
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Already 'King of Bullies', what more does UMNO want?

Already 'King of Bullies', what more does UMNO want?
When Utusan Malaysia posed the question,”What more do the Chinese want?” it occurred to me that the same question could be asked to UMNO, “After winning GE-13, what more does UMNO want?”
UMNO has proven herself as singularly the most powerful political party in Malaysia by winning 88 parliamentary seats. The Election Commission and the blackouts have all successfully played their part in ensuring that UMNO won. What more does UMNO want?
Her trusted cousin, Taib Mahmud, remains the Chief Minister of Sarawak just as her brethren, Musa Aman, remains the Chief Minister of Sabah. UMNO managed to retain Perak and prevented Terengganu and Johore from falling to the Opposition. Moreover, UMNO also managed to grab back Kedah. What more does UMNO want?
Ghani Othman has successfully been sacrificed together with Ali Rustam. Najib is still the ‘most beloved PM”, or at least thats what has been portrayed by the “I LOVE PM” placards! What more does UMNO want?
UMNO can form the government and nobody is in the position to stop her from gifting any post to anyone. UMNO can start stealing and siphoning off the rakyat’s money as usual for the next four to five years and nobody from the authorities will ever bother. What more does UMNO want?
UMNO is also free to change her president and nobody outside UMNO will be able to interfere with that. What more does UMNO want?
UMNO Simply Wants To Gratify Her Lust
UMNO leaders have urged the opposition to accept the election results with open hearts and focus on the welfare of the country. But as usual, UMNO will never walk the talk. UMNO wants everything under the sky as far as Malaysia is concerned. Winning GE13 is simply not enough. UMNO is not only greedy; it is full of lust, hatred and other carnal desires.
But how can UMNO win at all if it is inherently bad? UMNO is corrupt to the core and has never tried to improve or amend her shortcomings. UMNO thinks that she is always right and perfect. UMNO refuses to look into the mirror and scrutinize herself.
Now that UMNO has successfully reduced the power of the Chinese in BN by making sure that Gerakan and MCA can now close shop, she should be happy that the Malays have now finally become the ‘Tuan’ (master). UMNO should be proud that she has been able to prove to the world that she indeed has successfully accomplished “Ketuanan Melayu” (Malay Supremacy) with the 88 parliamentary seats. UMNO should be able to boast to the Malays that she is indeed the saviour of the Malays! But because of her insatiable lust for power, UMNO remains unhappy.
Why Hate the Chinese So Much?
Malaysia is a free country where one is free to voice one's opinions, free to assemble and free to vote. So what's wrong if the Chinese voted for the Opposition, especially if the Opposition has better things to offer?
Come to think of, not only the Chinese but all right-minded Malaysians voted for the Opposition resulting in the Opposition winning the popular votes! UMNO must be so jealous and angry because the ‘most popular PM”, i.e Najib (at least that what the ubiquitious placards that are present wherever Najib goes tell us) may not be that popular after all?
But UMNO cannot be that foolish to not realize that those people who carry the “I LOVE PM” are paid to do so! They are part of the "rent-a-crowd" that exists to please Najib and to show how popular Najib is on prime-time TV. The fact is that Najib is simply not that popular and he in fact is a huge baggage to UMNO and Malaysia!
Is this jealousy grounded upon the successes of the Chinese in business and private enterprises?
But have not the Chinese worked hard? Very, very hard? And has UMNO not been pampering the Malays for the past 56 years! How can pampered children be productive or able to retain the wealth accumulated by their fathers?
UMNO Must Face the Fact That She is Far From Perfect
UMNO should stop sulking. She should start taking a close look at herself and scrutinize her own weaknesses and wrongdoings. UMNO is far from perfect; she has always lied, cheated and abused its power for the self-gain of her few top leaders, family members and cronies.
UMNO had been foolish enough to field the openly racist duo; Ibrahim Ali and Zulkifli Nordin. Why not provide grants for some students to work on doctorate dissertation to see why both of them were rejected? Maybe UMNO would learn a lesson or two from the thesis. Maybe only then will UMNO stop blaming others for her own faults.
UMNO has praised herself sky high through her own propaganda machine which acts the mainstream media for the past 56 years. Perhaps this should be a wake up call telling UMNO that she is not as great she thinks!
Come to think of it, if UMNO is really that great, she would not have needed to stage all the propaganda and "sandiwara"s. Her virtues would have been obvious. Alas, UMNO has so many scandals which she has yet refused to resolve but instead would rather hide under carpet.
When there is a bulge under the carpet, everybody will be able to notice it. So its just silly to try hiding things under the carpet. When UMNO leaves a carcass under the carpet, it will eventually start to stink and the rakyat can smell the pungent odour permeating from underneath!
Instead of Shooting Her Own Foot, UMNO Wants to Blow Her Own Head Off!
UMNO today has very few new leaders who are well educated and the rakyat wants capable leaders to meet the challenges of the future - not "half-past six" leaders consisting of ex-peons, ex-security guards or ex-petition writers!
This is what UMNO has morphed into; a party of dumb asses! They cannot even accept winning GE13, let alone the possibility of losing! They would go berserk and maybe shoot their own heads off if UMNO had lost in GE13! This is how dumb UMNO can be!
Now that they are not able to shoot their own heads off, they start instigating trouble by encouraging racial hatred. UMNO is actually longing for another May 13th to justify her existence. Najib can shove his 1Malaysia into his rear end and forget the rhetoric about racial harmony and unity.
All clear minded Malaysians ought to just ignore UMNO and not react to any of her threats.
Let UMNO go on ranting like a headless chicken. One day she will just end up lifeless and the rakyat is definitely counting the days.
Malaysia Chronicle

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