
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, March 26, 2011

'Eskay sore with Anwar over crooked bridge'

An ex-bodyguard claims Shazrul Eskay is sore with Anwar because the latter refuses to be a witness in a civil suit.

An former bodyguard claims that the latest political sex tape controversy is the result of businessman Shazryl Eskay Abdullah's anger with PKR de facto leader Anwar Ibrahim for refusing to return a favour.

Mohamad Mahti Abdul Rahim, a former bodyguard for a deputy minister, claimed that Eskay was upset that Anwar refused to be his witness in a civil suit involving the 'crooked bridge' project.

NONEMahti, a cop-turned-bodyguard for former deputy home minister Megat Junid Megat Ayub, was among the witnesses in the trial.

"In our several meetings after I testified for him, Eskay was very angry with Anwar... he was cursing Anwar, and vowing to take him down at any cost.

"(Eskay) claimed that Anwar had taken 'his cut', but I don't know what he was referring to," he told reporters at a press conference at his house in Kuang, near Sungai Buloh.

In his testimony, Mahti said Megat Junid had handed an Economic Planning Unit offer letter for the project to Eskay, who helped Merong Mahawangsa Sdn Bhd obtain the project.

Eskay filed a RM20 million suit against Merong Mahawangsa and its director, Yahya Abdul Jalil, for breach of contract over the project.

Eskay's 'deed'

He and former Malacca Chief Minister Rahim Thamby Chik came forward on Wednesday to say that they, together with Perkasa treasurer-general Shuib Lazim, made up the trio who screened the video of a man, purportedly an opposition leader, having sex with a woman to the press on Monday.

Mahti said Eskay labelled Anwar an "ingrate" because he had helped bring Anwar and PKR deputy president Azmin Ali's wife Shamsidar Taharin and their children to Singapore for a paternity test.

This was allegedly done following Anwar's sacking from cabinet in 1998, when there were allegations that Shamsidar's children were fathered by Anwar. This allegation was proven false.

Mahti also claims that Eskay takes credit for helping fugitive blogger Raja Petra Kamaruddin flee the country. Eskay has denied this last year.

According to Mahti, a few days before the sex video screening at the Carcosa Seri Negara hotel, Eskay had met him and asked whether he could "source" for four former UTK (Unit Tindakan Khas) personnel.

"He asked if I could ask the people I know. He wanted them to protect him (during the screening)," he said.

However, Mahti, who appeared somewhat nervous throughout the press conference, said he refused to be involved in whatever Eskay was planning to do and told the businessman that he didn't want to hear details about the matter.

"He then took me to Shuib's house and tried again to talk me into it by telling me Anwar's faults, but I stopped him from doing so because I refused to have anything to do with it," he said.

'Shuib a good man'

He added that during the meeting, which lasted about an hour long, Shuib appeared reluctant to go along with Eskay.

"I know Shuib. He is a good man," he said.

It was at Shuib's house that Mahti claimed he was also told by the well-connected businessman that the video screening was a favour for a certain "number one", a claim that he did not believe.

azlanHe added that several days after 'Datuk T' - the code name used by Rahim, Eskay and Shuib during Monday's screeening for the media - emerged, an old friend of his, who is also Anwar's bodyguard, rang him to ask why Eskay would do such a thing.

"I told him I didn't know and that I was sorry that this thing happened," he said.

Mahti said his friend told him Eskay had paid a visit to Anwar's house a few weeks back with his wife and children in tow.

However, Anwar's bodyguard never asked him for help to clear the opposition leader's name.

"I am doing this because Eskay is a liar. I did not speak to Anwar before this.

"In fact I love (Prime Minister) Najib (Abdul Razak) and am worried that Eskay will implicate (Najib)," he said. - Malaysiakini

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