
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, December 23, 2013

Price Of Rice Cheaper In Singapore?

Latest I heard there are rumours that the Prime Minister will be "asked" to retire by March of 2014. (Err I usually hang out with pro BN, pro UMNO types ok. This is our side talking.) Who will replace him is also being discussed. 

I dont know if this will really happen or not but it shows the desperation that a very large number of pro UMNO people feel. They really want the PM to go. Someone should start a public signature campaign to see how many people want to see the PM go.

Anyway when the petrol price went up in September 2013, the Minister of Domestic Trade said the following :

Tue, 03 Sep 2013 

  • Domestic Trade Minister Hasan Malek said this quoting a study done by the ministry on the effect of the fuel price increase, the New Straits Times reported.
  • Food prices to go up only by 0.1% following the 20-sen hike in RON95  
  • Hasan told traders not to raise food prices, adding the fuel price hike was unlikely to affect food production costs.
  • "..we see no reason for them to mark up food prices as a result of the rise in fuel costs," he added.
  • Najib announced yesterday a 20-sen hike in RON95 petrol and diesel prices
  • new prices will save government at least RM1.1 billion this year
It is pretty tiring to keep saying again and again how simple the Cabinet Ministers are. I mean this is a Minister. He honestly felt that :

  • fuel price unlikely to affect food production costs
  • no reason to mark up food prices
What about the impact of higher tolls, higher cukai pintu, higher electricity tariffs, higher taxes, higher everything on food prices? Does the gomen feel that despite all these increases the food prices will not go up also? How is that possible?  Everything will go up - not just food prices. Sewa akan naik, harga kain akan naik, harga baju akan naik. Everything will go up.

I have said this many times : this is the Proton School of Management again. These people obviously think that "Buy high sell low" (beli mahal jual murah) is a good thing to do. (It is 'buy low sell high' ok)

That is what the Minister is saying. He said that it is ok for the food producers and food sellers to suffer higher costs. But they must still keep their selling prices low. 

He said the fuel hike will cause only 0.1% increase in food prices? How could the Minister have been so precise? Why not 0.05% or 0.2%?  

This is also why the people have almost completely lost trust in the gomen. The gomen talks rubbish. They even tell lies. 

Yesterday another pro UMNO person with whom I had a conversation for the first time said the gomen is "sneaky".  A good example is "Tengku" Adnan's statement that the DBKL is reducing the assessment rates from 6% to 4%.  Well thank you Babuji. But this is coming after a hailstorm of protest against the doubling and tripling of the assessment values. 

For example if you paid 6% before on a property assessed at RM8000 that works out to RM480. Now if the assessment for the same property has been increased to RM21,000 and you pay 4% that works out to RM840. That is actually a 75% increase in the amount you are paying. So the gomen is being sneaky. They say they have lowered the assessment rate but they have more than doubled the assessment values.  And  Babuji thinks he is being very clever and fair at the same time. 

A friend who is in the restaurant business gave me the following price increases of food items over the past few months (three to six months) :

Udang (medium sized) RM16 /kg to RM25.00 - 27.00 /kg  (56% increase)
Ikan Kembong RM 4.50 - 6.00 /kg  to RM10.00 /kg (122% increase)
Ikan Selar ? RM5 /kg to RM15 /kg (200% increase)
Cili padi RM4.50 /kg to RM9.90 /kg (120% increase)
Daun Ketumbar RM 8 /kg to RM 16/kg (100% increase) 
Chicken RM6++ /kg to RM 9++ /kg (50% increase)
Sayur Sawi  RM1.50 /kg  to RM6 /kg (300% increase)
Imported Indian Beef RM9 /kg to RM13.30 /kg (47% increase) 

I can vouch that in the jewellery business the workmanship charges or "upah" have increased 100% - 170% from June this year. 

A pair of simple earrings suffered 'workmanship charges' of RM3.00 a pair. They now cost us RM8.00 a pair - a 167% jump.  Workmanship charges for a simple gold ring used to be RM5 a piece. Now we pay RM10.00 - a 100% increase.   Surely we have to pass this on to the consumer in terms of higher prices, with a profit added on top. We are not the Jabatan Kebajikan Masyarakat. We have to make a profit.  So all prices are going up.

Then I did some searching on the Net and found this. These are prices of rice in Malaysia and Singapore.
Singapore rice prices

Malaysia rice prices

For easier reading,  here is a tabulation (in Ringgit Malaysia) :

Singapore Rice Prices : 
Jasmine Fragrant Rice 5kg                            = RM20.00
Thai Fragrant Rice 5kg                                  = RM24.08
Golden Phoenix Thai Fragrant Rice 5kg          = RM33.10

Malaysia Rice Prices :
Bird of Paradise AAA Thai Fragrant 5kg          = RM35.00 
Cap Udang AAA Thai Fragrant 5kg                 = RM37.00
Cap Udang Thai Wangi AAA 5kg                    = RM22.00

The same type of rice seems to be cheaper in Singapore than in Malaysia.

And here is the price increase for a 10kg bag of AAA Jasmine Fragrant rice in Malaysia from Jan 2012 until 27 Nov. 2013.  

As you can see the price has increased by 15% from Jan 2012 to Nov 2013.  

And here is some comparison with Australia. Super High Grade Basmathi Rice (5kg) sells for RM46 – RM48 here in Malaysia. 

In Australia the same Super High Grade Basmathi (10kg bag) sells for A$23.02 (or RM69 for 10 kg). That is only RM34.50 for 5 kg. How come Basmathi rice is 33% cheaper in Australia than in Malaysia? How come rice is cheaper in Singapore than in Malaysia?

So not only are prices going up but we are paying more than consumers in other countries like Singapore and Australia for basic food items. 

Why is this so? Well for starters an ex Minister controls the APs for the import of all beef cows into the country.  So the ex Minister makes his cut. Another tycoon controls the rice business in Malaysia. Again through monopolies, APs and I dont know what other artificial barriers which profits these tycoons first.

We the consumers pay through the nose. 

Now for those of you dunggus who think that it is ok for Malaysians to pay among the highest car prices in the whole world will you also say now that it is ok for your wife to pay higher prices for rice and food at the supermarkets (compared to consumers in other countries)? It is the same thing lah dunggu. 

Paying higher prices (than world market prices) for food items is just as bad as paying higher prices for cars (compared to world market prices).  

There are certainly many things wrong with the way things are structured in this country that is making our people poorer.  

Dan siapa yang akan miskin dulu? Melayu ke, Islam ke, China ke, India ke? It is the Melayu and the Muslims who are hit the hardest. Because the vast majority of them are fixed income, monthly wage earners. "Gaji bulan" secupak takkan jadi segantang. In the Civil Service alone there are 1.4 million of them. So these are the people who are being impoverished first.

The same friend at the restaurant has a computerised Point Of Sale system that tells him all sorts of information. He says that last year the average 'ticket' at his restaurant was RM14.00. This year, especially after July this year, the average ticket has shrunk to RM9.00 - a 35% drop in purchasing power. The vast majority of his customers are Malays. 

Jadi siapa kaya dulu? Orang yang pegang AP, orang yang pegang monopoli semua jadi kaya dulu. Orang biasa pula jadi miskin.   The 'Islamic banks' are cheating the Muslims of their money under the falsehood that it is Islamic. Orang Islam jadi miskin lagi.

Kiri, kanan, depan, belakang orang Melayu dan Islam jadi miskin dulu. 

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