
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, January 5, 2012

Cowgate 'scriptwriters' still hard at work

YOURSAY The police need to apply some common sense - why ‘consultancy fees' for a cattle-rearing business is paid to a rent-a-car boss?

'Charge NFC boss with trying to bribe police, MACC'

your sayKarma: Anyone can write a book of conspiracy on this. With monetary transfers, cows, condos, cars, corruption, paid holiday trips, Singapore fine cuisine restaurants and then finally a bribery attempt after a well-informed raid by the MACC (Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission).

Suddenly, within a few days and a re-arrest (as though he was released to strike a fall-guy deal) Shamsubahrin Ismail, is charged with trying to cheat the National Feedlot Corporation (NFC) boss Mohamad Salleh Ismail, who is himself embroiled in alleged corruption.

What a twist. This is a true event. I mean the twist, not sure of the truth of the matter.

Further, a senior politician, whose husband is the said boss, is involved. The politician is also a concern to the ruling government as she could affect its chances of winning the next general election.

The show needs a finale now. I hope the ending is even more interesting.

Malaysian 53: NFC chairperson Mohamad Salleh, who allegedly initiated the attempted corruption, is not charged.

He is the victim being cheated by a ‘runner' who was allegedly asked to do the payment. The runner was instead charged.

MACC prosecution chief Abdul Razak Musa said there was no plan by the duo to influence anyone based on his investigation on the payment.

Then why did Salleh give Shamsubahirin the money? For what kind of consultancy service? It looks like MACC, police and Umno all think we are all a bunch of fools.

Sapphire: The MACC is waiting for the government to remove all evidence connected to this fiasco, then and only then, they will act.

Trumpet Call: The whole NFC scandal has now reached the level of the incredulous. It is absolutely incredible how slow and passive the investigating authorities are in spite of such overwhelming evidence of the blatant abuse of public funds.

The amazing thing is that it seems that the whole government machinery is paralysed and impotent. They are either deliberately dragging their feet or that they are really incompetent. In either case, the MACC has so far made a fool of itself in the eyes of the rakyat.

But the bad news for the anti-corruption commission is that Malaysians will not let the issue die off so easily without justice being done.

Teropong Negara: Mohamad Salleh was the head of the Technology Park Malaysia for six years and nothing was achieved, but millions of ringgit of public funds were spent. The public has the right to know whether similar mismanagement and abuse of public funds had also taken place there.

Why did the government take six years to show him the door? Is it just because he is the husband of a senior Umno politician?

The attorney-general must visit the records of the Technology Park and let us know what had actually happened there during his tenure.

Changeagent: Women, Family and Community Development Minister Shahrizat Abdul Jalil's family is definitely not that stupid.
The stupid person here is Shamsubahrin who walked straight into a trap, oblivious to the fact that they were setting him up to be the fall guy.

Think about it, why is there even a need to bribe the police or MACC in the first place?

The Umno bigwigs like PM Najib Razak and DPM Muhyiddin Yassin never gave any indication that they were interested to pursue this matter any further.

Besides, if Mohamad Salleh really wanted to bribe anyone, he could have used his wife's connections and gone straight to the top of the food chain himself.

He definitely wouldn't need a random middleman to do his bidding, let alone one who would be so easily stopped in his tracks by the rank-and-file at Bukit Aman.

Now, all that remains to be done is for the scriptwriters to come up with a convincing enough script to pin all the blame on this poor Shamsubahrin.

James1067: One of the foundations of the country is to uphold the law. It is sad to say this foundation is been hacked away.

Today the fear is that the victim ends up being charged and the criminal going free. How many times have we seen this in front of our eyes.

MACC, if you have any more self-respect left, do your job. Statements that are made by your officers do not carry any value for the trust in them is completely gone.

Righteous: Consultancy fees for cattle-rearing business paid to a rent-a-car boss...

CCID to get 'proof of NFC irregularities'

Trumpet Call: It appears that PKR is more efficient than the police in unearthing the hidden proof behind the NFC corruption scandal.

What's left to be seen now is whether the police is able or willing to pursue the case to its ultimate conclusion.

Surely there must be some righteous police officers left in our police force who are as determined as us to see justice done and the culprits brought to book.

This is a good opportunity for the police and the MACC to show us that they are above board and above politics.

Righteous: Easy job for the police. All investigation has been done by someone else. The police will "go through everyone" to find an escape route for the ‘thieves'. - Malaysiakini

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