
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, November 1, 2012

Al Qaeda Websites Hosted In KL Pula !!

Folks, this nightmare seems to be never ending.  Not only is Al Qaeda using Malaysia as a transit point and a recruitment centre but even Al Qaeda websites are being hosted in Kuala Lumpur.  The Star has this EXCLUSIVE story :
  • Local server shuts down al-Qaeda’s online library after being alerted
  • PETALING JAYA: Al-Qaeda's “official” website was registered at an address in Kuala Lumpur.
  • Tawhed.net said to be the largest terrorist website in the world was shut down at 4pm yesterday after The Star alerted the local server.  
  • But that won't be the end of the portal: counter terrorism experts say it is al-Qaeda's strategy to have its websites and forums hosted in one country and move to another when detected.
  • Tawhed.net described in a United States Military Academy report as “al-Qaeda's main online library” contained a message from Ayman Al Zawahiri, al-Qaeda's current leader following the death of Osama bin Laden, and featured interviews with detained terrorist suspects.

First of all congratulations to The Star for detecting this website and alerting the server provider - who is a Malaysian company.  But isnt this the job of Hishamuddin at the Ministry of Home Affairs? We really need to be wide awake on this one. Hishamuddin is simply not doing the job.  

Folks, there is too much crap going on in the country and too often it involves foreigners and foreign ideas that are alien to our well being.  

Its like this - there are too many countries around the world where everything is screwed up. Usually these are the Islamic countries (plus some non Islamic countries). So people from those countries come to Malaysia because we are peaceful, harmonious, stable, we have beautiful weather, beautiful towns and cities and we offer these people hope and opportunities. So they have come here by the millions (Indons, Banglas, Nepalis, Pakistanis, Arabs, Iranians, South Americans, Africans, Eastern Europeans, Central Asians etc). 

Unfortunately instead of getting them to adjust themselves to our way of life (which is what made our Malaysia attractive to them in the first place)  we are now letting them run riot and repeat their bad mannerisms which made their countries of origin screwed up in the first place.

A couple of days ago in our neighborhood (which is fairly upmarket) I saw an African guy pissing against the lamp post just outside his rented house. (There were like 10 other Africans there and it was not even a party). There is no need to assume that back in his African home, that is what they do - they piss in the street. Which is why their countries are so screwed up and they end up finding their way to other countries like Malaysia where people do not piss in the street in front of their own houses !!

The same with these Al Qaeda terrorists. Their religion of hatred and more hatred towards other human beings (just because people belong to a different religion) has caused them serious problems. They cannot live peacefully and amicably with anyone at all. As a result they suffer violence and its consequent poverty. They become poor also because of their philosophy of hate. 

So they have no choice but to migrate to other countries (Australia, America, Europe and now Malaysia) to look for a better life. But they come here carrying their same hatreds and violence. And they start abusing the hospitality that we extend to spread their hatred and violence.

This is what is happening. Those Al Qaeda websites hosted in KL are just spewing hatred and violence.  They dont know how to get a job, go to work in the morning or produce something that is useful for them and their families. As a result they depend on others - especially the "kafirs" whom they dislike so much - for their very survival. They know this and so they fall deeper into despair. 

Now here is the punchline folks. This message is for the Prime Minister, the Deputy PM, the Ministers, the politicians and those in authority - it is NOT the job or the responsibility of  Malaysians to provide the hospitality for these very confused people in our country.  We are NOT obliged to them for anything.

They can take their "pissing on the lampost" and their Al Qaeda hate websites somewhere else. Those who cannot behave or dont know how to behave according to our culture should not be allowed to enter the country.  

What does this mean? This means placing quotas for number of entrants from some of these screwed up countries (for example ALL OIC countries except Brunei and Indonesia), all African countries and some South American and Central Asian countries. Or placing stricter visa requirements for all these countries. NO MORE visa upon arrival.

And enforcing strict immigration rules on the tenure of stay here in Malaysia. 

I also think the time has come where private colleges that take in too many dubious foreign students be classified as security threats. Yes the Ministry of Home Affairs must label private colleges which have significant numbers of dubious foreign students as security threats to the nation and act upon them accordingly. 

I also think the BN Government is going to lose a lot of votes because you dont know how to handle this simple matter. It is becoming too irritating to the normal man in the street.

The Cabinet Ministers dont see the picture because they belong to the Billionaire's Club. Their friends and cronies are the same people who have the licenses to operate the private colleges.  Its all about money.

Just a few days ago I was talking to someone (who was and maybe still is close to the Prime Minister) who was saying that we cannot solve the taxi problem in Kuala Lumpur because of the same reason - the Billionaires Club and its cronies are the same people who own or control the taxis through the permit system.  

If the local taxi drivers complain too much, they just allow the Taliban types from Peshawar in Pakistan to drive taxis.  That is why we now have foreigners driving taxis in the country. Ini semua duit punya pasal.  Will the Immigration Department check on these "foreign" taxi drivers? Or will they just 'close one eye'? Maybe Hisham can answer this question. Bro, wake up. I know you know all about this. I also know, that you know that we all know about this. Tapi buat slumber saja bro. 

You have enough money for three generations bro. You punya bank account sudah penuh. Take care of the nation.  Wake up.

You ignore the well being of your voters in favour of who? Or what? A few extra Ringgit in your bank account? How stupid can you get?   Tak boleh faham ke - orang dah fed up. Dont say I did not tell you.

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