
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, November 15, 2013

An insult for Sabah, Sarawak to be called 'fixed deposit'

YOURSAY 'The BN has repeatedly insulted Sabahans and Sarawakians by calling them their fixed deposits. That means that they think they are stupid...'

Professor: S'wak Christians can decide BN's fate

your say, YoursayDoc: Universiti Putra Malaysia professor Jayum Jawan highlights the obvious situation in Sarawak and its impact on Peninsular Malaysians.

While Peninsular Malaysians are becoming increasingly intolerant to both BN and Umno's antics and are rejecting Umno-BN's type of political governance at the ballot box, the Sarawakians' profound love for BN, which is seen in their overwhelming support for BN during the elections, keeps this regime in place.

In the end, both Sarawakians and Peninsular Malaysians continue to suffer at the hands this evil Umno-BN regime.

Kim Quek: Professor Jayum is dead right in saying that Sarawak has been the kingpin that propped up the corrupt Umno hegemony all these decades. And it is exhilarating to hear speeches like these in the Christian community in Sarawak which seems to have been the political backwater of Malaysia.

Perhaps the Allah issue has turned out to be a blessing in disguise - that it has awakened the political consciousness of the hitherto politically conservative Christians. We know that BN has always won convincingly in Sarawak - not because of genuine popular support, but due to a combination of ignorance, poverty, coercion, bribery, corruption and rampant fraud.

Let this Christian-initiated forum on religious freedom be a starting point of a journey for the people to regain their sovereignty and dignity.

And let the words of truth and enlightenment be spread henceforth all the way to the remotest long houses, among - as the professor said - "spouses , brothers, sisters, parents, in-laws, relatives and other church members and their friends".

The next Sarawak state election is only two years away, there is not much time to be lost. The challenge may be daunting, but I believe, the spirit of Sarawakians is up to it.

Headhunter: "It was you who put them there. You have done a great disservice to yourself," said Jayum.

That's hitting the nail on the head. All Sarawakians should digest his remarks. It is also true that some people practically worship their elected representatives. Just look at those shameless hand-kissers whenever a YB is around.
Rakyatfirst: Yes, Jayum, this is absolutely correct. We are not here to serve the politicians but the politicians are here to serve us. Why must we treat the politicians like gods?

Choose your representatives carefully. Don't vote for crooks and regret later. Don't sell your vote as well as your conscience for a mere RM50 or RM100, that is, unless the reps who fish for votes agree to give you half of their worth.

JBond: What a breath of fresh air to hear an academic speaking up about tyranny in our society. How many universities and professors we have where they are suppose to educate our children to have a mind of their own and speak up against injustice and society's ills.

Alas, most of these so-called academic leaders are more concern about their own tenure instead of standing up to the principles and righteousness that they teach the young. Except for a handful, like professor Jayum.

Onyourtoes: Professor, it just sounds too simple and easy for me. First, Malaysia's 'two-party system' is unique with one controlling the whole government machinery, the media and financial resources while the other one is left with practically nothing.

You know what it is like when it comes to voting in remote and interior constituencies. The pervasive ignorance, dependency, helplessness and threats these people face each day and during the election would be the dominant factors.

Second, I think the professor has completely overlooked and ignored the corrupting power of money on elected representatives. It is a fact that elected representatives can be bought and sold like GROs (guest relations officers) in massage parlours.

What more our court has decided that changing party affiliation is an elected representative's constitutional rights to freedom of association.

If one looks at the number of political parties led by Christian natives in Sarawak and Sabah over the decades, even a nincompoop would know that this is a landscape of enticement, corruption, selfishness and treachery.

Given our circumstances, electing candidates based on party affiliation is only one side of the coin. The attributes, track record and motivation of the candidates are equally important.

I know it is difficult, but it is time to develop the profiling of potential candidates - candidates who once elected will not be enticed, bribed, induced or threatened to change ship.

Third, the power of the people is before voting, not after. The people can't remove or sack rogue representatives once they are elected, not even when they change party.

Abasir: To add to this 'revelation' by Jayum, the ease with which the natives of Sarawak and Sabah are continually hoodwinked, conned and lied to by Umno and its hangers on, shows that there is something fundamentally amiss in the culture of the native populations.

It could be naivete born of ignorance and poverty, or it could be a propensity to be easily satisfied with trinkets and short-term gains offered by those who seek to rule over them.

The fact that crooks and conmen outnumber native leaders with integrity and self-respect means that both these states will continue to be raped by the ketuanans with the active collaboration of fattened parasites like their respective CMs, Abdul Taib Mahmud and Musa Aman.

Fair Play: Actually the person who decides BN fate is the Sarawak CM. And the powers-that-be only know that too well.

As reported earlier, Sarawak has a population comprising 75% Christians, but so long as the CM is seen by the Christians as the person who would protect their interests, the status quo would remain.

But no doubt with the relentless efforts by the powers-that-be to push Christians against the wall with this on-going dispute over ‘Allah', the Sarawak CM might be treading on thin ice, especially if the powers-that-be decide ban the said word from all publications of the Christian community in Sarawak.

Anonymous #33877536: What Prof Jayum said is nothing new that any right-thinking citizen wouldn't know. But it's the rural population that needs to be educated and have the issues at hand explained to them.

The political stronghold is still with the rural people. If they can be educated not with money please, but with the reality of human dignity, then there is hope; or else it will be a losing battle.

Lone_star: It is never too late. Sarawakians and Sabahans can be kingmakers. Just do what is right. A government that does not cater for the best interests of the rakyat needs to go.

Peacemaker: The BN has repeatedly insulted Sabahans and Sarawakians by calling them their fixed deposits.

That means that they think they are stupid and don't know how to live except for BN. Please teach the leaders in Putrajaya that you will no longer tolerate being treated like you are stupid.

Oldman57: Sarawakians can only help themselves. With Christians as a majority, why can't you vote for a government who can represent you rather than the present government bent on ruling through fear and force; and abusing your freedom at their pleasure? = Malaysiakini

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