
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Written by gkm2020

“TERRORISTS” @gangsters hired by BN link corporate Oil Palm Company “BLD Resources Sdn. Bhd. (BLDR)” a subsidiary of “BLD Plantation Berhad” (KUL: BLDPLNT) brought along machetes and explosives to threaten longhouse folks.

For further details: http://www.bld.com.my/corporate_information/index.html

ULU NIAH – Gangsters that were hired by BLD Resources, an oil palm company currently in dispute with the native landowners of Rumah Ranggong and Rumah Belilie, last Friday went to the outskirts of the native customary land boundary of Rumah Ranggong armed with machetes and explosives in an attempt to threaten and intimidate the longhouse residents.

We have just received pictures (see attached) from the residents of Rumah Ranggong on the incident and also pictures of the machetes and explosives brought by the gangsters. YB BNs can you explain? Or should Dayaks “Headhunt” them like the old days?

Gangs Leader arrested by Police, others free

“Terrorist Teams” recruited and stationed at BLD Resource Camp

Exhibit 1: Weapon use for much questionable “Self-Defense” purpose?

Exhibit 2: Homemade Explosives @Bombs and “duku ilang” use for unforeseen “Self-Defense” purpose.

Exhibit 3: More Explosives – Does this amount to “death penalty”?



Section 57 of the ISA prescribes a mandatory death penalty for certain offences to be tried in court,

(1) Any person who without lawful excuse, the onus of proving which shall be on that person, in any security area carries or has in his possession or under his control -

a) any firearm without lawful authority therefor: or

b) any ammunition or explosive without lawful authority therefor,

shall be guilty of an offence and shall, on conviction, be punished with death.


Offenses relating to scheduled weapons

7. (1) Any person who, otherwise than for a lawful purpose—

(a) carries or has in his possession or under his control;

(b) manufactures, sells or hires or offers or exposes for sale or hire; or

(c) lends or gives to any other person,

any scheduled weapon shall be guilty of an offence and shall on conviction be liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding two years, or to a fine not exceeding two thousand ringgit or both, and in the case of a second or subsequent offence to imprisonment for a term of not less than one year and not more than three years.

(2) In any prosecution for an offence under subsection (1) the onus of proving the existence of a lawful purpose shall be upon the accused.

(3) An offence under subsection (1) shall be deemed to be a seizable and non-bailable offence.

Consorting with persons carrying offensive weapons in public places

8. (1) Any person who consorts with, or is found in the company of, another person who is carrying or has in his possession or under his control any offensive weapon in contravention of section 6, in circumstances which raise a reasonable presumption that he knew that such other person was carrying or had in his possession or under his control any such weapon shall, unless he shall prove that he had reasonable grounds for believing that such other person was carrying or had in his possession or under his control any such weapon for a lawful purpose, be guilty of an offence and shall be liable to the like punishment as that other person with whom he was consorting or in whose company he was found.

(2) An offence against this section shall be deemed to be a seizable and non-bailable offence.


I am not asking, I am saying it is about time Dayaks and Dayak’s NGOs setup the proposed “Dayak Human Rights & Security Council” (DHRSC) and/or Natives’ Rights & Advocacy Organizations or “Special Working Action Team”; SWAT.

The terms of what is needed to implement our Native Dayaks’ policies for indigenous people and the Declaration.


What is SWAT?

SWAT is a specialized community unit known as the “Special Working Action Team” for Dayaks and their organizations. We want to build a team that would last forever and prudent. Let us lead this proposed “SWAT” Community Unit.

The tactics to be used by the SWAT will be designed to put “ACTION” into the new DayakBaru culture. They will include rallies, press conferences, petition drives, letter writing campaigns and community organizing.

Some ideas for SWAT

The programs may include the following objectives:

  1. To create a visible and measurable impact on human welfare and living standards in both urban and rural communities;
  2. To involve local communities in the identification, design, and implementation of grassroots initiatives of direct benefit to them;
  3. To strengthen Dayaks’ capacities and capability for sustained community-focused development.
  4. To draw greater attention to the professional and social justice concerns of the social work community.
  5. To increasing awareness of these issues, the SWATs will advocate and lobby for solutions to our community’s and profession’s concerns.
  6. To foster the well being of individuals; help bring about behavioral change through insight and critical reflection; help adults develop the personal and interpersonal strengths needed to meet the challenges of caring for and educating the young; help develop a responsible relationship with the world of work; improve human relationships and develop a spirit of community.
  7. To promote and protect Native Rights, Territories and Sovereignty.

SWAT will focus on building Sustainability, Wealth, Advancement and Technology for Dayaks.

SWAT motto “Strengthen – We Act Together”

The mission of the nationally recognized SWAT (Special Working Action Team) concept is to promote, stimulate and undertake to provide Integrated Humanitarian Development Programs, outreach to the community through parental involvement, financial and corporate support, and community service. It is also a goal to encourage collaboration among student SWAT Units regionally.

A SWAT Unit is directed by a motivated leader and is comprised of any number of intellectual communities who wish to form a structured group to advance the Integrated Humanitarian Development Program at their areas.

This community work function should be a recognized part of the professional practice of mentors/motivators, teachers, social workers, the clergy, health workers, architects, planners, administrators, developers and others. In the modern conditions of social change it is also a necessary full time professional task.

The SWAT Team may consist of specialized “Task Force Teams” formed to address the job force objectives and relevant goals at any areas and/or nominated area.

SWAT Functions

The SWAT basic work functions are as follows: (this shall be amended and/or add-on as and when it’s relevant, necessary and benefits to our community)

  • Promoting Community Work and Social Change
  • Building Community Strengths and Element of Power
  • Community Development and Initiatives
  • Working with Rural Communities
  • Community Education
  • Community Business and Economic Development
  • Community Government and NGOs
  • Community Work (Women in Community, Jobs and Actions, Experimental Course, Political Issues, Successes and Struggles)
  • Community Organization Unity
  • Community 1Dayak and Indigenous Peoples Rights
  • Rural and NCR Land Community Development
  • Enterprising Neighbors
  • Fostering Community – The Seven Native Capitals
  • Community Protection, Integrity, Anti-Corruption and Justice

What say you all here?


courtesy of Dayakbaru

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