
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, November 14, 2014

Big shots in the RAPE of Cameron Highlands

Big shots in the RAPE of Cameron Highlands
People in the know, people who have an intimate knowledge of all that goes on in the hill station of Cameron Highlands are quick to point out that it is really a sizeable number of big wigs who are involved in illegal logging and illegal land clearing and the hiring of illegal workers.
The Cameron Highlands district office, just like many other government departments and agencies, are powerless and unable to counter the influence and power of these “big wigs” that blatantly stamp their authority because of their titled positions and the authority that comes with it.
This is why over the years the effects of the destructive nature of lop-sided development that is unsustainable and the impact on the highlands environment has been very negative with the stark reality that it must now be declared a disaster area.
If global warming and climate change has caused temperatures to rise in the highlands, the destructive work or illegal activities by these “above-the-law” big-wigs has wrecked untold damage on the fragile highlands.
Whether or not Cameron Highlands can be saved, restored and preserved for posterity’s sake remains largely on how badly damaged it is and going by the assessment of several non-governmental organizations it looks like the damage assessed and the danger to the inhabitants and tourists and visitors is very bad.
Palanivel powerless
Even Member of Parliament for Cameron Highlands and MIC president, G. Palanivel has no means and ability to counter the evil effects of the destruction these big-wigs have brought on the highlands and it must be remembered that if this treasure of Malaysia is lost, it will be really gone forever.
Profiteers and those with an insatiable greed for wealth creation do not understand the gravity of the matter and why Cameron Highlands needs to be preserved. These people will stop at nothing as long as they make money and are the guilty parties behind the ruthless and continued rape of the highlands.
Why preserve Camerons?
But to many Malaysians and even a significant number of people around the world, Cameron Highlands is a historical legacy of the British and is best appreciated for its temperate surroundings, market gardens, colonial houses, history, tradition and tea plantations.
It is a close simulation of the old colonial master’s country or a “little England” and it exudes an old world charm that has been savored and enjoyed for decades by Malaysians and foreigners and is hard to establish such a kind of setting again.
For years the Barisan Nasional (BN) government of Malaysia has made empty promises to take care of the hill stations left behind by the British. Ever since BN’s rule, Penang Hill, Bukit Larut, Fraser’s Hill and Cameron Highlands have all suffered from great neglect and mindless development.
BN to blame
While BN is busy promoting and blowing its trumpet over all that they claim to have achieved in the process of developing Malaysia, it must be pointed out that across the length and breadth of the nation, both West and East Malaysia, much of the development that has taken place have counter or ill effects.
This means the BN government has not taken into account and neither does it have foresight in its planning to envisage how development projects will feature in the future and its effects on the people and environment.
Just like the flash floods and the environmental disaster that is taking place in Cameron Highlands now other parts of the country are also suffering from indiscriminate development which may have brought changes for the worse in all likelihood.
Govt lacks foresight, capability
BN, which has been exclusively governing this country since Merdeka or Independence from the British, is to bear the sole responsibility of the destruction of the environment of this country which has made living conditions starting to get unbearable.
From traffic jams, to high density neighborhoods, to unaffordable housing and accommodation for locals, life is starting to get to become a living hell because of poor governance and the rampant and widespread evil of corruption.
If these conditions spewed by BN are not evil enough, the reason why BN will never again win another general election is becoming clear and apparent to more and more Malaysians who are pulling out their support for BN.
BN is beginning to lose ground and starting to become highly unpopular with the rakyat. From the spiraling costs of goods and services to the gradual withdrawal of subsidies for fuel and other essential items to the implementation of the Goods & Services Tax, it is clear BN is getting unpopular.
The reason for this scenario emerging is very clear and simple. While on the one hand, the BN government is bankrupt and has no money because of corruption, waste and mismanagement, on the other hand the governing elite of this country is transferring the burden onto ordinary people.
Further woes, problems due to reckless, poor leadership
This is why the people’s problems are beginning to multiply and increase due to the fact that the BN government has exhibited and shown poor and ineffective leadership skills which have only put Malaysia in the limelight for the wrong reasons like an aircraft disappearance and a crash.
While BN-UMNO wants to blow its own trumpet of how great and good their leaders are, the opposite is more likely to be true. The Cameron Highlands is another accident waiting for a place to happen and there are a slew of reasons why Malaysia is on the verge of cracking up to become a rogue nation or failed state.
If Malaysians don’t wake up to the reality of what is happening to the country in the hands of reckless and irresponsible leaders, they will only have themselves to blame for not being warned for not seeking alternative sources of leadership in this country.
Any leadership other than that offered by BN is actually acceptable as the way and direction BN leaders are leading this country it is like as if Malaysians are following the piped pipers of BN to doom. Don’t be fooled, wake up to reality and what is actually happening in this country. - MAILBAG

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