
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Friday, November 8, 2013

Dr M damage-controls for Mukhriz, BAD-MOUTHS BN for money politics,SILENT on Umno sabotage

Dr M damage-controls for Mukhriz, BAD-MOUTHS BN for money politics,SILENT on Umno sabotage
UPDATED KUALA LUMPUR - Former prime minister Mahathir Mohamad has made an effort to rebut the thick speculation about himself and son Mukhriz, the Kedah Chief Minister, in the aftermath of the Nov 4 Sungai Limau by-election.
But it is clear Mahathir is trying to defend the indefensible, partly by making use of DAP adviser Lim Kit Siang to draw away some of the terribly negative attention from himself and his son, and then by throwing the 'hot potato' of money politics back to Prime Minister Najib Razak's federal government.
Pointing the finger at Najib?
A small rural seat of some 27,000 constituents, Sungai Limau is not only in their home-state but was once part of Mahathir's own constituency.
The 88-year-old Mahathir has admitted he always found the going tough in this rural area, where the folk are rather puritanical and show scant support for the Umno-BN coalition he led until 2003.
He also admitted he saw evidence of massive money politics during the recent Sungai Limau by-election, where government departments held exhibitions purportedly to promote the Agriculture ministry but ended up giving away chickens, rice and bran to the residents who came.
Mahathir, however, took care to distance himself from these signs of corruption, even arguing that such tactics no longer worked.
He pointed to the May 5th general election as an example, where those citizens who had made up their minds to vote for the Opposition had stuck to their guns despite the pleas and threats from the government.
Such voter decisiveness and termination had led the Umno-BN to chalk its worst-ever electoral performance, winning only 47% of the total votes cast but 133 seats in the federal Parliament versus the Opposition's 52% of votes and 89 seats. Such discrepancy is possible due to past rounds of gerrymandering that tipped the balance to the BN.
Why did Mukhriz allow it?
It is clear from Mahathir's posting, he has ducked some of the most obvious questions - who in BN was responsible for trying to buy the Sg Limau voters, and why then did his son Mukhriz lose?
He also shied away from tackling the talk that the Sg Limau loss signaled his waning influence in Umno, which has ruled Malaysia since 1957.
Neither did Mahathir comment on the speculation that his loss of power would bode ill for Mukhriz, whom he wants to follow in his footsteps or at least make it to the deputy prime minister's seat by the next general election.
While Mahathir made sure to implicate the federal government's involvement in the barrage of gifts and giveaways offered during the Sg Limau by-election, he was conspicuously silent about the role played by Mukhriz in this matter.
For example, did not Mukhriz know about it? Did Mukhriz not loosen the purse-strings of the Kedah state government to help pay for some of the Sg Limau expenses, which must surely run into the tens of millions?
Also, if corruption and money politics was repugnant to both father and son, why did not Mukhriz put a stop to it? Why abet and be a part of the corruption that was so evident that even his dad, on a fleeting visit, could spot it?
Ducked the question of sabotage
Mahathir also failed to take on the chin the question of whether he believed his son may have been sabotaged by rivals from within Umno, notably the faction backing Prime Minister Najib Razak.
Najib's absence in Sg Limau during the entire campaign period did not go unnoticed and was widely remarked on in the Umno grapevine.
Mahathir, who was PM from 1981 to 2003, also did not mention what sort of prospects he saw for his son in Umno and in Malaysian politics following the Sg Limau loss.
The by-election is the second defeat for Mukhriz after failing to wrest one of the Umno vice president posts in last month's internal party poll. While Mukhriz did not directly contest in Sg Limau, as the state chief he had led the Umno-BN's campaign there.
All Mahathir could offer was a rather lame excuse, "This is the politics of the times. There is much more money used than before but its influence is still not strong enough."
Politics of the times or the unwillingness to change?
But to critics, for Mahathir to blame corruption or money politics for the ills of the country, is like crying over spilled milk. Perhaps, another maxim also holds true in that, it is near impossible to teach an old dog new tricks.
Mahathir should take cognizance of his own apparently new-found wisdom that money is not the answer.
He should also take this wisdom a step further and finally accept that perhaps across-the-board reform are; and this would include closing the door on corruption, racial and religious politicking while embracing competition and fair rules.
However, there are no signs still from Mahathir, even from his latest posting, that he would agree or is even considering supporting such real and critically-needed change.
Malaysia Chronicle appends below the English translation of Mahathir's posting, which was written in Malay (Malay copy is also appended below)
The Sg Limau by-election - by Tun Dr Mahathir
I did not intend to campaign in the Sungai Limau by-election. This was part of my district during the years 1964-1969. It is hard to campaign there. But for some reason I had time on the 3rd of November and I decided to go to Sungai Limau. Sungai Limau is dominated by PAS because there is a famous religious teacher there. But this time, BN could get a foot in and I had an opportunity to campaign. But it didn't work out.
The number of PAS flags hung out were about the same as the BN's. Kit Siang and DAP were campaigning there but still feared my shadow. Kit Siang's aim was to condemn me as if I was competing. Kit Siang is not happy that I am still active despite my retirement.
In 1964, I became an MP. Kit Siang was political secretary to Devan Nair. Then after the PAP's demise in Malaysia, Kit Siang established the DAP and became its leader. I retired in 2003. Kit Siang has not yet retired, but still heads the DAP and is also the elected representative for Gelang Patah. When will Kit Siaang retire? Or will he stay at it till death? And if he does retire, will he also assume the post of Senior Leader in DAP?
The campaign now is different from before. A lot of money is used. Carnivals are held where there is entertainment, meals and free gifts such as BN T-shirts. PAS which has not come to power was forced to sell T-shirts. When they become the government, T-shirts will surely be free.
Were there government departments holding exhibitions to promote the Ministry of Agriculture, I wonder. Those who came to see the exhibition were given 10 chickens, bran and rice. Food was also made available to the visitors .
I do not know whether this show was part of the BN's campaign. If it is, very obviously, the visitors are not influenced by gifts of chicken. The truth is voters did not vote according to the gifts offered - whether in the form of money or chickens.
Maybe I'm wrong (and I admit I am often wrong ) but I think giving money and gifts will not bring victory. This is clear from the GE-13 (13th General Election held on May 5, 2013). Those who do not support us did not support us. The money given was a waste  - whether it was government money or non-government money .
The support given to political parties is based on struggle and the conduct of its leaders and candidates. If (a leader) comes in a Mercedes or a 1,000cc motorcycle, consolation and whatever has been given will not be able to win over hearts. Some voters have said this is corruption. That is their suspicion. But such thoughts even though it has not been proven to be corruption can influence their actions .
In Sungai Limau, I saw many brick houses with tiled roofs. It looks like the situation has changed a lot ince I was an elected representative. Many of the villagers are successful and have money, even though they may not be rich .
But there are still many who are poor, very poor . If they are given the opportunity and help they may be able to transform their lives.Wallah wa'alam. Then perhaps BN will be respected again.
This is the politics of the times. There is much more money used than before but its influence is still not strong enough.
Translation by Wong Choon Mei, Malaysia Chronicle (the original in Malay is appendex below)

Pilihanraya Kecil Sg Limau

Saya tidak berniat untuk kempen dalam PRK Sungai Limau. Ini sebahagian dari kawasan saya pada tahun-tahun 1964 – 1969. Saya sukar berkempen di sini. Tetapi kerana sebab tertentu saya lapangkan masa pada 3hb November dan saya memutus untuk ke Sungai Limau.Sungai Limau tebal dengan PAS kerana terdapat guru agama yang terkenal di situ. Tetapi kali ini BN dapat masuk dan saya juga boleh berkempen. Sudah longgar agaknya.
Bendera PAS sama banyak dengan BN. Kit Siang turut berkempen tetapi DAP masih takut bayang-bayang saya. Tumpuan Kit Siang ialah mencaci saya, seolah-olah saya yang bertanding. Kit Siang tidak senang kenapa saya masih aktif selepas bersara.
Pada 1964 saya jadi Wakil Rakyat. Kit Siang menjadi Setiausaha Politik kepada Devan Nair. Kemudian setelah PAP tidak dapat aktif lagi di Malaysia Kit Siang menubuh DAP dan menjadi ketuanya. Saya bersara 2003. Kit Siang belum bersara, masih ketua DAP dan menjadi wakil rakyat Gelang Patah. Bila Kit Siang akan bersara? Sampai mati kah? Jika sudah bersara nak jadi pemimpin kanan (Senior Leader) DAP kah?
Kempen sekarang ini berbeza dari dahulu. Banyak wang diguna. Diadakan Karnival di mana ada acara hiburan, jamuan dan hadiah percuma seperti T-shirt BN, PAS yang belum memerintah terpaksa jual T-shirt. Apabila jadi Kerajaan T- shirt tentu percuma.
Ada Jabatan Kerajaan yang mengadakan pameran untuk mempromosi Kementerian Pertanian saya fikir. Mereka yang datang melihat pameran diberi sepuluh ekor anak ayam, dedak dan beras. Makanan disediakan untuk pelawat.
Saya tak tahu samada pameran ini adalah sebahagian dari kempen BN. Jika ia, amat jelas pelawat tidak terpengaruh dengan hadiah anak ayam. Sebenarnya pengundi tidak mengundi mengikut hadiah – samada berbentuk duit atau anak ayam.
Mungkin saya salah (dan saya mengaku saya kerap salah) tetapi saya fikir pemberian wang dan hadiah tidak akan memberi kemenangan. Ini jelas dari PRU 13. Yang tak sokong tak sokong juga. Wang yang diberi adalah pembaziran, samada wang Kerajaan atau bukan Kerajaan.
Sokongan kepada parti politik diasaskan kepada perjuangannya dan tingkah laku pemimpin dan calon. Kalau datang dengan Mercedes atau motorsikal 1000 c.c, saguhati dan apa juga yang diberi tidak akan menawan hati. Ada pengundi yang tidak arif yang berkata ini rasuah. Ini sangkaan buruk mereka. Tetapi sangkaan ini walaupun mungkin bukan rasuah mungkin mempengaruhi tindakan mereka.
Di Sungai Limau ternampak banyak rumah batu bumbung genting. Nampak sejak saya jadi wakil rakyat dahulu keadaan banyak berubah. Ramai dari orang kampung yang sudah berjaya dan ada duit, walaupun tidak kaya.
Tetapi masih ramai yang miskin, amat miskin. Kalau mereka diberi peluang dan bantuan mungkin mereka akan berhijrah – Wallah wa’alam. Dan mungkin BN disanjung tinggi semula.
Inilah politik semasa. Duit lebih banyak tetapi pengaruh masih belum cukup.

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