
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, February 18, 2012

Soi Lek, hold your tongue, apologise to the Chinese Malaysian community and repent.

Soi Lek, hold your tongue, apologise to the Chinese Malaysian community and repent.
Chua Soi Lek,
You always claim that the MCA is the defender of ‘Chinese rights’ and that the party has done a great deal for the community. Your party’s record shows otherwise. The MCA has been in the Alliance/BN since independence, but politically and economically the position of Chinese Malaysians has nose-dived because the MCA representatives in the Cabinet and state governments have behaved like political eunuchs. Their behaviour shows how successfully emasculated the MCA is.
After independence, Umno has successfully colonised the country and MCA has aided and abetted in this by sticking with Umno in spite of this. Currently, the MCA is helping Umno in oppressing people, creating fear among the people and destroying national unity. We are worse off now than under the British. The British allowed Umno to demonstrate against the Malayan Union. They did not fire tear gas or chemical-laced water through cannons at the demonstrators. Under the British, we had local council elections. Now Umno, aided by MCA, is denying us this basic right.
What were the cabinet positions MCA held in the Tunku government and what are the Cabinet positions MCA holds now? You often talk about the Social Contract. The Reid Commission is the Social Contract and some unwritten gentlemen’s agreements. The MCA aided and abetted Umno in shredding that Constitution, thus destroying the Social Contract.
As to the gentlemen’s agreements, one example was the governorship/CM arrangement for Malacca – if the Governor was non-Malay, the CM’s post was to be held by a Malay and vice versa. Tunku appointed an ethnic Chinese as Governor and he was the first and last. Now Umno cronies hold both positions.
The MCA supported every amendment to the Constitution, thus nullifying the most sacrosanct provision to keep Malaysia a democratic, progressive secular state. The ISA, the OSA, the Sedition Act, the Printing Presses and Publications Act, and the Universities and University Colleges Act took away civil rights and liberties and violated human rights.
The MCA supported Umno when the Constitutional provision of 1:2 rural/urban weightage in delineating constituencies was amended, thus creating a lop-sided electoral system in which Barisan could win less than 50 per cent of the popular vote but still grab 80 per cent of the seats at state and federal levels. Most Chinese Malaysians are urban dwellers and their vote is perhaps less than 1/20 of the rural vote.
For example, Putrajaya has fewer than 7000 registered voters but Kit Siang’s constituency of Ipoh Timur has more than 76000 while Kapar in Selangor has 112000. And yet you proclaim together with Umno that our elections are free and fair.
The half-past six PM
The MCA supported Umno in suspending local council elections in the 1960s when an emergency was declared. Urban Chinese Malaysian dwellers are deprived of their constitutional right to elect their local government representatives. An MCA goon is on record as having said that local council elections cannot be held because rural people cannot participate! The 1957 Constitution provided for a 2:1 Malay/non-Malay ratio in the civil service. The MCA supported Umno in amending that constitutional provision, thus creating an almost ethnic Malay domination of the civil service.
The MCA supported Mahathir, a real half-past six PM, when the Constitution was amended to set up Syariah courts. This half-past six leader was later to say that he was lucky to get away with that amendment. The MCA cabinet ministers behaved once again like political eunuchs. Look at the problems this has created for non-Muslims in conversion cases. Soi Lek, have you heard of the Lina Joy case? Now some religious lunatics are claiming that the civil courts are subordinate to the Syariah courts! Why have you not had the courage to condemn such claims? Where in the world is the federal constitution subordinate to state enactments as in Malaysia?
The MCA supported the NEP, which was successfully hijacked by the Umnoputras. Through Ali-Baba businesses, as argued by many scholars, Malaysian companies, GLCs and many others have caused a horrendous capital outflow at the expense of people’s welfare and a just distribution of economic wealth to the rakyat.
Hudud attacker dog for Umno
Umno has assigned you a job – to attack hudud law and frighten Chinese Malaysians into believing that hudud law would be implemented if Pakatan Rakyat came into power and that there would be a Pas PM in such an eventuality. Your statements on hudud law are indeed sacrilegious but it is okay with Umno!
You often talk about power-sharing in the government. If it were so, what was the necessity for MCA cabinet ministers, together with other non-Malay ministers, to send a memorandum to Abdullah Badawi? When Umno took offence, MCA ministers ran for cover and then went on bended knee, apologising profusely and begging for forgiveness! So much for power-sharing in BN. Lim Keng Yaik once said that “the coalition partners were beggars”. This is the truth. So, Soi Lek, do not kid yourself.
Very often, important government policy decisions have been announced at Umno Supreme Council meetings. Isn’t it true that what the Umno Supreme Council decides, the Cabinet approves and Parliament rubber stamps?
MCA fighting for Chinese rights?
You claim to fight for ‘Chinese rights’. Very often, you say that the government must build more Chinese schools and train more Chinese teachers. This is ridiculous! What is the Chinese Malaysian representation in the civil service, the police, the army, navy and air force, the diplomatic corps, and the judiciary? You have settled for tokenism in all areas of national life.
The Deputy Minister of Education is from the MCA. I consider him as dead as a dodo in his job. What was he doing when the Islamo-fascists wrote the school history text books which contain so many irregularities? The Education Ministry is the most racist ministry of all. There are no non-Malay directors in any of its various divisions. There are no non-Malay Chief Education Officers in any state. There are 20 public universities and all VC’s are Malays. There are four deputy VCs in each university. Out of 80 deputy VCs, one may find one or two non-Malays. Within each university, most of the deans are Malays. For example, at USM, the ‘apex university’, there are 27 schools and only one dean is a non-Malay.
So, Soi Lek, your claim that if Chinese Malaysians vote for the MCA, their position in the government will be strengthened is a black lie. For almost 50 long years, Chinese Malaysians had blindly given their vote to the MCA. With their support, the Alliance/BN maintained its two thirds majority in Parliament. This majority has been misused to destroy the Constitution and all independent institutions and literally set up a police state. Even Mahathir has said so.
Thick-skinned enough to ask DAP to emulate MCA
You have called upon the DAP to emulate the MCA. Of course, the DAP will not set up a multi-purpose company or deposit-taking institutions to cheat poor Chinese Malaysians of millions of their hard-earned money. When Lim Guan Eng set an example of a RM100 award in appreciation of senior citizens, he began a trend that was emulated by MCA and other component parties. Good that the MCA is emulating DAP!
With regard to your forthcoming debate with LGE, you have already adopted a defeatist attitude by saying that he is young, strong and a better debater. You took a cheap shot in calling him a street fighter. Guan Eng has too much finesse and is too classy to disrespect you, given your track record.
When Shabery Cheek debated Anwar, the mainstream media hailed him as a great orator, but he was frothing at the mouth and appeared to have forgotten his handkerchief. I would advise you to bring a towel to the debate.
Good luck, Soi Lek.
Tota is the pseudonym of a regular contributor to Thinking Allowed Online, Aliran

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