
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Monday, July 2, 2012

MCA chief blasts Umno rep over 'hudud for all' call

MCA president Dr Chua Soi Lek has hit out at Umno's Kemelah assemblyperson Ayub Rahmat for proposing that the Islamic hudud law be implemented for all - both Muslims and non-Muslims - in Johor.

NONEIn a Twitter posting last night, Chua said Ayub (left) was "out of his mind" for proposing such an idea.

"The Johor Umno Adun (state representative) must have run out of ideas and out of his mind to propose hudud in Johor including non-Muslims," the post read.

He added that MCA would "definitely" object to such a move.

Yesterday, Ayub said that he wanted Johor to lead the charge in implementing genuine hudud lawthat would cover all religious groups in Johor.

This, he said, was in contrast to PAS' proposed hudud law, which he described as 'discriminatory' as it only covers Muslims.

His stand has put MCA, the second biggest party in the ruling BN coalition, in a fix.

Fierce critic

MCA has been a fierce critic of hudud law, and has constantly attacked PAS for its plan to implement the Islamic law that it claims would scare away foreign investors.

The Chinese-based party has made its criticism of hudud its key campaign issue for the upcoming general election and use it against arch-rivals DAP.

chua soi lek debate lim guan engHowever, following Ayub's proposal, several netizens questioned if MCA would dare to confront its coalition partner, Umno, on the issue.

"Chua, is your silence on Umno Johor's hudud law proposal a tacit endorsement, or is it you have no (guts) to disagree with your big brother (Umno)?" a user with the handle ‘Little Hantu' had tweeted.

Another by the name of Yvonne Ho had posted, "Umno assemblyperson wants hudud for all in Johor. Aiyoyo... super MCA heroes, howlah?"

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