
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, June 1, 2014

Hindraf takes Uthaya's plight to Red Cross

Hindraf has taken its imprisoned leader's plight to the International Red Cross, urging the body to conduct a fact finding mission on his treatment in prison.

It delivered a letter by Uthayakumar to the International Red Cross office last Wednesday.

"I appeal for your goodselves’ independent fact finding mission to visit me and the other prisoners who are vulnerable, helpless and at the absolute mercy of wardens & officers," read the letter.

Uthayakumar, who leads a faction of the Hindraf movement under his vehicle Human Rights Party, is serving time in prison for sedition after alleging ethnic cleansing by the government against the Indian community.

Another faction is led by his brother P Waythamoorthy under the banner of the Malaysian Hindraf Association.

Uthayakumar claimed of beatings in prison and failure to comply with regulations on top of being denied proper healthcare attention.

"Please help us end this...misery. Please help us end this torture, cruel, inhumane and degrading treatment," he said.

The letter was delivered by Hindraf representative J Vasantha to International Red Cross deputy head of regional delegation Max Wiegmann at its headquarters in Kuala Lumpur.

Memo to Bar Council

A similar complaint was also made to the Bar Council on the same day.

"We kindly request the Malaysia Bar Council to intervene in this matters and to urge the authorities to set up a special investigation team... to investigate all daily cruel, beatings, inhumane and degrading treatment and the absolute abuse of powers behind the Kajang Prison walls," it read.

Uthayakumar (abowas sentenced to jail for 30 months by the Kuala Lumpur Sessions Court on June 5, 2013.

Last October, the government confirmed that Uthayakumar was held in solitary confinement for 13 days on two separate occasions for “refusing to take instructions”.

It, however, denied that Uthayakumar was placed in a dark room or was tortured in any way.

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