
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, November 15, 2013

Menteri UMNO dah kecut teloq bila ditanya pasai gula dan 3 Menteri pencen jadi Utusan Khas bertaraf 'Menteri', gaji RM27,227.20 sebulan...

Menteri UMNO kecut teloq bila Rafizi, tanya soalan yang simple, " Kenapa gula di Malaysia lebih mahal dari gula di luar negara"

Menteri Luar,Najib dan Duta pencen...

Usul Ahli Parlimen Pembangkang untuk memotong elaun tiga utusan khas telah ditolak oleh Dewan Rakyat.

Usul oleh Sim Tze Tzin (PKR - Bayan Baru) , untuk mengurangkan satu tahun elaun berjumlah hampir satu juta ringgit, telah ditolak dengan undi suara.

Sim telah mencadangkan untuk memotong elaun wakil khas Malaysia ke China , Tan Sri Ong Ka Ting, duta khas untuk infrastruktur ke India dan Asia Selatan, Datuk Seri S. Samy Vellu, dan duta khas ke Amerika Syarikat , Datuk Seri Jamaluddin Jarjis .

Mereka masing-masing mendapat RM27,227,20 setiap bulan elaun berjumlah RM980,179,20 setahun.

Ong adalah bekas Presiden MCA manakala Samy Vellu adalah bekas Presiden MIC.

Sim berhujah bahawa negara ini sudah mempunyai duta yang menjalankan tugas-tugas mereka secara profesional di negara2 tersebut.

Beliau menegaskan bahawa hubungan rapat Malaysia dengan ketiga-tiga negara itu tanpa apa2 konflik atau pegeseran, menyebabkan tidak ada keperluan untuk mempunyai utusan khas.

"Pelantikan utusan khas akan menyebabkan kekeliruan tentang siapa yang mempunyai kuasa lebih.

"Siapa bos sebenar?" tanya Sim, sambil menambah bahawa pelantikan mewujudkan persepsi bahawa Putrajaya tidak yakin kepada duta2nya yang telah dilantik yang berpengalaman dalam diplomasi antarabangsa.-TMI

Menteri2 Pencen
Motion to slash perks for special envoys shot down...

The Dewan Rakyat today voted against a motion to slash the hefty salaries of three special envoys, who were all once prominent cabinet ministers.

NONEThe trio are Rompin MP Jamaluddin Jarjis, who is the special envoy to the United States, former MCA president Ong Ka Ting (China) and former MIC president S Samy Vellu (India, right).

The motion was tabled by Sim Tze Tsin (PKR-Bayan Baru), who pointed out that each individual drew a monthly salary of RM27,227.20. In total, taxpayers pay the trio RM980,179.20 annually.

"Their salary is double that of the minister from Arau (Shahidan Kassim), who is paid RM14,907.20. (The special envoys) are given a ministerial status. They have all the ministerial privileges and allowances.

"They are provided offices. The office of the special envoy to India is on the 25th floor of Plaza Sentral, an exclusive location. The special envoys are given secretaries, special officers, aides and bodyguards from the police.

"They are always abroad. This is costly," Sim said.

Jamaluddin wears many hats

NONESim (left) argued these special envoys were redundant because Malaysia already has ambassadors in all three countries who are well versed in international relations, unlike the trio.

He added that Malaysia already has good relationship with the United States, China and India and there have been no conflict with these countries.

"These special envoys causes confusion - who is really in charge? Who is the real boss?... (Furthermore,) these envoys, who were appointed in 2010, have not brought more investments to Malaysia," he said.

Sim also pointed out that Jamaluddin was already wearing many hats.

"The special envoy to the United States is also the head of 1Malaysia People’s Housing Programme (PR1MA). It is an important position. He is also the BN 'war room' leader for GE13," he said.

In view of the federal government's budget deficit problem, Sim urged his BN colleagues to vote in favour of his motion and stop public funds from being used to "subsidise" three former cabinet members.

His motion was, however, defeated by a voice vote after a short and uneventful debate.-malaysiakini

Muhyiddin,ini salah Anwar ke...


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