
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, November 7, 2013

'Ridhuan Tee's deviant teachings upset colleagues'

Academic and columnist Ridhuan Tee Abdullah's lessons at Universiti Pertahanan Malaysia (UPNM) have irked his colleagues and students, the Dewan Rakyat was told today.
NONEWhile debating the Budget 2014 speech, Teresa Kok  (DAP-Seputeh,right) said academic staff and students at the defence university have complained to her about Ridhuan's "deviant" teaching materials, on grounds that it does not meet academic standards.

"I have received many complaints from UPNM lecturers and students... that his tulisan sesat (deviant writings) are confusing.

"(They say) his teachings are wrong and disappointing, to the extent that UPNM lecturers feel they have to undo their students' understanding about defence concepts," she said.

Citing Ridhuan's column in Malay dailies, Kok said the professor had glorified fascist leader Adolf Hitler and supported the ethnic cleansing of Jews.
Advocating war

He also once wrote that if it were up to him, Malaysia would have gone to war with Singapore over Batu Puteh.

"(This) lecturer (is) advocating war. This shows he has limited experience in the area... So why is he teaching our armed forces?" she asked.

"Does inciting racial hatred among Malays qualify one to be a professor at a public university?"

She said that Ridhuan, who ironically also teaches ethnic relations, is better off being Umno and Malay rights NGO Perkasa adviser than teaching at a university.

Kok also noted that Ridhuan has been accused of plagiarism by a Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) academic and that a daily reported that MIC has made a complaint on this.

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