
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, March 1, 2015

At least Najib’s popularity still high among Malays

YOURSAY ‘The dissatisfaction with him is mainly from the non-Malays.’

Chinese spurn PM, only 18pct give thumbs up

Prudent: PM Najib Razak has 58 percent support from the Malays - a good degree of support from the core group which is Umno's justification for existence - despite the jailing of Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim, the Altantuya Shaariibuu scandal and perceptions of rampant corruption.

He has maintained Malay unity around Umno. The dissatisfaction with him is mainly from the non-Malays.

If he only lessen corruption and increase development, especially enhance the high-tech and industrial service sector, Chinese support will swing back. It's still the economy, senor!

Jsuara: The overall support for Najib would be even lower once the Goods and Services Tax (GST) is implemented in April 2015.

It will hit hard on the poorer families with low income and big families, especially in semi-urban areas. The greed of Umno-BN politicians has led to excessive taxation, including GST and high charges for licensing.

Doc: Bad news for Najib - his approval rating is sinking faster than the Titanic.

Good news for Najib - United States President Barack Obama and British Prime Minister David Cameron have approval ratings in the 40 to 50 percent range.

It seems like yesterday when BN supporters and component party members were seen proudly holding up those ‘I Love PM’ banners and cheering Najib on at his ceramahs.

I guess no one will want to be caught dead with one of those banners today.

Anonymous #20513663: The key question is how East Malaysians are going to vote. There is no point doing the polling in the peninsula.

BN lost the popular votes here in 2008 and this figure has been steadily going down. Without East Malaysia, they are lost.

Yaa Lorrrr: Why hasn't pollster Merdeka Center conducted an opinion poll on Anwar himself?

Surely such a poll would be in the public's interest, yet Merdeka Centre has remained strangely silent, and continued to release opinion polls only on Najib.

Basically: Najib should rejoice. Eighteen percent is a windfall for him. I don’t think any self-respecting Chinese would give him anything but thumbs down after Agriculture Minister Ismail Sabri Yaakob blamed Chinese traders for rising prices when it was clearly Umno's fault and Najib not kicking him out of cabinet.

So by that measure, the result's not too bad for Najib. He can at least rest easy that MCA/Gerakan leaders are still putting up nice appearances for him.

Napoleon: MCA and Umno should be happy with the 18 percent of Chinese support.

I have done a survey with my family, extended family and friends, and the result was closer to zero percent.

Najib's daughter to wed Kazakh beau on March 28?

Vijay47: I don't know about you guys but I am getting all ready and dolled up for the wedding, since with a bit of luck, I might receive an invitation card, of course delivered by emissaries arriving in a carriage drawn by six horses, though I am not sure whether they are black or white.

The horses, I mean, not the emissaries. For starters, I am buying a silk shirt and for a change, not from my usual Sungai Wang but from 1Utama.

I have also started lessons to speak the language of the groom to make sure I can relate with the natives and of course to impress the Kazakhstan ladies, especially those not yet in jail.

But the clincher would be my new hair-do, which cost a whopping RM14. Even my Indian barber is all excited over my new-found extravagance.

Odin: At the couple's engagement banquet, wagyu (Kobe beef) was served. (The cost of the beef has for years been hovering around US$200 a pound or about US$100 a kilo, depending on the cut.)

If my memory serves me right, the bill for each guest was up to RM500, and the total expenses were apparently charged to the Prime Minister's Office.

Since this will be a wedding banquet, doubtless the dishes served will include even more exotic items such as toad meat, fillet of a fenny snake (a snake species that lives in the fens), newt's eye, frog's toe, bat's fur, dog's tongue, adder's fork, lizard's leg, owlet's wing, dragon's scale, wolf's tooth, and hemlock root.

All these cooked in a cauldron around which Rosmah, Najib and Maira Kessikbayev prance and jump about while chanting, "Double, double toil and trouble; Fire burn, and cauldron bubble."

BAC: Vijay47, I’m very jealous of you for being likely to be invited to the reception. Can do us all a favour?

Please bring along the latest video camera that can capture images of two uninvited guest (spirits of the mother and her unborn child) from a foreign land that happens to be the descendants of Genghis Khan.

Doc: I wonder if Najib's brothers and their families will be invited for the wedding. -Mkini

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