
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, January 5, 2012

Wanita Umno aunties no match to Auntie Bersih

VOXPOP 'One is official and pompous, the other is authentic and humble. One represents the politicians, the other represents the rakyat.'

When Auntie Bersih meets Wanita Umno...

vox populi small thumbnailTrumpet Call: It is so obvious. The Wanita Umno came in their red and white political attire. Auntie Bersih came in her simple everyday clothes.

One is official and pompous, the other is authentic and humble. One represents the politicians, the other represents the rakyat.

One protests because of what they can get out of it, the other protests because of a just cause. Who do you think right-thinking Malaysians will respect?

Veritas et Aeuqtias: "We are not at the same level," said Annie Ooi aka Auntie Bersih. Bravo, Auntie Bersih. Bravo.

Ferdtan: While we applaud the commitment of Auntie Bersih to continue with her fight for greater liberty and standing with the protesting students, we have a word of caution for her - politics is a very dirty business.

All the enforcement authorities are aligned to the Umno government and a misstep such as a misstatement or action from her could have a bad repercussion not only on her, but also hurt the reputation of opposition (even though she is not representing them but the mainstream media would spin that).

Support by all means, but don't confront. We should leave the dirty business of politics to politicians. If she knows what she is doing, well done to her. Her heart and spirit are second to none.

YellowMan: Kudos, Auntie Bersih. I watched the video. Those Wanita fellas should be ashamed of themselves.

Swipenter: Auntie Bersih, you have our utmost respect and admiration for your courage, sense of justice and fair play. Clearly those Wanita Umno aunties are of a different league from you - nothing much upstairs and in their hearts.

2cts Worth: Wanita Umno, listen here - our worsening economy is not the result of demonstrations but the rampant corruption praticed by your party. Get it?

Kryptos: I am surprised the Wanita Umno ladies did not recognise Aunty Bersih. Hmm, they sure need a lot of fabric for their red vest...

Cops mount 'anti-riot' blitz on Anwar 901 rally

Jiminy Qrikert: The PDRM (Royal Malaysian Police) says 'is this what you want?' against the backdrop of the London riots.

True to form, they are liars. Then again, the PDRM are headed by imbeciles who still do not realise that they do not understanding cyberspace and how to use this platform to reach out.

The fundamental principle at work in cyberspace is 'the truth will reign'. Unlike the MSM (mainstream media) which the government, the PDRM and cronies can control with an iron fist, cyberspace is open, inclusive and finds its own level on the issues raised.

The PDRM can post rubbish, lies, stupid rhetorical questions with irrelevant references for its argument and attempt to hoodwink the netizens, but it will always lose every time for as long as they will not tell the truth.

The truth is simple - Bersih 1.0 and 2.0 were peaceful, well-organised and the rakyat at these freedom rallies were extremely well-disciplined. It was the PDRM that attacked the rakyat with chemicals, gases and co-ordinated physical assaults.

SuanWater: I recall watching a police officer putting on display Molotov cocktails apparently seized from ‘Bersih protesters', and weapons too - they were apparently meant to be used to cause trouble at the rally.

Hey, wait a minute, they got all this evidence and didn't make a single arrest? So were the cocktails manufactured by the spin doctors too?

Dear Mr Policeman, please note that we are no longer living in the 1950s. You have already shown that you have taken sides, and that you bow to your political masters.

Justifying the roadblocks, justifying the outlawing of Bersih, shooting tear gas into hospitals, beating up unarmed Malaysians in plain sight, yelling nasty things at little Malay girls in ‘tudung' - all are loaded on YouTube and for the world to see.

Yusri: The government must know the reason why the London riot took place first before comparing it to the street demonstrations in Malaysia.

The Hindraf rally was peaceful. It was merely a matter of handing over a memo to the British High Commission, but PDRM started to spray the protesters with chemical-laced water and beating them up. Who caused the riot?

Bersih 2.0 rally was peaceful and again the PDRM started shooting water cannon all the way into the Tung Shin hospital. The police erected roadblocks all over Kuala Lumpur, causing massive traffic jams. Now, who created problem - Bersih or PDRM?

Steven Choong: The mainstream media will not air the views of anyone except those from BN. This is one way the caring people of Malaysia can peacefully convey a message that they do not see justice in the handling of Sodomy II case by the court.
Hence, why liken the peace-loving people of Malaysia like those in the videos. Has not the people demonstrated they are well-behaved and peaceful in the 709 event?

By Election Fan: On next Monday, we shall see all roads in the whole of Klang Valley leading to the city to be blocked and massive traffic inconvenience to all motorists. We shall blame nobody. Blame it on the BN government and their licensed thugs.

Ferdtan: What is happening? The police are taking part in politics and doing the work of Umno. The police have no business in having such 'anti-riot' blitz - more like propaganda - against the 901 rally.

Why don't PDRM register as a political party with the IGP (police chief) as the president to contest in the coming GE?

This is now the new tactic - using police to do the dirty work - when nobody listened to the government anymore, even PM himself; as they know that they have the right to assemble peacefully to give solidarity to Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim on his D-day.

The police is now declaring to all they couldn't give a damn if they are seen to be partial. There is no more turning back on retaking our country and sacked the whole lot of the renegade top officers.

Ashoka PJ: Dear PDRM, your official function is to protect the country and its citizens from harm and injury.

Now that the citizens want to protest peacefully, can you please protect them from hooligans like Perkasa and Umno Youth, who may start spewing and frothing, and threaten peaceful protestors.

Please protect the citizens who wish to exercise their democratic right to protest peacefully. That is what you are paid for.

Pemerhati: Watching these video clips is no different from watching the local TV channels, which are full of government propaganda meant to fool the people. This police blitz indicates that PM Najib Razak has decided that Anwar should go to prison.

SusahKes: Now, do all of these give a ‘hint' of what the verdict is going to be on 901? - Malaysiakini

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