
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, February 18, 2012

Umno desperadoes distribute fake Pakatan cartoons at mosque to disgust Muslims

Umno desperadoes distribute fake Pakatan cartoons at mosque to disgust Muslims
Umno, acknowledged to be the most corrupt political party in Malaysia, has been caught masquerading as rival coalition Pakatan Rakyat and distributing a spoof of the latter's economic blueprint Buku Jingga at a mosque in a bid to make Muslims disgusted with the opposition.
At the Bandar Tun Razak mosque on Friday, the booklets (see below)were placed at one corner for devotees to take and read. At a glance one might jump to the conclusion that the booklets were produced by Pakatan, but reading through, it becomes obvious it is an Umno product, no doubt about it.
Pakatan's economic plans lambasted
The front page shows a caricature of Prime Najib Razak pumping out money from a Petronas kiosk and filling up sacks of cash for his cronies, raised from mega projects and bailouts to the tune of RM 81.25 billion from 2007-2010. At the bottom were faint logos of Pakatan component parties - PKR, PAS and DAP.
The second page has photos of top Pakatan guns - Anwar Ibrahim, Lim Kit Siang and Hadi Awang - and text explaining why Buku Jingga does not make sense because some of the plans in it have already been implemented by BN. The Director General of ISIS was also quoted as saying that Buku Jingga wouldn't work because it needed too huge an amount of funds to be implemented and the plans envisioned therein needed to be looked at in detail.
The other pages consists of various cartoons portraying Pakatan as not being able to do anything different, but only able to continue with what the BN government has done so far. Basically, it is going to be the same without any changes - unlike what Pakatan has been promising.
Judiciary, police, and Dr M
The booklet also pointed out that when Anwar was the Deputy Prime Minister in Umno-BN government, he did not release any control over the judiciary nor the law enforcement bodies. Unlike now, when he is out of Umno, he and Pakatan are asking for independence for the judiciary and law enforcement agencies.
Well, the truth of the matter is that yes, Anwar was DPM and even Umno deputy president BUT it was Mahathir who was Home Minister and the police and judiciary came directly under him.
Then the booklet pointed out that the Internal Security Act, which was inherited from the British has already been repealed by the BN. But again, it omits the fact that Umno-BN has two new Acts up its sleeve which could be even worse than the ISA.
According to the current Home Minister, Hishammuddin Hussein, the two new Acts will be introduced by the government to replace the ISA, and these will be based on the United States Patriot Act and Anti-Terrorism Act in the United Kingdom. That is again not strictly true. Under the new Acts, the Malaysian enforcement agencies may be allowed to investigate the records of phone calls, e-mails, medical and financial status of any politician or anybody for that matter.
Unbelievable? Look at the Peaceful Assembly Bill, which Umno-BN introduced under the guise and doubletalk of reforms to replace the existing law in the constitution -  it is even more oppressive than Myanmar's.
Free Wi-Fi?
In the next cartoon, Umno gave itself away by boasting that BN has provided free Wi-Fi to the villages, constructed roads and highways for the people, while Pakatan would only be continuing these efforts and collecting toll. But we know that Pakatan has put up a proposal on how to abolish toll stage by stage, with the government taking back control of the highways.
As for the free WiFi, Penang under Pakatan has already done it much earlier, while BN's Wi-Fi are only for a few selected show villages. Rural folk in Sabah and Sarawk don't even have running water, electricity or modern toilet facilities - what more WiFi!
Taking huge amounts with the right hand and giving back a trickle with the left
Another caricature showed Najib handing out money to the people with a caption at the bottom saying Umno-BN opened the Kedai Rakyat 1Malaysia (KR1M) so as to bypass the middlemen in the capitalist system and offer the cheapest prices directly to the consumer.
But we all understand that public money belongs to the people and Najib is only giving back a trickle from his left hand after taking a hefty huge amount with his right hand. Remember Umno gave the family of Shahrizat Jalil the RM250 million NFC cattle breeding project and look at how the money has been abused with the purchase of luxury condos, car, holidays and so on. Incidentally, the KR1M also involves Umno capitalist crony Mydin, so Najib is again telling lies and not giving the full picture of the wheeling and dealing behind the scheme.
The next cartoon showing a BN hand bearing a gift of peace to a new-born baby in a hospital ward with the caption at the bottom saying that Pakatan is radical and does not represent peace.
The FELDA issue was not left out. The cartoon says that before independence from British rule in 1957, the people were coolies for the British. The caption at the bottom says that Pakatan is instigating the FELDA settlers to hate the UMNO-BN government. We all know that it is the FELDA settlers who are now the coolies for UMNO and they have been taken for one too many rides. Even the courts have found the FELDA management guilty, and the settlers shortchanged with dishonest calculations for the produce.
The FELDA replanting funds that were automatically deducted from settlers' payments have gone missing and FELDA has to borrow RM7 billion from the Employees Provident Fund. The FELDA Global Ventures listing will not benefit settlers either and may put them at risk due to possible takeover by foreign shareholders.
The poor and the Mat Rempits
The next cartoon shows two men, sitting on opposite sides of a balance, with a fat man lying on a bed of money portraying the majority of the lower income group benefiting from the 2012 budget. We know that it is actually the other way around; the few filthy rich are controlling the economy while the rest of the people have to struggle to make ends meet. Even the increment in salary for the civil servants benefit the top ranking officials the most, while the lower ranking ones are left out.
The next cartoon is about Mat Rempits. Even the Mat Rempits are not forgotten by Umno-BN but given proper education and provided training in various skills through the vocational schools and colleges. We know that the schools and colleges have been around even before the Mat Rempit phenomena started. I am sure some of these already have diplomas but without proper jobs, they are spiritually lost in our society. BN is not doing anything much about it either. And this is the real fact that Umno is trying to hide with its overkill in the cartoon.
Incompetent Umno
The last page at the back of the booklet says that 60 per cent of the people in Malaysia earn more than RM1,500 a month and some are rich enough to spend extravagantly. We know that RM1,500 is not much these days and it is the Umno-BN government that has spent extravagantly on useless Scorpene submarines, expensive naval vessels, plus Najib’s overseas trips and Rosmah's legendary shopping sprees.
But it was the last cartoon in the booklet that Umno got right. The caption says that the price of petrol as it is now is the fault of the Umno-BN government! Poor Umno - incompetent as ever, there really may be no cure for such ineptness!
Malaysia Chronicle

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