It is outrageous and unbelievable when the BN Federal Government insists on appointing the Selangor State Secretary without the knowledge and consent of the Selangor Menteri Besar.
The recent announcement by the Federal Government's Chief Secretary that Dato Mohd Khusrin had been appointed as the new No.1 civil servant is most disturbing and will be regarded as another obvious sabotage towards the Pakatan administration.
Such undemocratic practice shows the shallow mindset of the Najib administration and will result into a vicious circle, which will spark more political revenge between BN and Pakatan Rakyat. It is obvious Najib's administration did not walk the talk when they proclaimed people first, performance now, but instead proved that all their words were just castles in the air.
Najib's move is similar to what he has done to the Perak Pakatan Government in 2009, where he used the same dirty tactics to topple the then people-elected government in the silver state. Now the same is slowly creeping in again in Selangor.
(Nga Kor Ming is the DAP MP for Taiping)
吡行动党今日炮轰国阵中央政府绕过雪州政府,在州务大臣不知情下委任新的州政府 秘书,蓄意干扰雪州民联政府施政。
倪可敏表示,古斯林被视为巫统代理人,他一方面多番阻止回教党及公正党在回教堂内举行学术性活动,但是另一方面却极力游说允许首相纳吉在今年的斋戒月在雪州甘榜美丹回教堂举行巫统活动。若论资排辈,身為C级(Jusa Gred C)公务员的古斯林根本不符合雪州秘书A级(Jusa A)的资格。“试问国阵让古斯林三級跳升级所為何来?”倪氏质问。
(图) : 吡州行动党炮轰国阵中央政府在州务大臣不知情下委任新的州政府 秘书,蓄意干扰雪州民联政府施政。左起彭宏钟、倪可敏、张友強、彭兴忠及杨祖强。
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