means a potato).
I find the country rather strange now. As long as you are a politician in power you can do anything you want and your dumb supporters or the ‘pretending to be sleeping’ leaders will not do anything useful about it.
On the Dark Side, you have the walking cadaver (who is upset that someone recently said he had died) can just get away with accepting an RM65,000 all expenses paid overseas tour to visit some tourist sites. Why? Cos he is their wali selipar ! The “debu dalam suci” guy. When the UMNO boys do the same thing, they scream for their scalp (and they should too – saya sokong 100%). But how come its ok when they do the same thing? Or worse?
Then the Head Honcho of the Dark Side is a Liwatter. Confirmed. A liar, a hypocrite, traitor and treasonous devil. Diablo (Devil). Rata Mala (Malicious Rat). He refuses to declare his assets too. And what happens? His ‘dumb as doorknobs’ supporters are still willing to sniff his @ss for a ‘bantal busuk’ before they can sleep at nite. I really cant understand these folks.
Now we have this UMNO Minister who has been fingered quite well in the Blogs for fingering the old Indon maid. I have seen a photocopy picture of the maid. What can I say, she is a middle aged Indon maid. What is wrong with these folks? But what happens? Nothing.
The Prime Minister don’t seem to care too much. Mr Prime Minister, if you don’t change your Cabinet almost completely, sorry lah Brader. You already have the corrupt, the Jurassic Park, the clowns, the crooks. Now rapist pun sudah ada. OK lah maybe there is no ‘cogent evidence’ which can be presented in Court to convict the Minister. The maid has gone back to Cilacap in Jawa and may not even want to testify but what about the Court of public opinion?
You are all elected by the people. You have to present yourself to the public. Do you seriously think the people are that easy to fool? (But then again, reading what I have already written here, maybe it is possible to fool all the people all the time in Malaysia. The guys on the Dark Side can fool their supporters continuously all the time. The guys on this side can also fool their supporters continuously all the time. Well folks in that case you deserve what you vote for.)
In contrast during the time of Mahafiraun, one clown got caught with cash in Australia. The offense took place in Australia but he was kicked out of office here in Malaysia by Mahafiraun. The corrupt Slumberjack later appointed him back into Government.
Another clown was alleged to have hung out with secondary school girls. He was Mahafiraun’s blue eyed boy by the Straits that bears the name of his State. Mahafiraun still kicked him out. Blue eyed boy pun kena kicked out by Mahafiraun. He too saw some sort of revival under the corrupt Slumberjack.
Then there was a Minister who had slept with his sister in law. Mahafiraun kicked him out too. I remember the Minister sobbing in Mahafiraun’s presence. When you do the wrong, you be gone before long. That was Mahafiraun’s way. Then there was the liwatter. Mahafiraun should have kicked him out when the Cops first advised him but instead Mahafiraun kept him around for another six years. Strange behaviour for a dictator.
We need a Mahafiraun.
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