
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, June 1, 2015

AT CRITICAL TIMES, FIGHT FIRST NOT DREAM: Open Umno to non-Malays? Don't be preposterous, Ku Li!

 AT CRITICAL TIMES, FIGHT FIRST NOT DREAM: Open Umno to non-Malays? Don't be preposterous, Ku Li!
‘Wake up, Ku Li, Umno-BN survives and thrives on racism.’
Boiling Mud: Seriously, why would any self-respecting person want to join a herd to watch those clowns frothing in the mouth and waving the keris to threaten their fellow Malaysians?
Why would anyone with a sense of decency want to be a member of a party that seems to have nothing to offer but corrupt politicians?
Ku Li (Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah), if you have an ounce of self-respect, quit Umno and stop embarrassing us 'lain lain' by mooting your half-baked idea. Join Umno? Indeed!
Fair Play: Now why would right-thinking non-Malays want to join Umno when they are unhappy with them because of cronyism and unequal treatment of the other communities?
If they want to join, my only conclusion is that their behaviour is only measured by the size of the cheque.
Legit: It is not a good idea because Umno is beyond repair and beyond redemption.
Ku Li
It is a better for leaders like Razaleigh, Saifuddin Abdullah and others to leave Umno and join the opposition and help kick Umno and BN out and form a new government that can make this country great and treat every citizen equally and with respect.
David Dass: Spoken like a true statesman. Razaleigh has seen it all. He was the architect of the bumiputera policy. He now feels that it is time to move away from it.
Saifuddin also calls for the doing away of the bumiputera agenda and move to a needs-based policy. We are reminded of Onn Jaafar and Tunku Abdul Rahman and what they stood for.
Yes, we need bumiputera entrepreneurs but they will not come through intermediation, rent-seeking and influence peddling. They will come through high educational standards, genuine joint ventures and small businesses.
We must move to a single school system and that will only happen when English language instruction is available alongside Bahasa Malaysia. We can be bilingual. In fact, we should be multilingual.
We should move away from religious extremism. We must stay with our constitution. And we should strengthen those aspects that are important for democracy, democratic institutions and democratic processes.
And that means freedom of religion, freedom of expression, free and fair elections, the separation of powers and a truly independent judiciary. Judges should be asked whether they can be true to the oath they take when they assume the office.
Let us make Malaysia the nation it was meant to be.
Azhar: It’s a good idea. The details such as the name change can be worked out. The bigger picture is that the country needs to move away from race and religious-based political parties and politics.
This is not something new. Onn Jaafar and Tunku Abdul Rahman in their far-sightedness and wisdom envisaged this decades ago. Umno can certainly follow their lead by opening it up to all Malaysians.
However, will those few who are addicted to power and all its easy as well rich takings be willing to let others share their cake?
Common Good of Society: Even if Umno is opened to non-Malays, it’s not good enough. It only works when each and every one of us are equal in status.
As long as this superficial mentality remains, it’s difficult for the country to move forward. We need a change in government, a government that is prepared to look after all across the board.
At the moment, we see so-called leaders becoming millionaires and billionaires and the ordinary folks becoming poorer by the day due to the plundering of the nation's wealth and our currency getting weaker. Our neighbour, Singapore, is a small island but their currency is 2.6 times stronger.
The current government has nothing proud to show despite more than 50 years of ruling. Opening up to non-Malays just won't do. Not until we are treated as equals.
Negarawan: "I honestly think it inhibits unity and harmony and maybe the way forward is an open-based system, and not religious-based or race-based. I'm going to get into trouble for saying this. I don't care, I believe in it," Razaleigh said.
More than 50 years later, there is still no political will, leadership and courage in Malaysia to do what Lee Kuan Yew had done for Singapore - to free his country from communal politics and policies.
Basically: Wake up, Ku Li, Umno-BN survives and thrives on racism.
Simple example? MCA telling the Chinese the Goods and Services Tax (GST) will tax Malays more (are the Chinese supposed to be happy with that?), while Umno supposedly said the same to the Malays about the Chinese.
The result: Malaysians hate one another, but MCA and Umno laugh all the way to the bank.
888: Ku Li is in dreamland. Neither the Malays (with their mentality) want it, nor the non-Malays (knowing the mentality of the Malays) would believe this will work. - M'kini


  1. Well, now its clear why this man was never able to become our PM? He (same as all other BN members) speaks from their A**. Never expected anything clever to come out from any of the BN members. They are so comfortable that they never bother to sit and think what is the real cause of their losses.

  2. Well, now its clear why this man was never able to become our PM? He (same as all other BN members) speaks from their A**. Never expected anything clever to come out from any of the BN members. They are so comfortable that they never bother to sit and think what is the real cause of their losses.


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