
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Nik Nazmi: Grade C Khusrin not qualified to be state-secretary

It looks like Prime Minister Najib Razak has stirred a fresh hornet’s nest by trying to bulldoze through the promotion of his ‘blue-eyed boy’ Khusrin Munawi as the new Selangor state secretary, with dirt starting to hit the fan as both Khusrin’s colleagues and critics alike expose his weaknesses.

Not only has the Pakatan Rakyat administration led by Mentri Besar Khalid Ibrahim vowed to challenge the appointment, Khusrin’s own peers in the Selangor civil service are seething with resentment over his meteoric climb.

They claim his rise was due to "currying favor" rather than "solid qualifications" and also accused Najib of unfairness and disrespecting them for the sake of furthering his political ambitions in the state.

“Based on track record, Khusrin is not qualified. He is just a Grade C officer, but to force through the appointment, he has been catapulted into Grade A which is the grade a state secretary holds,” Seri Setia assemblyman Nik Nazmi (pic above) wrote in his blog.

Currying favor

The PKR leader was sharing the multitude of feedback he has received since Khusrin’s appointment was suddenly announced by the federal government earlier this week. Till now, Najib has not sought the views of Khalid, who has to be consulted as the state secretary will need to work closely with him if Selangor is to function well and prosper.

Pakatan leaders have warned they will not accept Khusrin, who is not only an Umno stalwart, but in the past two years has constantly worked to undermine their interest in favour of his own party.

“Khusrin has only completed 3 out of his 27 years service as an officer appointed at the federal level. The rest of his experience is only at the Selangor state level. It appears that his main qualification in getting promoted to State Secretary stems from his attitude in perpetually opposing the Pakatan state government,” said Nik Nazmi.

“Is it possible for the Menteri Besar, the head of the state government in which Khusrin will be serving as the senior-most officer to accept and work with him? According to the state laws, the state secretary has to take an oath of loyalty to the Mentri Besar. Rightfully, the state secretary must be neutral and be able to work together based on mutual respect with the Mentri Besar for the sake of improving the state administration. Can Khusrin do this?”

Sabotaged the Pakatan administration

Nik Nazmi also pointed to various incidents or acts of "sabotage" where Khusin as the JAIS chief had deliberately undermined Pakatan leaders. At one time, fearful that renowned Islamic cleric Dr Asri Zainul Abdin may join Pakatan, Khusrin even arrested Dr Asri for preaching in Selangor without a ‘licence’. The court case against Dr Asri is still on-going.

“During Ramadan, to curry favour with Najib, Khusrin lobbied to hold an Umno program at the Masjid al-Ihsan in Taman Medan. It was only because of the integrity of the mosque officials there who insisted on upholding the Sultan’s decree not to politicize inside the mosques that this was prevented,” said Nik Nazmi.

“Khusrin also contradicted the Majilis Fatwa Kebangsaan’s decision (to allow non-Muslims to enter mosques) and for playing up the controversy over Teo Nie Ching’s visit to the prayer hall at Surau al-Huda in Kajang (to present a cheque on behalf of the Selangor government). Yet, Khusrin completely closed an eye when MP for Hulu Selangor P Kamalanathan presented a cheque at the Masjid Sungai Tengi.”

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