
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, May 3, 2013

BN friends are phantom voters....thousand of hantu is coming to VOTE EC said is ok

fathers ghost
The Election Commission (EC) said today that it is fine for individuals to ferry voters as long as the beneficiaries are not asked to vote for certain political parties or candidates.
Yesterday, Umno secretary-general Datuk Seri Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor admitted that voters were being flown in to the peninsula, but stressed that the flights were sponsored by “friends” of BN as part of the party’s “get out the vote” campaign for Election 2013.
“It’s okay ... But if they give tickets, money, then ask voters to choose this party or this candidate, then that’s wrong,” said EC chairman Tan Sri Abdul Aziz Mohd Yusof (picture).
“If there are complaints ... MACC will investigate, police will investigate ... If it is proven to be graft, then that party is guilty,” he said, referring to the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission.
EC is not aware of the move by “friends of BN”, but Abdul Aziz explained that nothing can be done to stop the flights.
“Even if it’s true, what’s wrong? Shall we stop the flights and stop people from coming back?” he told
Datuk Ambiga Sreenevasan said earlier that the “friends” of BN have committed an election offence by flying in voters from east Malaysia to key states in the peninsula.
Ambiga, who is the co-chair of polls watchdog Bersih, also said such flights were “very suspicious” and pointed out that it was usually Sabahans and Sarawakians working in the peninsula who have to fly back home to vote in the Borneo states, and not the other way round.
“It’s an offence under 20(6)(b),” Ambiga told , referring to the Election Offences Act 1954.
The prominent lawyer pointed out that under that section, voters may be ferried to their polling stations across the sea, but that such transportation must be provided to all voters.
She noted, however, that since such flights were provided by “friends” of BN, it was likely that the flights were only for those voting for the coalition.
“You’ve got to give it to everybody. That’s the test. You can’t be selective,” said Ambiga.
Opposition Leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim said yesterday that over 40,000 dubious voters, including foreigners from Sabah and Sarawak, have been flown in since last week to key states in the peninsula like Selangor and Kuala Lumpur.
The Prime Minister’s Office has denied Pakatan Rakyat’s (PR) claim that it is involved in flying in Malaysians and foreigners to the peninsula to vote in Sunday’s polls.
National carrier MAS has also denied allegations that it is deploying chartered flights to transport phantom voters.
Ambiga urged BN to disclose the full list of voters who are being flown in to the peninsula and where they will be casting their votes in what is considered to be the closest election since independence.
“They should just come clean and tell us the whole story — who they are, their names, where are they are supposed to vote and would they have objections to people interviewing them,” said the former Bar Council president.
“Are these west Malaysians living or working in east Malaysia? Why is it they’re in such large groups only in certain areas of west Malaysia?” she added.


I urge all Malaysian to do our part, after we have cast our vote stay back for awhile & assist Pemantau & ABU to monitor the HANTU. God Bless Malaysia.
EC,MACC, and etc....all non functioning. See what happen to Taib.M case, nothing. Indebile Ink useless... Buy so expensive yet can clean off if didn't shake properly. What kind of excuse is that! Who is accountable for buying the ink. 1 australian senator come to malaysia just to witness but get block. Now thousand of hantu is coming to VOTE they say is ok!
The Elections Commission is insulting our intelligence just like what it did in saying that its staff did not shake the indelible ink. What sort of a sorry and pathetic "reason" the EC chairman is giving by saying its OK for individuals such as "BN friends" to fly in voters as long as the voters are not asked to vote for the political party. I would like to see BN friends flying in Pakatan voters just to prove the pathetic EC chairman is right in saying that this is allowed.
If this continue or happen during voting day, we better prepare like the doomsday prepper.
BN is destroying our country.
abdul aziz is talking a lot of nonsense. if you don't stop, the rakyat may stop it for you. it is bad enough that you didn't stop the illegal voters coming in by the thousands to vote for bn in critical states. the truth is, there are a million more waiting in sabah to come over here to vote in selangor, penang, kedah, kelantan, perak, johor, etc. by hook or by crook, bn will use whatever fraudulent method to ensure it is the victor. even now, our malay voters are worried of being swamped over by these foreigners. hopefully, the malays may remain united and vote wisely.
Adnan has mentioned that they are flying in people who are friends of BN and you say this is OK? Where is your credibility SPR?
Clearly EC is not independent, they should at least, with the power vested to EC in conjunction of conducting a clean & fair election, responsibility to investigate, demanding flight menifest.
But they didn't! We can't trust UMNO-BN govt, we can't even trust EC, god please save Malaysia!
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